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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. Donte Scott losing weight has been huge for the team - he is so much quicker out there. I also like how they move the ball on offense....and they're actually pressing on defense. They had Louisville on the run the entire game.
  2. I was speaking with a dude at my friend's wedding that is a HS coach in the area - he was talking about how schools like Bishop McNamara have found some inner city kids that are straight monsters on the soccer field. The athleticism usually reserved for basketball is now being transferred to the soccer fields since there are only so many football and basketball scholarships to go around, soccer is now becoming another avenue for kids to get to college.
  3. i'd be fine with the pinstripe bowl again if it's against someone worthwhile beating for recruiting purposes like Notre Dame.
  4. Lets. Go. Feds. It works. Update the colors to burgundy/gold and have an alternate red/white/blue uniform.
  5. I heard Jackson Mahomes was flying in specifically for this event just to do a dance?
  6. I'm perfectly fine with Russia having a civil war and being broken up into different ethnic sub-countries. Russia destabilizing and not able to spread their bull**** around the world anymore is a good thing. Couple that with Iran losing a trading partner and their ongoing revolt that hopefully will result in some meaningful regime change, that would be a major win for world peace. The rest of the world could then focus on China.
  7. Say the GOP holds the majority in the House by a slim margin, how many people on the GOP side are moderate enough to go along with any Dem bills? Can the House start voting on things now they want to get passed next year knowing they won't have control so that the Senate can vote on it come February once they have a 51/49 majority if Warnock wins?
  8. Chase Marriott *Boundless is great if you stay at Marriotts often
  9. I'm sad to see Twitter collapse since it has been a useful tool, but god damn if this isn't hilarious to watch burn.
  10. Give it some more time, but Lake has already started questioning the results https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/09/politics/kari-lake-arizona-governor-race/index.html
  11. I am looking forward to a GOP candidate finally growing some balls and saying **** DJT on the campaign trail
  12. I voted mostly GOP up until the 2016 election - won't vote for Republicans again until there are major party changes
  13. Warnock just closed the gap in Georgia....down less than 1k votes. If that type of lead holds, in the runoff, the libertarian vote should hopefully tilt in his favor 🤞
  14. It feels like its all coming down to Georgia again and a December runoff. My hope is that the Libertarians see the need for Warnock to win to keep the slight majority in the senate and vote for him in the runoff
  15. WTF is Virginia doing with VA-7 being this close. It is maddening. Where are the women voters angry about abortion rights??
  16. Can we get new ownership in here and then throw all the money at Ohtani?
  17. You've got to be ****ting me - technical difficulties with the live drawing
  18. God Deni is a complete blackhole on offense. He hasn't improved his shooting or finishing one bit since he was drafted. I have to think his trade value right now is at best a hot fudge sundae. I doubt he gets extended after next season...such a wasted pick
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