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Everything posted by just654

  1. I get it. I think the issue is Keim is he is at ESPN and pretty much at the top of the beat. He has been at ESPN for like 20+ years. JP is still grinding, and sad to say hitting on rumors is what moves you up. I can see JPs schtick getting tired. I am just interested if JP can level out Bmitch. Bmitch hasnt really had anyone up to his level and he would run the show.
  2. I feel for Pete having to work with Russell. I think JP and BMitch might actually be pretty good. Need someone to take Bmitch down a level.
  3. You might want to check it again. 31 on weatherbug site https://www.weatherbug.com/weather-forecast/now/washington-dc-20001 but yes, it isn’t that it isn’t cold enough to stick, the pretreatment of the roads, help big time when it isn’t snow heavy and snow at over 1inch an hour. Still think DC see close to 4 by tonight with maybe 1-2 more tomorrow afternoon. DC misses the coastal
  4. are you next to DCA? Every site is reporting 33 in DC.
  5. @Larry yes, and that is why using the word vaccine for this treatment isn’t what we should be doing. This is a treatment not a vaccine. But people will hear treatment and think oh I don’t need until I get it. That isn’t the case. The trails for the “vaccine” only tracked who got sick with COVID not if actually got it or not. The research just isn’t there. On if it truly stops the spread.
  6. I think it is common knowledge to people that really follow it. I think we used the wrong term. To me this is a preemptive treatment and not a vaccine. When I hear vaccine I think oh I can’t get it. I am not saying the vaccine causes you to be contagious. The vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting COVID and spreading it. This is why the masks and social distancing is still be pushed once you get the shot. If I couldn’t get it or pass it along after my 2nd shot on Friday I should not have to wear a mask. That just isn’t the case. But Larry your comment goes to a bigger problem, I see in a few months. People will not want to continue with that masks once the vaccine is widely available.
  7. Testing positive after the vaccine doesn’t actually surprise me. This goes to prove the point that you can still spread after you get the shots. In the story it says he has no symptoms. That is what the shots are supposed to. It won’t stop you from getting it or passing it on. It will stop you from showing symptoms. Your body knows how to fight COVID with it. This is why masks and social distancing is still needed until 70-80% of the pop has had the vaccine.
  8. My Wife is a teacher in PG county and we have this discussion on about opening schools it seems on a daily basis. We are both republican but both are taking COVID seriously. I having been saying since the start of the school year opening schools should not be a county by county hard line. It really should be school district by school district. We live in Ellicott City. There is no reason why the kids up here should not be in school. But my wife Teaches in a school PG county right in the middle of the highest COVID numbers in PG county. I think what needs to be done is break everything down to school level. If this district is below a certain level, they need to open. My wife's school in the last 2 weeks have lost 2 Kitchen workers and one other worker has been on a vent for 3 weeks now. And I dont have a kid that is school age. The Vaccine has been a nightmare for her. They are being told we will start Feb 1, but nothing on how to sign up. I am stalking Marylandvax.com to see if I can get her appointment sooner. I am a vol fire fighter. I have had shot 1 and scheduled for shot 2.
  9. And that is my point why would they. The Dems have been screaming it has been the Repubs holding it up. You can now go, see they have control and they can’t get it passed either.
  10. I haven’t been closely following, but right after the runoffs I remember the Delaware Dem Senator say he wasn’t in favor of more checks, unless something has changed I wouldn’t count my chickens before they are hatched. Why would the Republican senators vote to allow the $1,400. This could be a see the Dems have control and they can get it done either. With the Dem senator voting no and if the rest party line that is a 51-49 Vote.
  11. Just got my first dose of Moderna!!
  12. @spjunkies That has been the rule here in MD for about 7-8 years now. Do 15 mins of CPR, no shock advised. Call it. We were transporting to many dead people.
  13. The phase out for Married filing jointly is 175K a little higher if you have dependents
  14. Is there a Phase out like the first? Or is it straight 75k and 150k?
  15. yeah I smell a lawsuit that will end up at SCOTUS. And just like Congress will never vote for term limits they will do the same.
  16. The term limits. My understanding is the way it is written in the constitution is that you will serve as long as you are in good standing. So adding term limits would require 2/3 the states to ratify it. Do not see that happening.
  17. I think there is plenty of excuses. 1. takes to long to charge even the “quick” charge is 20 mins and only gets you another 100 miles or so, you need to get it so a full charge takes under 10 mins. 2. not enough charging stations. Yes, they are getting more. But until just about every gas station off the highway has at least 3 charging stations. 3. batteries don’t go as long has a normal gas tank. I can 350-400 miles out a tank of gas. Your lucky if you get 250-300 miles per charge 4. cost of them. Yes Tesla is coming in when cheaper cars. But as I said before Americans love big SUVS. Chevy and Ford in the last few years have gotten rid of sedans. The Tesla I would buy costs about 110k. Even the Truck Tesla is 85k the way most people will want it. These are just the big ones I can quickly come up with
  18. It is a lofty goal. Maybe 15 years. I think 25-30 is a better bet. Americans love big SUVs. Chevy is making the Hummer a Hybrid, that was supposed to be announced back in March or May can’t remember but delayed due to COVID. I would like to see battery tech get to about 300-400 miles per charge before I think people make the switch big time. People just can’t wait 45mins for a charge. Maybe 10mins the time it takes to fill up.
  19. That isnt evidence of anything but 1 bad parent saying something dumb. Also, need a little bit more besides a BET article based off a Vice article. And that is a Very Far right view. I wouldnt even call that a conservative view.
  20. I have seen some outlandish views on this site. And I normally keep my mouth shut because it isnt worth the time. But Wow!!! I am left speechless on this view. I think you should be ashamed to even think this. It is pretty much inferring you think Republicans are adopting to mistreat and abuse children. Shame on you! At least have some sort of evidence to back up your outlandish claim.
  21. As a husband of a teacher in PG County. And everything she has gone through. I would like to know more. If this is about the unions, I can understand your frustration. But the teachers themselves I am going to need some more details.
  22. I feel for your brother and all police officers in this time. Every officer I spoke with after Floyd was like that was murder. He needs to go to jail. That is not what the job is about. You see the comments on the news posts about last nights police shooting on I95 in Howard County. After the officer was dragged over 2,000 feet. If that wasnt justified shooting, I dont know what is anymore.
  23. there is a little bit more to this story. Howard county is all online until Jan. Just like Mont, PG,AA. The email went out about 1.5 weeks ago. With it saying if you can not devote 8 hours a day at home to teaching you should take a leave of absence. What this stems from is parents were not happy with the way the spring semester went and a good amount of teachers didn’t do anything or very little. My wife is a teacher in PG and we live in Howard. In PG there is a push for teachers to teach from class rooms virtually because of the same thing.
  24. It was what ever you got from the state plus $600. So if the Max was $450. You were getting $1,050 a week.
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