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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I like to think he is just playing Trumps game because he knows if he doesnt he will be fired and someone worse will be in his spot. He is doing what he needs to to ensure someone sane stays in that position. Unfortunately we have no way of knowing if that is actually true. EDIT: id also point out that military folks are taught to voice their objections behind closed doors but once those doors open, you had better be on board with the decision made. I know there are many times i have to go out and support/own a order to my troops that i was just railing against minutes earlier. Its part of a united front of leadership.
  2. Pretty sure LSF is a women. And I thought a response without a link might make me look like more of a jerk than intended.
  3. https://www.irs.gov/irm/part9/irm_09-005-005.html google is your friend.
  4. If the Right wanted to really appear to have an investigator that would turn over every stone to find their wrong doing, and really show they had nothing to hide, there is only one person they could have appointed to investigate this. Hillary Clinton! oh what I would pay to see that.
  5. You are basing this on what exactly? Are you saying there are no limits whatsoever? And you have proof that he can share classified info with anyone legally and not that he has to declassify or change classification first? Some links for me to look over would be awesome. I haven't found anything that says this is the case.
  6. So if they choose option 2, would that mean he broke the law? Or would they somehow pull the declassify card but then reclassify it somehow? im trying to get past the outrage and actually get the facts, scenarios, and possibilities going forward.
  7. @Larry or the record, I think she should have had a minimal punishment. Maybe a fine and probation or something. "Lock her up" is dumb. But something to send a message that she isn't above the law. Ill wait for your edit for the question. I did a fair bit of research but couldn't find much..
  8. Is it possible for someone to think the private server was wrong and she should have been punished AND think this current issue should get him removed from office in addition to all the dumb crap he has done? Anyways, I'm actually only coming back to post in a political forum because I have a question. We all probably know that POTUS can declassify anything so you would think Trump didn't do anything LEGALLY wrong that could get him removed. My question is two parts. Is there any process he has to legally follow to declassify something that he may have violated? And if he "declassified" this and shared it with Russia, can he selectively declassify something and only share it with certain parties? Or is it an all or nothing system where once he shares it, it becomes totally unclassified? And before you respond, please tell us if you actually know what you are talking about or just making up your own rules out of hatred. Thanks.
  9. Gotcha. I can't always remember who I've already had the discussion with. I just get frustrated when people try to paint it as so simple and that everyone that is pro-gun is how you portrayed them. It sounds like your comment was more in jest for lack of a better term so I apologize for missing that. And for the record, again, I am very pro-gun and also VERY anti-NRA.
  10. I said i would stay out of political threads unless it was something really important to me. And this is. Your bad attempt to paint it as such an easy issue is a prime example of why nothing gets done. But go ahead and try to make it a party issue. I left my party a while ago. Doesnt change my views. Would you care to have a real debate? Im always game.
  11. I just bought a Harley 48. The 2 gallon gas tank kinda sucks. Not as mich range as i would like. But fun bike other than that. Wait. I think this is the wrong biking thread. ?
  12. Just an FYI....find someone, anyone, to sell it to and just make an FFL transfer part of the sale. It's usually $25 and most of the time buyer and seller split the cost. All you have to do is walk into any gun store and tell them you are selling a gun and they will do the background check for you. $25 and an hour of your day for piece of mind.
  13. How so? Why cant they assign two or three that are the same size and model? What's the benefit of just one? Honestly asking.
  14. Yes to all. But context matters. Yes or no answers do the allow for context.
  15. You asking for questions to be a simple yes or no doesn't seem fair. Let's try another one. Do you believe Hillary is a criminal? Yes or no please. You all are aware this is not abnormal right? Wanna take a guess which country is really bad about about parking spy ships off the coast of other countries?
  16. Funny when I say something similar by pointing out that the left did something poorly and people rush to point out something the right did worse, it doesn't get as many likes. But the point is the same. Odd.
  17. Maybe you should describe what that is. You, know for some of the less intelligent people here.
  18. Does this actually mean anything considering the nationwide stay? I'm honestly asking because I don't know.
  19. Out of curiosity where would you go? The problem with world wars, which is what your example ended with, is there aren't places to hide. Especially when you figure that the countries that the immigrants originated from would probably be a target.
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