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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. We all know that. twa, I know...in your world & mine, you get your ass whooped in school, it was warranted, and you're probably gonna get it ten times worse when you get home. These ain't those times. I wouldn't want that to happen to a member of YOUR family, even if you're okay with it. I've...how do we say it?...evolved.
  2. You wouldn't strike at ANYONE grabbing you by the throat? I know I would. Then again, I was taught that you always mind your elders. I'm not that girl, never would be. But instincts to save your life kick in when your throat/neck area is threatened. That throwing of her with the desk could've easily broken her neck, BEFORE the second throw.
  3. I simply cannot believe what I saw. The officer should've enlisted the help of someone, where they could try to remove her, one on each arm.=(if that was the ultimate goal). No way one of my grandkids disobeys me. Threaten to call grandma, they'll straighten up quick. I promise. I've never even swatted one. I don't have to. They know "that look".
  4. We've had 2, for at least a month, on the front porch. The big writing spider has a really cool web going over the light fixture, which we've wanted to keep for Halloween, so far, so good. The other one I have to duck under, not so good. don't like him at all.
  5. Did she pull a Gisele? Right when that happened, I told hubby, "He's usually money!" He responded, "Well, he's broke now..." LOL
  6. I guess letting you know I got it all back would be disappointing. Hail to DISH.
  7. Anybody else having problems with DISH this morning? My Hopper DVR has been cleaned out, and my soaps and The Daily Show scheduled recordings have been erased. WTF?
  8. Holy hell, I hated to root for the Patriots yesterday... but that was yesterday. **** the Patriots, **** Tom Brady, and **** the Cowboys. Hail.
  9. We've got grass coming back in bald spots...almost 3 whole weeks of rain here in ATL. Looking forward to drying out...forecast is a dry week in the mid-70s. Rock on.
  10. Y'all stay safe, I'll be thinking positive thoughts. My family is on the side of a mountain near Harrisonburg.
  11. Take a big trash bag to cover your seat. The big ones will go over the entire thing...hubby's trick from Duke/GT last year...he sure showed up a buttload of engineers when we had a whole hour of rain delay...right after the half. (And I don't go to any event without a couple bar towels stuffed into my bag.) Smarty-pants people got schooled in common sense, LOL
  12. I hear ya, Kosher. It's totally sucked for a week plus and looks like we'll barely see the sun this week. And I'm no expert, pez, but from what I've seen, it might get rough up there. Hail to y'all.
  13. ...or a bunker like Hackman in "Enemy of the State"?
  14. I'm getting security messages every frickin' where. WTH?
  15. Hubby's been ****ing with so much **** today, he's about to get cut off. I'm having the same issue. Blaming it on hubby works for me.
  16. Thanks, Fletch1...was just about to search...that's the one MorrisonJ had recommended & it's worked great for the last 2 games. Hail, y'all!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Cricfree link 6 is ok but not great ... Edit :RG Kitty is all over my keyboard, monitor, etc. Guess she ain't happy. Duh with a TD. ****
  18. http://zunox.hk/zunox2.html This is what I've found from Morrison's link, says HD...I'm stoked! Hail!
  19. I'm gonna PM MorrisonJ to see what he's streaming, his was the best last week, it was zunox.com
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