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Everything posted by just654

  1. As a husband of a teacher in PG County. And everything she has gone through. I would like to know more. If this is about the unions, I can understand your frustration. But the teachers themselves I am going to need some more details.
  2. I feel for your brother and all police officers in this time. Every officer I spoke with after Floyd was like that was murder. He needs to go to jail. That is not what the job is about. You see the comments on the news posts about last nights police shooting on I95 in Howard County. After the officer was dragged over 2,000 feet. If that wasnt justified shooting, I dont know what is anymore.
  3. there is a little bit more to this story. Howard county is all online until Jan. Just like Mont, PG,AA. The email went out about 1.5 weeks ago. With it saying if you can not devote 8 hours a day at home to teaching you should take a leave of absence. What this stems from is parents were not happy with the way the spring semester went and a good amount of teachers didn’t do anything or very little. My wife is a teacher in PG and we live in Howard. In PG there is a push for teachers to teach from class rooms virtually because of the same thing.
  4. It was what ever you got from the state plus $600. So if the Max was $450. You were getting $1,050 a week.
  5. Yeah, I was like really. Of course they wont force you to leave.
  6. He is on vacation next week. But I know contract wise they are all 4 together. So they wont get rid of one without getting rid of them all.
  7. The Junkies had Hogan on again. EB tired to get Hogan to say masks are bad. It was terrible to watch on TV.
  8. ESPN should be ashamed of themselves. This was a complete joke. I am pissed!!
  9. For the Phoenix officer shooting above. They released body cam footage. Have to watch to the end of the video officer retrieves a gun from the suspects lap. Way to early in the investigation but he was not unarmed. https://ktar.com/story/3369059/phoenix-police-release-body-camera-footage-in-officer-involved-shooting/
  10. The point even the most skilled person with a gun is taught to shot center mass.Hitting arms and legs is just totally unreasonable. If it happens it was not intended. Snipers are pretty much the only trained personnel that can hit a certain spot. And even then they miss a decent amount of the time.
  11. I am going to guess you have never really fired a gun or had any training in guns
  12. Police are taught to shoot center mass. It is damn near impossible to shoot at someone’s arms or legs. And if u are saying he should have shot at the ground. What if that bullet skips off the ground and hits one of the cars a kills a bystander or a kid. Then what?
  13. A&E pulled Live PD from the air until further notice. Live rescue repeats is being shown in its place.
  14. This statement is under the impression everything stays peaceful tonight. I actually disagree with your statement, Trump has been stating he is all for peaceful protesting. You can believe that or not. But that is what he said. It is the looters and rioters he is against. Reports of people booing people trying to start things. Maybe he was able to keep the bad apples at home with the threat of more arrests and military action. Both sides can take the win. Trump I stopped the rioters and more people are acting on the issue. I am sure I will get killed for saying this. But I felt it needed to be said.
  15. I didn’t want to bring this up. But this will really show how easy COVID is spread. We should see a big spike in these areas in about 2 weeks. If not, maybe we can get back to normal
  16. I hope not. I didn’t renew last year. Bought a house and had a kid. But that program was the reason I stayed for as long as I did. But when Lisa left, I figured it was coming.
  17. it is additional $600 a week on top of what ever you qualify for in your state.
  18. You wont lose the 100,00 rewards yards. You just wont be able to "buy" anything. If you come back those yards will still be there.
  19. Got my money this morning into my bank account. Took 15 days for them to process once I entered my account info.
  20. That is the message I had from April 15th until today.
  21. Just checked this morning. Payment excepted in my account April 30th. If you updated your banking info. I would get Get My Payment tool.
  22. Thanks. Luckily both my wife and I are still getting our paychecks. So it isn’t dire need for us. Just would be nice to get the payment.
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