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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I never said it affects everyone the same. I said it was everyones problem. Not sure what you disagree with.
  2. No. We can only both name people who are too ignorant to realize it is their problem. I remember a case a while back where a guy turned around and ran from a cop. The cop shot him. Based on that video, I'd say guilty of murder in a heartbeat. Now I'm not sure what "dat mouf do" means but jailhouse justice is not American. The fact that it is happening should make you want to fix it, not subject others to it. I've got to get to bed but I'll answer anything else later.
  3. I agree it shouldn't happen. But I also think making an example is wrong. And your last sentence is 100% wrong. It's everyone's problem.
  4. Well as you may know I am pretty pro-gun. But I could support a 3 year ban on guns excluding hunting weapons (like maybe he can have a muzzleloader). I would prefer some kind of note in his "record" that notifies all police groups of his history. Then if he is hired again and does something bad, it greatly increases the liability on the department. Essentially freeze him out from any law enforcement job with technically doing so. Maybe you missed the part where I said I'm a straight, white, wealthy male AND I'd didn't think it was right that I do that but also accept it's a good way to not die. Now if you want to argue the department should have to pay a wrongful death settlement, I would probably be on your side. But I don't see anything that PROVES the cop is legally guilty. And I still haven't heard anything to prove that. Again, why do you think 12 citizens think he wasn't guilty?
  5. Sorry. Poor choice of words. Calling for him to be convicted of a crime that hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt isn't the way........etc. But I bet you knew what I meant. I doubt he will be hired anywhere else. But it is still a legit concern. But it doesn't justify saying he should have been convicted. The other cop also wasn't looking. He was talking into his radio and didn't appear to be paying attention to the driver. Notice he didn't say the driver definitely wasn't going for his gun. Do you want this guy made an example of even if that facts don't justify it? Why do you think 12 citizens didn't convict?
  6. I watched it several times earlier. Like I said, I'm about 90% sure he is guilty. But 90% isn't supposed to be enough in our system. Now to your first bolded part, how can you PROVE he wasn't a threat? The cop says "he was going for his gun" and you can't prove that wrong. And that would have made him a threat. This is why I would like more body cams. Maybe we could see exactly what he was reaching for. But from the dash cam, you can't be sure. The next bolded part, I disagree with your description of the timing. Now I was sitting calmly on my couch eating dinner but I felt like there was enough time from when he said "don't reach" to him shooting for the guy to realize he should freeze. Again, my adrenaline wasn't pumping sitting on my couch though. For the last bolded part, I think this was manslaughter. But I'm not SURE. And that is the bar we should have. I get it doesn't apply to everyone and that is wrong. But frying this guy isn't the way to make it right either. Now yes recklessness is a part of involuntary manslaughter but it isn't the only part. To me the real hangup is was he reaching for his gun? I haven't seen anything to prove he wasn't. I've been taught that when I'm pulled over and carrying a gun, to put my hands on the wheel and not reach anywhere until the cop tells me to reach and I've told him exactly where my gun is located. Is it right I have to do that? No. But I don't want to be shot either. I wish the guy would have done this instead. And for the record, I'm a straight, white, wealthy male.
  7. Wait.......how do I get a cool description below my name like that? Can I be "only non-retarded conservative left anywhere ever"? I demand recognition!
  8. Anyone else notice he used the letter O and not the number 0?
  9. I don't mean this to sound snarky but I'm pretty sure it's going to sound that way. Please forgive me in advance. So you would like this cop convicted to offset all the other bad convictions? I get the system is ****ed up. In some thread a little while back where I spoke about how I was arrested and had to spend thousands because I asked for a lawyer (really). You don't need to tell me about a ****ed up system. I think this cop had bad instincts and probably shouldn't be a cop. But I see nothing that would make me find him guilty of manslaughter. I'm just wondering what exactly would make people find him guilty.
  10. Oh I agree. I'm just saying I don't thing them being males has anything to do with it but instead them just being rich politicians. If you disagree, I'd like to hear your reasoning.
  11. So I didn't really remember or know anything about this case until it popped up again. After seeing the video it makes me think about "reasonable doubt". From what I see the cop said something to the effect of "don't reach for it" 3 times. With the absence of a body cam (which I think all cops should have) how would the prosecution PROVE he wasn't reaching for his gun? Now my gut tells me he wasn't but my gut isn't admissible. So what is the case that makes everyone 100% positive that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? I'd say I'm about 90% sure he is guilty but my understanding is that means I should be voting not guilty. Tell me where I'm wrong. *I'm not some absolute cop defender. I've done about 10 minutes of research on this and am honestly asking. And please argue facts, not your prejudices.
  12. I'm not sure I agree with the insinuation here. So will the handicapped get screwed because none of them are involved in the negotiations? I would imagine SOME of the best doctors in the world regarding womens issues are men. I'd prefer to say its disgusting that only politicians are working on this bill.
  13. I actually agree that sometimes negotiations are better behind closed doors. But i would rather a representation of all parties behind those doors.
  14. Out of curiosity what would be the effect to a fetus if you tasered the mother?
  15. So NK has now essentially killed a US citizen. Can we go ahead and kick off WW3 yet?
  16. I dont find it to be too hard. Buy a protractor amd remember corners are rarely exactly 90 degrees. That and some caulk for any seams and you should be okay. Oh and buy a coping saw for in corners. Its only a few bucks. Dont try to miter a 90 for an interior corner.
  17. Well my thought wasn't to look at what is covered elsewhere but what SHOULD be covered here. That gets to be a heated discussion rather quickly.
  18. @Larry it sounds like you are interested in having a discussion regarding where to draw the line on covered healthcare. I tried to have that conversation in here a few times but it didn't go well. I was either accused of wanting death panels or free fake tits for everyone depending on the political persuasion of the person responding. If you can get that discussion going, I would be interested. problem is there is too much emotion in it. The discussion won't go well. And that explains why the problem won't get fixed. I wish you well in your endeavor.
  19. This is pretty much my feeling. I just didnt say it because this thread is about the Right. But Ive pretty mich given up on society as a whole. You are 100% right that our representatives are a reflection of us (as a society).
  20. The GOP is beyond repair. It's needs to go the way of the Dodo. I post about bout fixing the Left because I still have hope for them. They are at least expected to be the adults in the room (yes I know that isn't fair. Reality rarely is.) American politics is broken beyond repair though. I have pretty much lost all hope.
  21. True. I thought this one was slightly news worthy because it was at one persons hand. Lesson learned.
  22. Well I didn't think it was worth its own thread but wanted people to be aware that "something" had happened last night. I thought this was the closest thread to applying. Wasn't trying to make any great point. I'm deeply troubled that I didn't live up to your standard Larry. i thought when you posted a link, it put the headline in a little box thing. I don't know what that's called but apparently I didn't do it right. Anyways, for those that care, a bunch of people died last night.
  23. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/28/us/mississippi-mass-shooting/index.html
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