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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. Total guess but I would assume it is because he had contact with people and/or situations that are classified. For example let's say I have a clearance and you don't. I give you classified info and tell you to leak it to the media. Congress could want a closed session to ask you about it.
  2. Who are you *ahem* referring to? I hope it isn't me. I despise the man and his group. And have said so repeatedly.
  3. We are all so sure Trump will be blasted in the report, what if he isn't? What if he is just so dumb he surrounded himself with corrupt people but honestly didn't know about or have anything to do with corrupt practices? Assume for a moment this is true, how will we handle that?
  4. I don't care enough to dig into the weeds and parse past vs current statements of his. For arguments sake, lets act like this is a change. So what? It would seem as though some find this to be a kind of "gotcha" moment by comparing statements 20 years ago vs positions today. I'd just like to know if that is going to be applied across the board.
  5. So are we saying positions aren't allowed to change over the course of 20 years? Because if that is the case, I'd like to bring up some things that Dems said/voted for over the last 20 years.
  6. Since Ole Miss is a state school, could disciplining the students fall under the 1st amendment protections? I know the big thing with the NFL was that they were a private company so they could restrict employee speech.
  7. And I am sure that the next POTUS will show the same deference for rules and norms as Trump has.
  8. Part of me actually hopes Trump wins. I don't really give a crap about $8billion. We got bigger issues. I just want to laugh at all the Trumpkins freaking the **** out when President Kamala Harris in 2021 uses these new found "national emergency" powers.
  9. So I'm not lawyer and could be totally off here. But if I were one of those groups, I would argue that the damages are the will of the people I represent. Our representatives from the most recent election voted to give a certain amount. Anything beyond that is a damage to the people represented. I'm sure there are holes with this but it's gonna be tied up in court for a while anyway.
  10. I know Trump can declassify things. I don't think he can arbitrarily classify them though. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  11. Simpler would be for the House to subpoena Mueller and ask him what was in the report and if Barr pressured him to end it.
  12. Pretty sure you meant "ensure" the flow of guns. But you may be onto something. Have the gun manufacturers insure the guns that flow to the public.
  13. Guess this is the best place for this. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/02/19/metoo-painted-on-statue-of-wwii-sailor-kissing-nurse/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Socialflow+NAV&utm_source=facebook.com
  14. Hopefully it sends a message to the media that being right is more important than being first.
  15. Thanks for not letting me down, guys. I was really worried that we were going to have a thread that didn't get political.
  16. ^^^their. I have trouble taking you seriously if you don't get that correct.
  17. I'll say this. I doesn't change my opinion of him or his supporters at all.
  18. Meanwhile the buildings on the base I work at are mostly WW2 era. I won't say anything about their condition because, ya know, if you don't have anything nice to say........
  19. To me, agreeing to the confidentiality agreement makes it a payoff.
  20. I'm kinda disappointed in Kaepernick. I think he could have done a lot more for his cause by making the case play out in the public eye showing a bunch of rich old white guys colluding to not want his message on their stage. Hard to get behind "Stand for something, even if it costs you everything" when he takes a multimillion payoff.
  21. So what exactly were you suggesting saying gun owners need to pay their fair share?
  22. Trump stole MAGA from Reagan, right? Maybe Dems can steal a slogan from him.
  23. I was referring to universal background checks. I support it but dont think the GOP/NRA will let it pass.
  24. Anyone taking bets on if this actually becomes law?
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