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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. Just stepping in to say that LeBron is extremely ****y with that "I'm the greatest" comment. We see some good international players here, but we don't see them ALL, and I'm betting somebody "out there" could posterize him. Give Kobe some knees & ankles (come on, Doc, you don't use yours well, LOL), and he'd make LeBron look silly.
  2. Wow, Larry! Sorry about your friend, and may I be the first to wish doom on your prediction;),and pray we retain our care.
  3. I could only stay awake for the first half, but if GS had hit just half of the shots they missed...jeez...passing was incredible (hubby says that's how he learned to play in HS,~ don't even really grab the ball, just look ahead & pass left/right)...but he gave me the low-down on the end, and I'm upset that I can't stay awake for 18 hours anymore. Old age sucks. But Mr. Sinister rocks.
  4. ok, it's just... ok, 8 times to come to terms that I was wrong. I'm always wrong. You have no idea how wrong I am all the time.
  5. Ok, you get those 10, however 2 were of the same dunk. (I'm a girl, but no dummy, you know this by now.) And only the one repeated was so grandiose, it necessitated repetition! GET OFF MY LAWN!
  6. Got film? And it would've been on his part...he'd give his very best effort to find a different way for the score to happen if it wasn't his own, and you know it. Btw, if there's another player with that same selflessness, show thyself. Edit: until I find a better mouse, I'm kinda screwed, and not by a mouse
  7. He'd never know, LOL I know we've got at least 20 somewhere. Just gotta find the right box, LOL...but this one is lit up in Duke Blue...you know how I get, LOL...RG3 with the American Flag is still my screen on my phone...I don't know that I'll ever give that up, it's an absolutely beautiful picture.
  8. Got mad & banged my Duke blue mouse...scroller doesn't work anymore. ****. Anybody got a fix or do I need a 5 mile ride to get a new one?
  9. The note being pointed to is a D. I see what you did there. ROFL :lol:
  10. That's even beyond the fact that I've never seen a SW movie, LOL!
  11. This is fantastic advice, y'all. I check my oil, coolant, & clean both windshields with every fill-up...there's a full service station where I know everyone & I can just roll in & get tire pressure checked/fixed for free (I give whoever $5 anyway, LOL) and my '99 MC Z-34 just went over 118K. Recent radiator flush, new motor mounts...he should run for another 118K.
  12. I hear ya. He was all they talked about on the radio for months, he was money for 3. I don't know that I've witnessed a collapse like this in a long time. But then again, we're all Skins fans, soooo...
  13. just saw that on the local news. We watched the first half & knew it was over. Good grief.
  14. That was the cutest story...now I'm running late getting ready for work, LOL
  15. We do the same, hubby gets his paid, mine comes out of his check. (His company has a whole lot more people, though.) Trust me, he'd rather pay it than not. If you like how it's worked for you, having the same level of service (and it IS a service) for your wife isn't a choice, it's necessary. I've had folks pushing 400 pounds that tell me they can't afford insurance, and I tell them that they can't afford to NOT have it, for obvious reasons. (Once I explain how knees, hips, & ankles fail, not to mention how internal organs are dealing, they understand, but still want to live in "the world they're in".) Sigh.
  16. Even I'm not this worried about getting rained on. http://cdn.onegreenplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10//2015/05/squirrel-460x290.jpg
  17. I think this is super cool. He knows the meaning of "homeless" and "needy" at the age of 5. Bless us all, a community organizer is in the works. https://www.yahoo.com/parenting/5-year-olds-touching-act-of-kindness-toward-119373307062.html
  18. We'll be watching during free throws...wear Skins gear so we know who you are, LOL
  19. Kyle Korver will bust out a three or nine & we'll have it back.
  20. Don't do it. I drove 9 hours yesterday to see my parents. However, I'm watching the game in my hotel room... don't want a family fight, LOL It's soooo much easier to visit during football season! Hail! (& GO HAWKS!) yep, them's my Duke boys!
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