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No Excuses

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Everything posted by No Excuses

  1. Outriders is such a great game so far and an incredibly fresh take on a shooter looter. The character builds feel really powerful and the abilities are great. The way you heal yourself based on your build and control the battlefield is the most unique experience I’ve had in a game in so, so long. It legitimately makes you feel like a sci-fi demigod, but it’s also hard as ****. I made a build where I only heal and gain armor in close range kills, and oh man getting a shotgun and just zipping through baddies is so great lol.
  2. Not anymore. First year on Xbox and free through game pass on Day 1. Game pass is going to disrupt the whole industry if it can deliver high quality titles day 1 like this.
  3. MLB the Show 21 and Outriders both on gamepass day 1 of release. Xbox finally delivering on years of promises? Could it finally be happening? Might be time to turn on the XSX for the first time since I bought it in November. 🤡
  4. A bill that ushers nationwide redevelopment + shutters offshore tax havens + mandates “Made in America”. Pretty much all the populist stuff Trumpists gushed over. Something tells me all that populism won’t be lining up behind this MAGA red meat bill.
  5. I don't have much time these days to post around here but I lurk. And it's a sad state of affairs that this thread has only become more relevant since the time I started it. This is the inevitable end result of a political movement whose ideas suck and that has lost all faith in its ability to win the consent of the majority. It's just a really sad coalition of whiny little babies who cannot accept that most Americans want nothing to do with them.
  6. Outriders will be a available Day 1 through Xbox gamepass. Might be the first game I actually spending time playing in the XSX since buying it lol.
  7. The anti-vaxxers have been spreading conspiracies that the mRNA vaccines are a form of gene therapy, which is flat out wrong. You can share this link with reluctant family members.
  8. Higher education staff are now eligible in MD, wife and I both got our appointments for next week through Safeway. 😁 CVS has the worst online vaccine scheduler by the way. Walgreens and Safeway are really good. Safeway you can do it without having to make an account.
  9. Would be much more entertaining if they did this the old fashioned way. Form a pact with the Dutch or French, and invade the island.
  10. I don’t know, the Dems did take complete control of government within four years and made Trump a one-term President. I think the Dems messaging usually sucks but they are also up against a political system that is titled to minoratarian rule, both in Congress and the executive branch, that heavily favors the GOP. Still, this bill is a major shift in Dem politics. It’s a complete rejection of 40 years of economic thinking in this country that swung on debt/deficit concerns. Even Obama would talk about “the government tightening its belt”. This is the liberal middle finger to the GOP on deficit spending hypocrisy that is 20 years too late.
  11. Good bill, will make a hugely positive impact. This countries outlook on economics and social welfare has dramatically shifted to the left with this. Obama couldn’t have passed this stimulus with a Dem supermajority in 2008. I frankly believe we will look back at this pandemic and the economic response to it as a turning point in how we view aid to the poor and the struggling, and that direct cash help from the government is a hugely successful policy measure. This is a generational shift akin to Reaganomics. Dare I say, we are entering a new era of economic thinking and policy making.
  12. Keep in mind, we get zero relief with a Republican senate. There was no chance Mitch would have even negotiated with Biden.
  13. Most of that people at those income levels are more interested in finding places to spend their money, than getting money into their pockets from the government. I still think it’s dumb politics because that income group would have put that money right back into sectors of the economy that were struggling. It would have been efficiently redistributed. But it’s really not that big of a deal.
  14. It’s typical of the Democratic Party to under deliver. I don’t agree it’s an L. The economy is going to be roaring by next year, no one will care much about who got checks and didn’t. We’ve come a long way from the 2008 response to the last economic meltdown, which was god awful in retrospect. Obama ended up governing as a fiscal conservative on the issue in hindsight and his public statements about government tightening its belt just look cringe in hindsight. The economy is on track to recover above projections before the pandemic started. That’s amazing and almost all of that will be thanks to trillions in relief spending by the government. We moved dramatically to the left this time around in responding to a national crisis and it worked.
  15. Mike Pompeo was genuinely good as SoS on the issue of Uyghur persecution in China. Not all in the GOP care, but Pompeo made a series of good moves before finishing his term. Source: my exposure to the Uyghur community and their interaction with our policy makers through my wife who is Uyghur, and has family back home that was/is in the camps.
  16. Probably not. Maybe a correction, probably not even that. It’s boomer money rotating back into things like cruises, now that all the lame people in the world are ready to burn fossil fuels and eat overpriced food in floating petri dishes. Ex: Carnival and Exxon Mobil are up >15% this month. You’re probably watching a bunch of tech and growth stocks/ETFs which are taking a beating in this rotation. Going to see how markets do tomorrow, and if tech is still going down, probably buy the fire sale close to market closing. The best time to buy is when everyone is having a panic attack.
  17. The bears tried really hard to meme hyperinflation concerns into reality but looks they failed.* *at least for today lol
  18. The promise is there but I feel like this happened with Xbox at the last console cycle too: they make the beefier console (on paper), they release no good exclusives at launch, but there is the expectation that they will eventually and then the PS delivers far better exclusives for the duration of the console and Xbox can never catch up. MS has been buying up lots of high quality studios so let’s see if they actually deliver this time.
  19. The Bundy Ranch standoff should definitely be seen as a major catalyst for where we are today. Fox News went out of its way to legitimize the behavior of the militias. Probably radically spiked their popularity.
  20. The XSX has zero interesting games. I immediately regretted buying it once it turned out that the best game to play on it is Skyrim.
  21. This is actually the origin story of gender reveal parties. The lady who supposedly did the first one ever, used cupcakes or cake?? to reveal it. The logical endpoint for every new fad in America is blowing things up.
  22. I cancel every single person I am friends with who did a gender reveal. Judge them forever for being enormous losers.
  23. Jerome Powell could scream “INFLATION IS UNDER CONTROL” into a bullhorn and we would still get 50 CNBC and WSJ articles saying “is hyperinflation around the corner?????”
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