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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I actually have no clue what you're talking about. Maybe because I don't live in Florida anymore even though I'm still a Florida resident.
  2. Fair points. FL is the same way. Since I am active duty, I got my CCW quickly. And I avoid a lot of that stuff by having a CCW already.
  3. Well one could make the argument that the laws are already more or less where I want them. And lets be honest, the likelyhood of them moving in your direction are slim. So if you are wanting me (the collective me) to move of the position that I already hold, there will need to be more to entice me to move. Or I'll just let everything stay as is and be happier than you are. Man I'm on your side but I got no clue what you are talking about here. Unless you are in MD or something, it's pretty easy to buy a gun.
  4. I've made this argument several times. Require some training and whatever (details to be hashed out) and get a federal carry permit. Then states like MD and CA that are super restrictive need to be told to STFU and honor this new imaginary federal permit.
  5. You need to go back and read through this thread more. There have been many worthwhile debates. But making blanket statements like "The gun advocates don't respond to fact or emotion" doesn't exactly make anyone want to have a conversation with you. I am very much a gun advocate. I try to be open-minded and do a little give and take. But from what I have seen, that is an anamoly. Both sides are stuck on what they want and there is no reasonable comprimise. If you are expecting our elected leaders to do anything, don't hold your breath. For them, there can be no compromise. I've also said before I question how much any politician really wants gun control "fixed". Then they lose something major that they campaign on.
  6. Good luck with that. I've tried to make this point before. I recently posted a picture of an AR and an M1A Scout with walnut stock. People are going to want to ban the AR without even knowing a lot more damage could be done with the M1A in even moderatly capable hands. People are always going to push the "scary looking weapon" ban.
  7. Seeing these post so close together makes me laugh. And from what I've seen of the posts over the last few hours, you are all wrong.
  8. Okay. I read it a few times and it could of gone either way. Glad I don't have to hate you now.
  9. Have they actually done this or just proposed? I keep seeing these claims but not finding anything in Google searches.
  10. I've said it before. People on the Left should get over their apprehension towards gun and instead get more proficient with them. Can't just rely on people like me.
  11. If you want to discuss "decent regulation" we should take it to the gun control thread.
  12. Let's wait to see if they actually do anything. I know zero about the gun culture there but it has been promised here many times to change gun laws. And it doesn't happen. It's not that I would rather take a chance with a good samaritan with a gun. It's that I would rather take a chance with me with a gun. Though if you want to have a debate on gun control, there is another thread for that.
  13. I think there is merit to both sides. Guns, in the hands of someone who isn't crazy, aren't going to kill numerous people. Just because it is a tool to kill doesn't mean it is a tool to kill irresponsibly. That said, to lay the blame 100% on the person is wrong also as they can use a bomb, a truck, etc. Anyone blaming 100% the tool OR the person has an agenda to drive.
  14. Would you like me to regale you with some "good guy with a gun" stories? Because they do exist.
  15. Thanks. I will say two of my choices could be purchased with a fine walnut stock. Not sure if you saw my pics on the last page but there are 3 different pics that have totally different vibes. But are essentially the same gun.
  16. I did think about it and not one of my choices was an AR. I don't think they are the most efficient killing machines. I think they are commonly used because they are so plentiful, the tactical look appeals to those that would do such things, and the person gets a certain "feel" holding one. Its similar to why I think there is a rise in police brutality when less and less officers wear a professional looking uniform with a vest underneath to now all the ones running around and tactile looking gear. Like why is the traffic cop dressed like that and not the classic uniform with a tie?
  17. One, I dont like to even think about that and I'm not sure it is even appropriate to discuss. I'll let some others weigh in on with their thoughts of a discussion like that. Two, those are 3 vastly different places that would probably have 3 different answers. EDIT: I have considered whether it would be an appropriate discussion and have also spoken with a spiritual leader. I am so much an expert that it would be irresponsible for me to share such knowledge, and that I suspect that this would not be the place to assist in tutorials on how to best execute any criminal activity, including mass murder.
  18. Well if I'm in a position where my only option is fight and there is no flight option, I'd like to increase my chances by having my gun with me.
  19. Heck ya it would. White people would change the laws so only POC were getting locked up more. Wait, that's probably not what you meant.
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