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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. Yes. They panned over and showed that he was eating a Fun Dip after Logan’s fumble. Total child.
  2. I like BRob on the quick hitters. The outside zone or stretch plays don’t mesh will with his skill set. I actually think BRob has looked better this year than expected. I’d like to see him stick around.
  3. I thought the defense would be good enough this year to hold us in games and that Sam Howell would play well enough to win more of those games than we’re used to winning. I am an optimist (as most know 😆), but I am still disoriented by how awful last nights game was. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a defense look as disinterested in contact as I did last night. Forbes. Butler. Davis. They all had plays where they looked like they were in helmets and shorts. This team completed mailed it in last night. When Vick killed us back in the day, at least the Eagles were good.
  4. What a pathetic showing. Effort was abysmal. That first half was an epic letdown. Watching this team is a ****ing chore.
  5. The defense has really torpedoed this season. We needed to be able to lean on them until the offense could find a rhythm. It’s upsetting because it’s fun watching Howell play.
  6. You were always gonna need three scores to win. Take the points. Keep momentum.
  7. **** this team. Waiting to try when you’re down 24. Get a ****ing life.
  8. They’ve lost control of this team. It’s over. I was hoping for some entertaining games this year. Let’s hope Harris makes the right hires. Move Sweat and Chase. Rebuild the OL. Grab an ILB. I will say that Logan Thomas playing with some heart. Only guy I’ve seen all night.
  9. This defensive effort is pathetic. Guys not wanting to hit anybody. Arm tackling. Poor body language. Low energy. Awful.
  10. It’s not that they’re just playing poorly, it’s the lack of effort that’s shocking. These guys wanna be somewhere else. And so do I.
  11. Where is the energy? Where is the attitude? **** you Del Rio and your cheddar cheese scheme. **** you.
  12. Our defense always looks like they’d rather be doing something else. I feel the same way. Just comically awful.
  13. This site has turned into woulda/coulda/shoulda land. 😆 I still feel good about Forbes and to a lesser extent about Quan. I thought for sure they had a plan on how to use Quan. I was hoping he would be used in blitz packages/granted his injury makes this more murky. I expect the next DC will put them to good use.
  14. Daniel Jones can’t throw the ball down the field. It’s all bubble screens and quick underneath stuff. Of course we will play 4 deep safeties and put Barton on Waller.
  15. Meh? They’ve got weapons on offense. Good secondary and DL. Good coaching. This isn’t an invitation to debate. I’m going to bed. I’m just gonna chalk this up to another one of your bad takes. 😆
  16. Daniel Jones runs because he can’t read defenses and he’ll always be that way. Of course, that’s usually good enough to beat us. 😆
  17. Daniel Jones is trash. Dude tucks and runs faster than Mitch Trubisky. Good luck with that anchor tied around your neck, Daboll the genius.
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