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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. It is what it is. I've grown tired of this, we're obviously not in agreement and won't change each others mind. I'm pretty comfortable with my position. RR was clearly upset that Chase skipped last season's OTAs. He was told this year would be different yet here we are. Again. All I'm saying is for a team captain, coming off a very disappointing season, it's a bad look for him to not be there when other players with similar injuries made the commitment the coaches are clearly looking for
  2. Well Rivera is smart enough not to call him out publicly. But he and Del Rio made it perfectly clear that they consider OTAs important and wanted everyone to attend. Again they have other players who had bad injuries and made it to this OTA. Saying this is his trainer's plan is simply another excuse. And I've grown tired of the excuse makers for Chase Young.
  3. You do have a habit of making excuses for poor behavior. It is clear that while voluntary coaches really want players to attend OTAs. That includes injured players such as Logan Thomas who sustained a similar injury later in the season as well as other players who were rehabbing injuries and still found a way to make it to this OTA. I'm simply explaining that a team captain coming off a very disappointing year, and after no showing last seasons OTAs, it's a bad look for him not to be there.
  4. Other players are rehabbing from injuries and they found a way to be here. Chase told his head coach this year would be different and it is not. For a supposed team leader this is a bad look, especially given his performance and how he missed last year's OTAs as well. I'll never come off this position.
  5. Yeah this is how I see it as well. I'm tired of the excuse makers for Chase Young. For him to skip OTAs (again) after telling the coach he would be there and after the year he had is such a bad look. Even if he could not practice it's important, especially for a team captain. Sure he was double teamed, EVERY good DL gets double teamed. I watched him most every play, OT's had no problem handling him without help all year until his injury. Chase is becoming very unlikeable I'm tired of the camera following him on the sidelines all game when he makes few plays. As it seems is often the case here with other players the hype is not matching the performance.
  6. Yeah this is just so weird. They said they have never spoken to her, so how could they have an opinion of her? Maybe they labeled her a gold digger? Regardless something was very wrong there.
  7. This is where I am. At this point in time it is absolutely fair to be critical of a man with a long list of bad decisions. Now we learn he was totally obliterated and behind the wheel of a car, with another woman who was equally intoxicated as his wife was frantically calling 911. And I'm supposed to feel sympathy for a man like this? Nope, only for his family.
  8. I agree with you. I have been trying to switch to the Ravens for several years. I would watch but my heart just wasn't in to it. But this all changed for me with the sexual investigation cover up, along with all the reports on Tanya. My anger is so high I just can't root for a team owned by people like this. When I cheer they cheer and that takes the fun out of it for me. When the season starts I'll be interested in my reaction. A part of me wants them to go 0-17. I too believe you pick a team when you are young and this is your team, win or lose, for life. I also think it's BS that fans have 2 "my teams", which obviously gives you twice the opportunity to have one of your teams win. I'll try to root for the Ravens but as you say I'll never have the same passion.
  9. I'm not sure what take years if they voted him out I mean what Legal recourse what do you have? The league's bylaws are pretty clear. If they do in fact voting out I'll be back on board that day, Even if a technically still on the team we would all know the deal then
  10. I totally believe there is a block of owners waiting on the findings of the financial issue, this entire thing hinges on the investigation Mary Jo White is conducting. With the signed affidavits by those who would know I think it's pretty clear this investigation may very well turn up nothing, I also think the league is steering White in this direction. In other words we once again got our hopes up for nothing. I see no reason to change my plan to turn to the Ravens. I've been watching their games to familiarize myself with their roster. I'm convinced Lamar Jackson will never get to a Super Bowl yet they will be forced to pay him like he is Patrick Mahomes. I am so screwed.
  11. This is why I have zero hope or expectations that this investigation will amount to anything Republicans have just decided on their own that they can simply ignore a Congressional subpoena. I'm still not sure how this is possible but here we are and this is where we have been and where we will remain. With guilty people simply refusing to do what is required by everyone else.
  12. Having lived in Malaysia when I was a teen I took notice of this post. So I looked into it, appears that Malaysia is kind of doing a Switzerland and being neutral. They did recently block a Russian oil tanker from porting there so to say they are backing Russia in this invasion does not appear accurate. https://www.reuters.com/world/malaysia-says-wont-allow-russia-flagged-tanker-sanctioned-by-us-port-2022-03-01/
  13. I always enjoyed Galdi, thanks I'll check it out. I'm new to podcasts and want to support these guys. I hit Subscribe, but if I didn't would just listening give them clicks (for lack of a better word) that will increase their ad revenue? I liked that Cooley bit on Sheehan the other day, specifically the river trip part. I need to go back and listen to the end.
  14. One of the reasons I like Sheehan is because, like most of us, he's had enough of Dan Snyder. He has ratcheted up the criticism because it's deserved. Tavis Thomas appeals to a different demographic than me, apparently they like all that noise. I come for the content not the bells and whistles.
  15. I'm a Sheehan guy and recently started listening to his podcast. I like how he's big on the sports I care about, such as MD BB. I tell you what, I'm certainly glad the Travis Thomas Experience is over. I could not stand all that screaming etc. Glad to see Scott Jackson in that spot but not sure if that's temporary or not.
  16. Despite my earlier comments I'm really looking forward to seeing Dotson play.
  17. Well Brown wasn't very good, they made a smart move in trading him before his contract was up. But again the point remains you claim the Ravens don't feel they need an impact WR because of their offense yet they committed their first round picks twice in three years trying to find the very thing you claim they don't need. That's all I got on the topic, I gotta go to the doctor. Peace.
  18. You totally missed my point. You claimed that the Ravens don't need a stud WR because of the offense they run. Their draft history says otherwise. They would do it again because they just traded their best receiver.
  19. If the Ravens didn't feel they needed a stud at WR then why did they use their first round picks on WRs 2 of the past 3 years? Regardless of the offense they are running the Ravens obviously have and have had a big need for a stud receiver. Of course they knew they needed help at WR before this draft started. The Hollywood Brown trade was a done deal before the draft started. He was in Arizona on draft night because he knew he had been traded there, it just had not been announced. . FYI I am only using the Ravens because they were the team that selected the player I feel Washington should have taken.
  20. Yeah I think we are done here. You made some solid points, as did I. We'll find out in a few years, right now these are just opinions. I'm betting on the Ravens being smarter than the Commanders. They were the team with the bigger WR need but instead went for the better player instead of drafting a WR to fill an immediate need.
  21. Yeah I had meant to address the additional picks involved, that's a solid point. And we will see. I recall the Redskins passing on JJ Watt. Who did they get in return? Ryan Kerrigan, a solid player but obviously no Watt, and other players with the picks that never panned out. Now Sam Howell could turn out to be a viable starter, that's certainly possible. However history shows they will be lucky if he turns into Nate Sudfeld. Robinson and Turner? Hard to say, just saying players like them are not hard to find.
  22. You say they have invested little in the offense. I'd say Carson Wentz is a pretty big investment. I'm not taking the "we should invest in offense, no we should invest in defense" argument. I'm simply saying passing over higher rated prospects, regardless of if they play on offense or defense, to fill an immediate need because you are desperate to win a few more games next year is not a sound philosophy.
  23. I've already explained how a player like Hamilton will help the offense in terms of field position and time of possession. Sure they need to hold up their end and put the ball in the end zone. But sorry passing over a higher rated player to fill an immediate need is just not a sound way to build a roster long term. This has been proven over and over again.
  24. If you don't care what other people are saying then why should I care what you say? I'm only half kidding. Look it's very simple. Nobody said Kyle Hamilton was Sean Taylor. But virtually everyone had him rated much higher than Dotson. There is no arguing this point. Sure they could all be wrong, we all know this, but it's pretty clear that "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" is not a solid argument. Who cares if the invested picks in the defense and it didn't really work out? That's no reason to stop drafting potential impact defensive players. If the Lions had taken that approach they would have passed on Calvin Johnson because all their other first round WR picks didn't pan out.
  25. Again my point was a player like Hamilton could help improve on the team's biggest weakness, getting off the field on 3rd and 7 which would be a huge impact on the offense. Sure if the offense scores more the other team will become one dimensional and the defense can pin their ears back. But at what point in the game? Surely not in the first half when teams do not totally abandon their game plan down 17-7. Hamilton's presence would have an affect from the first play to the last. This defense has been overrated for several years now, that should be obvious. They rarely create turnovers giving the offense a short field, they allow long drives that forces Washington to start with poor field position. So many predict that this guy could be a star and a real game changer, not too many are saying that about the guy Washington picked. At least not at the same level. We all know they could be wrong but at this point in time this is all we have to go on. When you pass over higher rated players, and virtually everyone had Hamilton rated higher than Jahan Dotson, to fill a need you are doing it wrong.
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