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Everything posted by CousinsCowgirl84

  1. Well, I guess we’ve found out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object.
  2. You are supposed to be in control of the vehicle. He should have never gotten close to the train. Tap the breaks, autopilot disengages. Ask yourself, if you were looking where you were going at all, could you have stopped the car in time to prevent an accident? The answer is yes.
  3. Is anyone shocked that @tshile is the uncool parent? I’m surprised we are still taking about this. Tax unhealthy food, subsidize healthy food. but America does the opposite.
  4. They had everyone but the ayatollah on this chopper. The foreign minister was on it too. If Israel wanted to kick Iran while they were down, now is the time.
  5. This is most liked, not your most liked. Now, you didn’t hear it from me, but I imagine there are quite a few evangelicals who question Bob Rosses sexuality enough to knock him down a peg.
  6. Effective leadership always results in better outcomes, full stop, regardless of your wall of text. If you want to argue that statement, go ahead.
  7. It’s pretty cold in the mountains.. if they don’t die in the plain crash there’s alrways exposure.
  8. It wouldn’t have been an attempt.
  9. Hard landing into the face of a mountain…
  10. Yes, enemies communicate all the time. What do you think the leaders of Hamas and Israel were doing in Egypt? They were both “lobbying” with each other over hostage deal. Now, if your last sentence is saying Palestinians are incapable of forming a functional government, I agree with you. But that’s why there isn’t a viable two state solution.
  11. Effective government would have allowed them to lobby Israel, international organizations, regional allies in order to persuade Israel to head in the direction of a Palestinian state. But for sure, no one wants to work with a bunch of **** flingers or otherwise corrupt/inept leadership. It’s like you think countries that have positive outcomes have just lucked into them, instead of been lead into them.
  12. yea, you just said it’s possible. And if it happens then their actions are justifiable. That is not right. If there was a viable government within Gaza they would have a Palestinian state by now. They don’t not because of Israel, but because they themselves are inept. They’ve chosen to be led by terrorists and the corrupt. Thats on them.
  13. Time to increase the tax on coke and Big Macs to pay for it. Really, “**** big pharma” sound cool but is ultimately stupid. Big pharma is what is saving your fat ass from high blood pressure and heart disease.
  14. Apparently these Childrens never been to chuckee cheeses back in the day. Snow flakes. That said a 40 year old man should never play the role of a 6 year old girl.
  15. Yes, like you said, killing and starving Palestinians is in their own interest! The protestors should be ashamed of themselves. Genocide is the only way to guarantee statehood. If it worked for Israel is bound to work for Palestine. according to you, they do 🤷‍♂️ Agreed. My issue is that people like @PeterMP pretend Hamas actions are justifiable. Trying to claim they are working in the Palestinians best interests. **** that.
  16. Only one of them is supposed to have the Palestinian interests at heart, though.
  17. No aid to Gaza unless it meets Hamas demands…
  18. What percentage of people with large gun collections do you think fantasize about committing mass shootings? Not necessarily would come up with a detailed plan or anything but just romanticize the idea of mowing down masses of people? 60-70 percent?
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