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Dark Acre

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Everything posted by Dark Acre

  1. when the team was 6-0 in 1978 and had throttled Dallas on MNF 9-5, didn't trade WR Frank Grant which precipitated a 2-8 finish.... (The 1978 Redskins WR corps may be the worst in NFL history. Then you trade one of them and make it even worse.) What if we'd found a way to draft both Marino and Green in the 1983 draft?
  2. Welcomed by a guy named Dan! The team's mascot should be irony.
  3. I think Jon Allen should be our goal line back. I have no idea whether he can or would do it, but holy soft-serve emoticon, I sure would not want to be standing between him and the endzone. I don't think I've ever seen a guy whose scowl-to-intensity ratio was off-the-charts. Lots of guys scowl. Some intense guys scowl. But Jon Allen's scowl is the personification of his intensity. (If there's an intensity genotype, the scowl is his intensity genotype phenotype.) I can't wait for that man's Hall of Fame speech.* *I still have the 3 tickets I bought for the game/ceremony when Monk** (favorite Redskin) and Green got enshrined. I was going to take my parents but my cousin in L.A. decided to get married that day. Seriously??? He knew we were Redskins fans. The bride must've been in charge. **When Monk was drafted, I was excited to have a 6'3 WR who could run in the 4.4s. (My prior favorite player was Roy Jefferson.) My mom just thought he was handsome.
  4. I also think it's good we're playing backups. Sure, you want to be battle-tested on starters, but this is football, not a one-on-one game like (usually) baseball. The O needs to be learn how to execute at game speed without having to worry about getting crushed. Sure, they have to learn how to avoid getting crushed, but if they can't execute the play to begin with at any speed in a game, then there's no point.
  5. Frankly, I like holding out all the starting (and could-start-for-other-teams) players. The more opportunities the O has, the better. Hell, just let the other teams score. The O needs reps and drives.
  6. If Jonathan Allen could be the goal-line back, he'd be the Shotei Ohtani of football.
  7. RG3 had a pretty good rookie year. We were ALL excited. But stuff happens. That's why you don't trade future 1st round picks....
  8. Three #1s and a #3. Awful, AWFUL trade. Also weird if Darnold and Daniel Jones claw their way up to, respectively, below average and average after all these years. But at least no picks were traded to draft them. Anyways, I'm happy with the Howell pick and hope we can keep him from being Ramseyed.
  9. Next year's Day 1 starting OL will be drafted next Spring. Until then, we keep Howell as healthy as can be.
  10. Because just what's going to drive ratings is training camp with the Washington Commanders....
  11. This stuff's better than the actual game! The pacing's fantastic and talk about drama. I never, ever thought seeing a guy named Bidwill happy would actually be enjoyable to watch, but it was. Imagine what this would've been like during the 70's. Dallas woulda been like, we'll throw in a day's supply of Hollywood's blow and your pick of any 2nd-tier cheerleader. George Allen would be constantly checking the phones for bugs. John Madden would be going, BOOM! We get their first and then we zigzag this way for their 4th, and then over here, this 12th rounder slides in on the backside.
  12. Well, yeah, that was my point. I'm fine with a speedy, tall (though not Mix tall) ballhawking CB being the one guy on D who shouldn't be getting into a scrum stopping the run.
  13. Deion Sanders, one of the greatest CBs to ever play, was exceptionally skilled at avoiding blocks.
  14. Especially when what was actually said was, "Who can we contact to get Andrew* some luck in protecting the quarterback?" *Norwell
  15. Darrell Green was 5'9" and faster than a speeding bullet. The force he hit with at 184# was pretty substantial. Excellent tackling technique too. Watch highlights of him catching guys from behind.
  16. 3 and a bag of uselessness named Andre Johnson. We have had fantastic success in later rounds.
  17. Dude is 295# and doesn't have long arms. Can he catch?
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