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Everything posted by BatteredFanSyndrome

  1. Yeah, I think we should learn from the false confidence we had from 2020’s defensive performance. They are about to face two teams with some elite offensive weapons in Jefferson and AJ Brown, which will be the real test.
  2. I always find these posts interesting. Clearly they care a lot about it or else they wouldn’t have invested so much time defending or attacking the pass. I’d venture a guess that had @zCommander just said “yeah, great for Taylor to buy time, but the pass was risky and Terry bailed him out” there wouldn’t be pages of back and forth litigating the pass. For me, I always tend to look at these things from the other side, as in how would I feel if the same play occurred against my team rather than for it. I think if Ehlinger tosses that thing up there and Fuller fails to pick the ball, there are a bunch of Commanders fans crapping on Ehlingers throw and feeling snake bit by the loss as a result.
  3. Believe me, bud - No need to explain again, I’m well aware that you don’t believe it was under thrown. The screenshots, lengthy explanations and theories surely suffice. 🤣
  4. Thank god we have a new thread to discuss extending our backup QB not even halfway through the season. 😭
  5. Not so much for me. I honestly just laugh at these screenshot breakdowns and explanations of why his throws aren’t bad. Not just this one, but I’ve seen this exercise before over his hospital balls. I feel like even Taylor himself would pat you on the back and tell you to relax, the throws were bad but it all worked out in the end. I’ve been smoking weed for 25 years, in different locales, from different sources, and I’ve never had any that put me in a headspace where I could believe that Taylor Heinicke will win even so much as one Super Bowl, much less 3 and a trip to the HOF.
  6. I get where you are coming from. But there is a lot in motion right now. Dan is preparing for an expensive battle to keep the team. He has liquidity issues to boot. There’s not a chance he’s eating 2 years salaries for Ron, his staff, and the guys in the FO- of whom I assume have similar contract lengths as Ron. Ron is likely to be here next year minimum, and I could see him being the outlier to coach the last year of his contract - unless something happens swiftly to remove Dan. I get the impression what takes place on the field is merely going to be a sideshow to the main event which will be the NFL vs. Dan.
  7. If Taylor Heinicke only knew the lengths in which some folks will go to litigate on behalf of his arm strength…
  8. No offense, but I’m not taking any advice from anyone still so obsessed with this team that they can’t fathom why folks harbor major resentment for Dan. Believe me, I also look at guys like you as if you’re certifiably insane to still care so much. I always chuckle when you guys pretend to be on a high horse talking about you’ll never stop caring and if you do, you won’t watch. As if there is some law that you have to be a die hard fan to watch a football game. I never said that I literally root for losses. What I do, is watch the games pretty much devoid of any attachment or emotion of the outcome. There are moments from year to year where I get into the games, but nothing like how it used to be. My point was that over the summer, I saw the Colts game as one I definitely wanted to win - specifically because of how they did Carson on his way out and how they made Matt Ryan out to be Joe Montana in his prime. But given the matchup was Heinicke vs. Ehlinger’s 1st NFL start and Dan Snyder’s “spokesperson” statement about the teams meeting on the field the day before the game, I would not have been sad at all to see him leave with an L.
  9. What if I told you that’s not the first or even second time? 😭
  10. I’d like to negotiate a settlement between both parties. Heinicke should be commended for extending the play and giving Terry a chance. The Hive must though concede the pass was poor and could have easily gone the other way.
  11. Literally the only positive I can give to Turner is that he does lighten the load for Heinicke and primarily sticks to what he knows can be most effective with him behind center. Something I haven’t really seen with any other QB under him.
  12. Do you need glasses? I didn’t say there was zero praise for Wentz and I said during camp not after the trade. The comments from Terry and others were solid but not overly glowing of Wentz. They mostly centered on a strong arm. Of course after a big win, guys are gonna cheer him. You’re just searching for reasons. First, I know there was fluff pertaining to Wentz because I read it and saw it. Terry spent the majority of the summer in contract negotiations so it’s a bit disingenuous to even use him as an example, when pretty much the only thing on record from him is that Wentz was a big factor in him signing his extension here. I think that speaks volumes as opposed to whatever you seem to believe was missing. My point still stands that it’s odd to me that Heinicke played 16 games last year, including some really fun wins, yet there was not a whisper from anyone that suggested we needed more Heinicke. That also speaks volumes. It’s not surprising to me in the least that the guys are hyping Heinicke. He’s a major underdog that’s easy to cheer for - most guys with his arm and body would get absolutely waxed and be lucky to sniff a roster. He’s also been here for a while and shown them that he can turn the moxie up at the end of a game, give his guys a chance and go win a game. I’ve actually been here since 2004, under the name RonBurgundy&Gold. My participation waned for a while and I came back with a new more fitting name. But yeah, forgive me for not being positive as there’s so much positive stuff to talk about over the last few decades. It’s amazing how I can even find anything to be negative about. I stand by the fact that just a few weeks ago, 99% of the board wanted to burn it all down, we were talking about how a meltdown season could help in the ouster of Dan and so on and so forth. Now a few squeaky wins later against bad teams and let’s shoot me for not being amused. 🤣
  13. So let me get this straight, not one player on the roster from last season made even so much as a whisper that Heinicke should be given a chance to start. Heinicke mania had its time, that came and went. After perhaps the worst game of football I’ve ever watched against the Giants to end the season, there was not one sound bite, tweet, etc. to be found in favor of Heinicke. There was plenty of fluff about Wentz after getting him. Terry specifically said that signing Wentz was a major reason for him to sign an extension. Wentz held a camp out west where he built great rapport with Dotson. Jon Allen is on record multiple times talking about how all he’s seen from Wentz is positive and that all the negative stuff is because the league is like high school, and much of it is BS. After the comeback against the Jags, Wentz spoke in the locker room and the whole team was celebrating with him. As you can see, said enthusiasm for Wentz didn’t pay much in dividends. Bottom line, when you win - everyone loves you, no matter how it transpired. But if Heinicke can’t regularly pull the rabbit out of the hat, the enthusiasm will be hard to find. That’s not unique to him, that’s just how it is in general.
  14. I thought week one was a pretty good showing for him on that end. I agree on the touch piece for short passes, but his long ball is pretty sweet. In fact, it seems to be one of the only redeeming factors of his game he has left.
  15. What’s with the ‘Wentz would…’ schtick? It’s not just you doing it, but I’ve been seeing it a lot. I’ve seen nobody calling for more Wentz, not now or ever. I also disagree, in that Carson probably gets sacked on this play but had he actually bought time to make the throw, it’s a standing TD.
  16. I don’t recall anyone rallying around Heinicke the end of last season. Nor do I recall any player in the offseason going to bat for him that he should be given a chance to start here. I do recall a lot of positive vibes and remarks about the Wentz acquisition, as well as his camp with the guys out west. So yeah, this whole ‘Heinicke is the galvanizing force’ narrative doesn’t really jive for me. I do think the guys like and respect his underdog status and they have seen him pull a rabbit out of a hat on more than one occasion. I also think the leaders on this team know that hyping him up and showing him they believe in him is the right thing to do. I hadn’t even read this when I made my post, but yeah - we’re on the same page with this.
  17. It sounds like you are in your feelings and for that I can’t help. Posters that enjoy games like yesterdays make posts about Debbie downers and whatever else they refer to me as and I just keep posting, not caring about what they think. Give it a try.
  18. We were also led by Joe Gibbs, in the early days of Snyderitis. We could still dream at that point in our fandom. 😭
  19. You either know damn good and well or you don’t, not sure… But I cannot recall anyone citing passer rating as a means to prove a point in a decade+. At least use QBR, of which Heinicke was only a few notches worse. Prior to that final drive, of which I’ve given Heinicke credit for he was 18-26, 200 yards with a god awful pick and 10 points on the scoreboard for 58 minutes. I expect to see you posting regularly in this thread when things are going the other way.
  20. Oh, my apologies. My eyes and the scoreboard escapes this archaic metric you’ve cited as proof positive it wasn’t an awful game of football.
  21. I specifically used the word ‘goober’ in place of what I really meant in an effort to be civil and this is the thanks I get, sheesh.
  22. I long for the day this team elicits emotions out of me that could constitute as a panic attack.
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