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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. My mechanic has checked out my '99 Monte Carlo at least a half dozen times to get the "Service Engine Soon" light to go off...he did an almost total "re-do" on it, the thing is almost brand new minus a paint job. Got a solution? I can find how to reset my key-bob online, but not how to get that light to go off. Trust me, the engine needs nothing. I haven't been this happy with a car since I had an '83 Grand Prix that would give anyone whiplash with a good punch o' the pedal. It's awesome, what's the prob?
  2. We watched "Eight Below" and cried our eyes out. So blessed with our kitties.
  3. Kitties!http://hsrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=Alz3TGME8Cops0L76aO4o5WbvZx4;_ylc=X3oDMTc5ZzloNGFmBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQNWREFZIDEzMDUyNCBzY3JlZW4gdWdjIGNhdCByZXZlbmdlIHYEYWlkA2lkLTM0ODM2NjMEY2NvZGUDZ2EEY3BvcwMzBGVkAzEEZwMtMQRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBGx0eHQDQ2F0Z2V0c2JyYXR0eXJldmVuZ2UEcGtndgMxMQRwb3MDMARyA0RldmlTc0FWWjlWbnZSMkhGcmsrTFJUUWhEND0Ec2VjA3RkLWZlYQRzbGsDdGh1bWJsaW5rBHRhcgNzY3JlZW4ueWFob28uY29tBHRlc3QDOTAx/RV=1/RE=1402140288/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cHM6Ly9zY3JlZW4ueWFob28uY29tL2NvbWVkeS9qZWFsb3VzLWNhdC1idWxsaWVzLWZyaWVuZC0wOTI3NDExNjAuaHRtbA--/RS=%5EADAvkez91QTRRQCtG_g.KFzd0CT9bs- Corc, at this time of the day, that's just wrong.
  4. Unless I'm crazy (that case could be made, lol), policies can also be purchased outside of the exchange!
  5. So we agree! The ACA is working! I still fail to see where I got emotional tho. Maybe my happiness came through, sorry.
  6. And on that note, instead of getting prescription Flexiril at $6.50,(for a month's supply) which would put me to sleep in about 20 minutes, I'm paying $19/week for natural muscle relaxers that help me get through this back injury while allowing me to stay awake...a novel idea, don't ya think? See, it's a choice. I realize some folks don't have the extra $ to stay away from Big Pharma. My husband has brought up the cost difference to me, but understands why I'm choosing to manage my pain this way. He's not necessarily happy about it, but OK with me "practicing what I preach", so to speak.
  7. The ACA is applied to all insurance, as I've understood it...it makes sure my insurance works as it is supposed to, not how it has in the past, denying coverage for pre-existing conditions that have nothing to do with what a patient needs...we all know the horror stories. Chip, once again, I only gave facts. Your posts are more of a warning of the future, with a "shove it" on the end. I know...it's harder to shovel facts than empty thoughts and predictions...and that's how we know you won't try. I'm not emotional. Simply giving the facts. Again. add: to the point that you pay your employees' deductibles, I'm assuming premiums as well? If, (heavy emphasis on "if") this is the case, they might be at the doc for every little thing...and this is probably what's driving your costs upward. Maybe a meeting with your accountant would be in order. But I'm sure you've done that...and since you've had no quibbles with paying for your employees' health care in the past, were you happy that they were hampered by pre-existing conditions or lifetime limits? Did they complain to you or your HR department? Are they happy now? If they are, why aren't you? Happy employees are golden. They tend to spread their happiness around. Just sayin'.
  8. Hopefully it's something that can be solved easily, twa.
  9. That's why I made a point of saying he spoke to both...jeez. It's not like he ignored the bill that said "this is not a bill". He still went and researched, talked to folks in both offices(technically 3 if you count calling his primary care dude, who was elated at the final outcome!). What physician doesn't list absolutely everything they can get away with? On the flip side, I got charged $44 for an ear irrigation, but whatevs...if I was still on an 80/20 plan, my physical would've cost me at least $200 (w/labwork) instead of $25. Wow. edit, add: I guess premiums make up the rest? Maybe that's why Medicare is different? (don't know since I'm not old yet, lol)
  10. So, hubby called to check on the colonoscopy, to make sure that the polyp removal was really free...after speaking to his doctor's office and Humana, IT WAS. Totally free. Shove that, chip. Sorry dude, you just keep saying stuff you wish other people could, but they can't, because they'd be lying if they said things weren't better for them. (My emphasis on "them" is firm.) I honestly wish you hadn't used your free will to put yourself in a crappy situation. Because you know we all have free will.
  11. Octopus opens a jar...from inside. http://io9.com/watch-this-octopus-unscrew-the-lid-of-a-jar-from-insid-1574792304
  12. Deion Sanders coming up next on Morning Joe on MSNBC.
  13. Commish will be on "Live w/Kelly & Michael" this morning.
  14. A six & seven-year-old are salsa dancing darlings. This is awesome! http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/clip-board/201405/these-two-pint-sized-salsa-dancing-champions-will-steal-your-heart
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/man-accidentally-becomes-mother-to-13-ducklings-164020574.html
  16. Owned by a kitty! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/02/cat-loves-man_n_5255295.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592
  17. Remember the Cowboys tweet about hockey season starting ..."Yawn" And the Stars' response that "at least their #9 got it done"? Love me some Mike Modano. Thanks, Chewie.
  18. eeewwww...visionary's creepy avatar dude!
  19. Story about pet lovers and just plain good people. I was equally blessed once by a regular guest and I'm glad folks like this are roaming around out there. http://www.examiner.com/article/a-faith-restoring-tip-left-for-bartender-s-dog
  20. Interesting article on how to stay (relatively) sober from King Koch! https://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/drink-night-without-getting-drunk-212500989.html
  21. and he can tug on these if it gets me some Benji's, LOL
  22. I e-mailed it to my husband...he's downstairs cracking up right now, so I guess he opened it...
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