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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. As a resident of Atlanta I am not sure our Mayor could do a much better job. She was weeks ahead of the governor in the lock down for Covid-19 which saved who know's how many lives. And with the protests she has been ahead of it as best she can at every step. She has been decisive but within reason in every decision she has made. She had no choice - or at least no choice to any rational person - than to fire that two cops. They brutally manhandled those two students when a much safer and calmer set of actions could have been taken. But she has also supported the police doing a good job. It is a very hard balance and in the end our leaders are still people. So despite our expectations they be perfect, they will make mistakes. But so far I see her intent as honest and sincere. I voted for her but to be honest I was only luke warm to her as a candidate but she was the best of who we were given. None of us knew what world events would happen. So far, she has handled the job with leadership, grace, and intelligence. Even her admonishments of trump have been measured and professional. One of the best things I have heard her say is - "We are not perfect". Why is that so hard for politicians to say? NM. If you missed it, here is an interview with her on MSNBC this morning. It's pretty good, at least I believe so. They tried to bait her into some more caustic words for trump but she stayed on message. Maybe others see it differently, but I am glad she is our mayor. https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/atlanta-mayor-asks-trump-to-be-the-leader-we-need-right-now-84229189870 BTW: She is on the last short list I saw for VP for Biden. Would not be a bad choice. She does have the same concern Abrams would have, she is light on experience. But unlike Abrams she won the last office she ran for, albeit a smaller role. May help deliver GA which would be a major shot to the Rs. Anyway, if she really was under consideration, this will not hurt her.
  2. I live 2 blocks from Lenox Mall. I can't see anything though and clearly I am not going there. I did see the barricades when i went to the grocery store earlier. We had a Public Safety Curfew placed on the city of Atlanta from 9Pm until sunrise. This is like the DC Riots of the 1960s. And the presidents response is to incite more violence.
  3. Are we? Do you have any data to show that "we" are ready? "We" meaning each state individually since we do not have a comprehensive detailed approach from the federal government as a template - well they gave guidelines but then said to ignore them - so there is that. I personally have not seen any evidence that the time closed has been used to reopen in the safest manner possible. 1. Do we have enough testing? 2. Do we have clear guidelines as to how to evaluate the tests as to identify areas of outbreak quickly enough for containment? 3. What is the containment plan once testing shows there is an outbreak? These are the bare minimum questions that need to be addressed. I have not seen answers from anyone. Right now the approach seems to be well looks like the worst is over so let's reopen and just hope for the best. That is reckless at the least if not genocide at it's worst.
  4. It appears the St Dispatch Editorial Board has uncovered yet another of the Trump's administration's lies. This one is about the Obama administration not leaving any PPE and other materials needed to respond to a pandemic. We already know there was a playbook left. Moscow Mitch even had to admit that. But it seems that when the administration offered it's 2020 budget proposal, there were $102.9M in cuts because the Trump administration at the time stated the Obama administration left them everything they needed for a pandemic. Here is the key statement: But the newspaper said a chart provided by the Trump administration with the (2020) budget shows that by 2016 ― Obama’s final year in office ― the nation’s public health emergency preparedness was at between 98% and 100% by every key measure. “That’s by the Trump administration’s own assessment,” the Post-Dispatch said. “If the cupboard was bare, it’s because Trump swept it clean.” Here is the link: https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/trump-obama-pandemic-budget-cuts-085217775.html In fairness, it is possible that there was plenty of PPE and other resources for known potential pandemics and that the Covid-19 required materials not known. But that's not what trump said. He said they left the shelves empty. That they started with nothing. Clearly a huge lie. I have not been able to confirm this anywhere else but it does make sense. As I said we know there was a playbook. We also know a team had been identified to address a pandemic including a scientist in China's CDC through WHO that was dismantled by trump. What does not make sense is for the Obama admin to go through all that trouble and then do nothing to restock the shelves of physical equipment needed. If this proves to be true, Biden and Dems everywhere need to hit this hard. Not only did he cut the pandemic response budget he lied about equipment available, yet still did not use his executive powers to get those materials needed until it was already too late.
  5. At least you finally said what you had to say even if it was to a different post. i stated already there is a difference between opening now vs. we should be preparing for opening as we do need to open at some point, a distinction you are not making. WHat that time and point vis I do not know. Also, what "re-opening" looks like will very likely look very different than what it was before this pandemic. We should be using the time the economy is shut down to prepare for an open economy with a new serious health danger. But so far the administration has had no interest in preparing for the economy to re-open on that it re-open. So, my overall point was not that it needed to reopen now. In fact I made the case we are NOT ready at all. We have not done the things we should to prepare for a re-opening on the economy. That list of things was just a small part of what needs to be worked out. The current administration has done almost nothing. So re-opening now would be a disaster. But you apparently stopped at the first sentence. And just to be clear since you made the accusation otherwise - I have no problem following social distancing requirements for as long as needed and have been since our Mayor implemented shelter at home in Atl - a full several weeks before our idiot governor.
  6. You clearly have something to say so say it. This kind of snarky veiled insult stuff is a waste of time.
  7. LOl you guys are hilarious. So what exactly is so egregious about "obviously we have to re-open?" Is it your contention the economy stay closed forever? Was never the intent of shutting things down - or at least should not have been - and that was the point you either missed or chose to ignore. Now had I said we need to reopen now - then Ok fair enough. But that is not what i said at all. My point was that we have not used the time shut down properly and thus not ready to open up. That the shut down should time should have been used more wisely than it appears to have been used.
  8. Since i never said dems do not want a strong military, it is you who is perpetuating a "dumb myth". Maybe I could have worded it better, but the point was many dems/progressives will not want to put more money into the military at this time but it may be necessary. I love that you read an entire comment and picked one small part of it to be offended by. It's like the only reason you read it was to find a way to be critical instead of having a value added conversation.
  9. In an effort to get us back to the OP topic - The real issue with opening back up is not whether we should or not - of course the economy has to be reopened. Fact is shutting things down should not be counted on as the cure to the pandemic. It should have been used as a time to reset ourselves and get prepared for an open economy with a deadly disease in our midsts. There are many questions that should have been addressed during this time: For example: 1. Appropriate testing be made available - both pre-test and anti-body testing. 2. Do the research to understand what the medical requirements will be - hospital space, PPE, personel, etc. ANd how can that be managed so the resources are as fluid as possible - if MN needs more than Idaho, make it happen. 3. Containment plans for new outbreaks to keep them from moving. 4. What financial support needs to be made available so people do not lose everything. I like that the Dems are trying help everyone they can, but there is a limit. Do we really need to provide $100Ms for arts and humanities (just one example of unnecessary funds)? In the regular budget? Of course. I support the Arts 100%. But this is an emergency. We need to get real help to real people. And reps need to stop pandering to their corporate donors. Mitch wanting liability relief for businesses making people come back to work is a slap in the face of every working person in America. How do we support both people and businesses in a meaningful way? 5. What is the realistic timeline for a vaccination and how will it be distributed, administered and tracked? This is the ultimate solution. If there is no clear path then we have to make those plans too. WE need to plan as if no vaccine will ever be discovered. 6. Dems will not like this as most I know do not want to put even more money into the military, we may need to right now, SO, how do we ensure our military a defenses are kept strong? This is a prime time to come after the US, either financially, electronically or by dragging us into unneeded wars elsewhere. All could thin our military to the point where an actual attack is possible - not fear mongering here. This is part of future planning - plan for the worst hope for the best. 7. If we have to shut down again, how can that be done with the least amount negative impact. And how can we make it uniform? Federal government needs to lead but with the states input. I know this an odd thing, but maybe work together. Those are just a few the more important questions i can see. People much smarter than me I am sure know many more and can articulate those and what I have listed above better. The bottom line i see no signs that any of that has happened outside small pockets within states. Our current administration has not done the work to be proactive and ensure the time closed has been value added. They agreed to the states shut downs on their own time (something they actually do not have control over) and washed their hands of responsibility - no pun intended. All these state openings will be fine until the one that opens up the spread of illness in a rapid pace. Without plans in place to find, isolate, and prevent spread there will be mass fear. And what? Close everything again? Then what? How many jobs, businesses, lives will be lost? The only way I see out is a change in leadership as the current leadership has not shown the capacity to admit mistakes and learn from them, the key to be a great leader. Hey, maybe I am wrong and the federal gov will roll out a 15+ pt extensive recovery plan. But I am not holding my breath - at least not while my mask is on and I can breath freely.
  10. Ok ,that is hilarious. Best comment i read was "doing exactly what the libs asked for, to own the libs!" LOL I find it ironic as hell that taking guns to state capitol buildings to protest what is perceived as gov taking freedoms is appropriate but a player kneeling at a football game is anti-american. It reminds me of the backwards thinking portrayed on a consistent basis by 45/fox supporters. See below. And:
  11. On the twitter page above about tyranny, someone wrote a pretty awesome response:
  12. Even more reason why if the wait is more than 30 mins I am out. But fair enough REed Lobster owns some of it if they paid. They were being told it would take forever so still not smart. And i bet they could have gotten their money back Monday. Either way, still no reason to start hitting people. Last but not least and i will move on - Mother's Day is historically the busiest day of the year for restaurants. Think really hard about the "Let's make something for Mom plan". Just sayin' 🙂
  13. She is lucky no one really punched her back. I have worked in restaurants and bars and it's like a family. You may get mad at each other but you will also do about anything for each other including defending someone from a fight. Did you see skinny cook dude about to go after her when she swung a second time... LOL Also, if you are stupid enough to wait 3 hrs for food (unless you are Ok with it and do not complain), you are an idiot and deserve what you get. After about 30 mins I am either finding somewhere else, or going to the grocery store and make something. We have done that more than once. Nothing against the restaurant. They are doing the best they can. I just do not like to wait. So I don't.....
  14. Agreed to all you have. To continue on this path - I think it shows just how fragile the unemployment was. Many of those jobs are part time, gig work, and are in the service industry. In a truly robust economy there proportion of those being laid off, fired, furloughed so quickly should not be this high a percentage. So it feels like looking at the data that the low unemployment rate was a bit artificial (for lack of another word). So even "reopening" the economy will not result in the same employment levels as just before the pandemic. This is even more reason to look at a UBI.
  15. I live in Atlanta and play golf on the weekends. There are very specific Coronavirus rules And I noticed the same thing you did. In many places, especially jsut outside the city, it looked like there were no restrictions at all. I also saw where some 70,000 people from other states not on lock-down came here, maybe more. We will see if this leads to a spike in cases. I hope not, but it's hard to beat science and mother nature.
  16. My very best wishes and hopes for your health. All of us without any major health concerns take that for granted sometimes. And that is why many others just don't understand the risk they are putting others at is just as important as their own risk. By ignoring the precautions they are putting other people lives at risk without their knowledge or consent.
  17. trump is our president. Do you really need an answer....
  18. My niece lives in Austin. In fact I had plans with some other family to go see her until Covid interrupted. She has said she is not going anywhere. She works at UT so at least she is not being forced out. Glad you got to visit. Hope things get better but as you stated it looks like worse before better. And easy on that whole "older" stuff! We are just more experienced! 🙂
  19. i was actually hoping they would ignore the quarantine. Let them spend every minute together. the sicker she gets the closer he should be. Just sayin'
  20. Check this young lady out. It's crazy what she does in just a few minutes:
  21. Problem is I would have to look at the picture. Not sure I can do that without throwing up.
  22. Totally agree. Loved the first two seasons of goliath. I like the format where it's one case the entire season. Allows them to explore the characters. But that 3rd season was just bad. Also watching The Wire. Never watched it when it came out. I just finished Taken on Netflix. . It was pretty good. Surprised they cancelled it. I thought it was good and getting better. And also just finished Jessica Jones. Really hope they bring that back when they restart the Marvel shows on the other stream.
  23. Very sorry for your loss. Just a very scary time! Never more so than when it hits you directly. The best to you and your family!
  24. Sorry, these are just excuses. Apathy is not a reason it's an excuse. Harder for them to vote? How is that? Only the very young - 18/19 maybe and maybe a few others but even then, my son know he could vote in primaries at 17 and did. You can use a parents address. And what does having insurance have to do with voting? Or paying rent? They don't run a background check. Sorry, all excuses. Not caring is also just an excuse. They are do a pretty good job of whining about what's wrong. But then fall flat when it's time to do something. And here is the best part, while that group of non-boomers includes young people, 40 to 54 y/o have no excuse at all. All the items you listed above may work slightly until people are say 25. So if we make it 25 to 54, you still have 128.4M to 94.7M - 35% more potential voters - and that's without the the 20-24 demographic! Sorry, can't blame the previous generation when you have the ability to change things and are either ill-informed, lazy, or too apathetic to make the changes needed. Let me at least try to tie this back to the thread - had the younger demographics voted in 2016 trump never wins and there are likely 1000s of Americans still alive as they would have been the adult in the room instead of the child. But they did not vote despite that being a right given to them. But sorry OP, this has gotten us way off topic. I am glad to take this to another thread. If i find something I appropriate I will post something there. My last on this topic here. I say this hypothetically.
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