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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. Has anyone in an authoritative position investigated the dispatchers? Vital information was not relayed, that it was possibly a minor & that the gun didn't look real...where's the culpability in regards to them? And not to argue "dealing with police", but stray bullets kill as well. We are all at risk.
  2. I might sit there, but I ain't ordering anything except booze. Lots of it.
  3. Well said, ExoDus84. It's also been shown in several studies to be the income where people are "OK"...can get what they need, a few things they want, and know the difference between the two. I never use my change. Never. I save it, and when I need $50 for a pair of shoes or clothes,... something,... I have it. My husband never thought of this. Now he thanks God that I did. I like that. (HAIL!)
  4. Another girl in here...good! Thanks! I had to shop during the first half yesterday...Hail!
  5. I've never had student loan debt (duh, I'm a bartender/server, LOL), and have paid cold hard cash for most stuff in my life. If I didn't have it in my pocket, it didn't exist. That's how you've gotta get down to things. DO NOT buy groceries for the week unless you have plans for them. Spend some time every day or every other day buying your food TO COOK. Don't eat out. I can tell you that honestly. It will kill your plans to get ahead. I'm not kidding. Plan meals, even if it's Ham Helper, use your leftovers. Find something to do with everything in your kitchen. Keeping the big things (food) small will help you. ~My mother hates that I never had a job that had "benefits"...I never had kids, so eating free kept me out of her apron, so to speak. Store brand peanuts are just as good, etc. Get small things manageable, and the big things get smaller.~
  6. ...which was written long before some became "un-hinged". And what we're discussing is re-dress, also a Constitutional right...these latest (sorry to generalize the last 15 years, far too long) issues absolutely should require a discussion and SOME REAL FACTS to be addressed. But when people put their fingers in their ears & sing flalalalalalalala, it won't happen. ~Signed, A Lawful & Responsible One Gun Owner. Not a 15-gun owner that requires something bigger than me to hold all the **** I won't be able to get to if I think I might need it.) Just sayin'.
  7. HuffPost article about how US police & UK police tactics differ. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/london-police-knife-wielding-suspect_56636dc5e4b08e945fefcacd?ir=Politics&section=politics
  8. I can't wait till tomorrow. **** the Cowboys!!!! HTTR!
  9. Yep, that album & a bag o shrooms painted the living room in my old house, LOL A whole weekend of fun...it showed.
  10. My RGIII is sized, a 44 was the smallest I could get at the time (Which is almost a ball gown on me...I'm 4'10")
  11. I don't know if anyone else has issues with Flash...one of their updates not too long ago had a hole in it, so I un-installed until it got fixed. And my Kaspersky blocks everything, so I kept getting "malicious site" on each link I clicked on. Thank (your deity here) for RedZone.
  12. I got malware warnings on everything I tried. Watching on RedZone.
  13. ^^and we're super duper okay with that. Thanks for playing.
  14. We've got heavy rain & some storms, I'm hearing it's stretching all the way into the Carolinas. It's knocked my Dish out about a half dozen times already this morning, but all is good now,...for how long... How you fellas doin?
  15. Oh so sweet. And the Seahags having a hard time doing it didn't hurt any ...**** them too. Hail y'all.
  16. That is seriously ****ed up. Seriously. Air fresheners are now weapons? Or illegal? Did he want to check out which scent it was, pine or strawberry? Which one presents more of a threat? I mighta lost my mind if he'd said some dumb **** like that to me.
  17. "Don't Blink" makes me cry like crazy, and "Pick Up The Pieces" has been one of my favorite songs since I was a kid. Put the two back to back, it's a roller coaster. As if this team doesn't do that, season after season. Hail, y'all!
  18. The one at my high school was a good guy too. Even had a whole page in the yearbook dedicated to how much we liked him. He really just kept an eye on the parking lot, making sure no shenanigans were going on, and I never heard a peep about him even getting loud with anyone. But back then, we were fairly respectful of our elders in authority positions. A lot of parents nowadays have become their childrens' "friends", and have abandoned the "authority" part.
  19. This. If a parent took the action the officer did, the parent would be arrested. If a teacher took the action the officer did, the teacher would be arrested. IMO, the officer should receive the same treatment as a parent or teacher.
  20. We all know that. twa, I know...in your world & mine, you get your ass whooped in school, it was warranted, and you're probably gonna get it ten times worse when you get home. These ain't those times. I wouldn't want that to happen to a member of YOUR family, even if you're okay with it. I've...how do we say it?...evolved.
  21. You wouldn't strike at ANYONE grabbing you by the throat? I know I would. Then again, I was taught that you always mind your elders. I'm not that girl, never would be. But instincts to save your life kick in when your throat/neck area is threatened. That throwing of her with the desk could've easily broken her neck, BEFORE the second throw.
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