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Everything posted by Chew

  1. Dr Who about to air out that ceremony
  2. @Dont Taze Me Bro @Dr. Do Itch Big or any other ES Sony homies.... anybody picking up MW2 this fall? I haven't bought a COD in several years but this new one looks friggin' awesome. It's been a while and I'm ready to defecate on bammas. also, my wife just got a job working for EA Sports as a technical writer. She's a gamer girl so that's pretty cool.
  3. I would post an "and knowing is half the battle" meme, but considering your screen name and profile pic, I've decided to choose life.
  4. Welcome, brodie. It sucks here. I've been 40 for about three months. I currently have on a back brace under my tshirt, my left shoulder is ****ed, and my knee clicks when I go up the stairs.
  5. Here's a video from that Texas CPAC. These people would identify as "patriots," yet they're praying for a man who tried to overthrow the United States government 😑. This stuff genuinely frightens me.
  6. After hearing really good things about Prey, I just finished watching it. What a pleasant surprise!! When I first Hulu was making an exclusive Predator movie, I likely rolled my eyes. Well, I'm eating crow this morning. One of the best movies I've seen this year and probably the second best Predator movie after the original. It was ****ing awesome. Currently sitting at a 92% on rotten with over 120 reviews.
  7. As the softest registered member of ES, I just wanna remind everyone to not sweat the small stuff, and try not to take anything personally. Smoke weed and be nice to people. HTTR 🤙🏽✌🏾
  8. Two episodes into Amazon's Paper Girls, really enjoying it so far. We're less than three weeks away (8/21) from the GoT prequel. I hope they get it right 🤞🏽 LotR series premieres two weeks later, 9/2.
  9. Check out this account: https://youtube.com/c/CrankDatClassicPATapesandCDs It's old school gogo only. There are dozens of Rare Essence tapes (full shows) on there from 1978 - 1993. Lots of early Junkyard from the 80s. Also, as far as I can tell, this account has every single PA tape ever released before the year 2000. If you click on "playlists," they have all the shows organized by band. 69 Back tapes, 68 Groovers tapes, 59 Junk tapes, 48 Essence tapes. So much crank 🤘🏽 RIP to the golden era of gogo, 1988 - 2003. I've never experienced anything else like it.
  10. Ed Dillinger was one of the most iconic bad guys in the 80s for me as a kid. RIP to them both.
  11. J.Cole delivers one of the most powerful verses I've heard in years. Like, possibly top 10 verse of the last decade. Alchemist with the smoooooth ass beat 🤘🏽
  12. You could also just lay off the Tren, would help get that little fish stick of yours going. Drinking PB cup protein shake.
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