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Everything posted by veteranskinsfan

  1. Our front office needs to be on the phone now looking for new kicker.
  2. No more field goals this game. That was a chip shot. Go for it on every 4th down until Skins can hire another kicker.
  3. Remember the fish stinks from the head down. Famous one-liner from Ken Beatrice on WMAL radio years ago. I would like to know what he would have said about Snyder and his ownership of the Redskins. Also what would Ken have said about changing the name to WFT?
  4. Remember the fish stinks from the head down. Famous one-liner from Ken Beatrice on WMAL radio years ago. I would like to know what he would have said about Snyder and his ownership of the Redskins. Also what would Ken have said about changing the name to WFT?
  5. It baffles me why our coaches thought they could plug and play William Jackson into their zone system. For his performance so far this year and the money they paid to get him he is reminding me of that corner named Josh who now plays for the 49ers that we over paid for and his performance in his last few years was atrocious.
  6. I would make a pitch to Mister Rogers from Green Bay if he decides to leave. I know when Montana left the 49ers to the Chiefs nothing great happened for the Chiefs but Rodgers is like Brady in that he leads the team and will not stand for stupid penalties or players not giving 100 per cent on the field. Rogers needs a new team and we need a Pro Bowl quarterback in the worst way. We have nothing to lose by trying to get him. He and Riverboat Ron went to the same college just not in the same year together. If our defense could actually improve before the end of the year then Rodgers might actually consider us. Also he would set Scott Turner straight by doing audibles when ever Turner called a play that would most likely fail.
  7. Packers 30 and WFT 10. Julie Donaldson quits her job at halftime and announces it over the radio.
  8. I think he cut Hopkins to send the team a message. The year Gibbs was 0=5 he cut one or two players to send a message to the locker room. But I have a broader question for ESers to consider. How does any NFL team know exactly when to cut a kicker without just relying on statistics? Does the special teams coach look at the kicker's mechanics and then tell the Head Coach we cannot fix his mechanics? In the past many teams have been wrong about their kickers and those kickers moved on to other teams and performed better. Part of kicking is mental too and how do you decide if the guy has lost his concentration. I think Rivera firing the snapper before the season started the downfall of our kicker. Coach Ron did not save a lot of money by cutting his veteran snapper so why did WFT cut him?
  9. Teams leading their divisions all have quality quarterbacks.
  10. B Mitch- “ I do not see the fight in these players that he saw last year. Head Coach needs to tell the team they stink and they need to get better.”
  11. Ron speaks- we missed on opportunities. You know Carolina doesn’t miss him any more. He says the same stuff every week but he makes no changes from week to week.
  12. JP Finlay- He said the offense was inept. Too many injuries of guys who did not play. The Defense gave up 500 yards today and had 8 straight third downs on the last drive.
  13. B Mitch says Heinke is height challenged and has week arm strength. Hmmm...
  14. Cannot wait for Brian Mitchell to talk now. Moses say free agents acquired are not good. What will JP Finlay say?
  15. If a player like Darby has a good season they leave for greener pastures the next year so they know the team is not progressing. Cannot wait to hear what Rivera says.
  16. Just discovered my geographic area is not covering the WFT game with Kansas City. Maybe they are doing me a favor?!! I have to quarantine for 10 days due to testing positive for COVID so I could have used a diversion today. CBS changed the game a few days I ago. Cannot go outside of my home to watch it at a sports bar.
  17. Second or third time we have had no connection with Ricky Seals Jones in the end zone.
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