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No Excuses

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Everything posted by No Excuses

  1. Pai's time at FCC turned out to be not so bad. The worst doom over NN repeal didn't come to pass, broadband speeds increased nationwide and costs didn't go up. Still think public broadband as a counter to Verizon/Comcast is necessary. Starlink is also going to be rolled out over the next few years and it's going to give existing ISP's a lot of necessary competition.
  2. Picked up the XSX on Friday. Gamepass is pretty cool, got a bunch of games I missed last gen downloaded and ready to play. Skyrim and Fallout 4 were bundled together for $30 with all DLC. Starting off with Skyrim first. Running the game with graphics mods and no FPS cap is pretty amazing. Stunningly detailed world on a big screen TV, running at 60+ FPS is awesome.
  3. About to be playing Skyrim and Mass Effect on my next gen console over the next few months.
  4. XSX runs Skyrim with 4K graphics mods at 60FPS. Will be doing my first Skyrim play through now that insufferable 30 FPS is no longer the problem.
  5. Got an Xbox Series X from Best Buy this morning! Was shooting for a PS5 but will settle for this and wait for the PS5 to be regularly in stock. Have to go pick it up from the store in Frederick this week, which is not super close but w/e.
  6. Im playing Detroit Become Human right now, which was ported to PC from PS4, and it’s one of the better single player games I’ve come across in a while.
  7. Instead of thousands of people fighting it out with the refresh button, what is the problem with just having a waitlist system? I'd happily add my shipping and billing information. Take the money out of my account in advance. Give me an approximate delivery date over the next few months and be done with it.
  8. Damn, oh well. Got a new iPhone for my wife and was hoping to snag the digital-PS5 for myself. Guess only one of us gets new tech for now 😕
  9. Lol same, I get to the cart screen too and it's in there. But then you hit check out and its the "oh deer" ****.
  10. I just got to Jericho so I haven’t had much of a chance to do much with Markus. So far I’ve played Connor as just trying to get the job done. Kara on the other hand is a murdering, stealing but compassionate bot.
  11. Just getting around to playing Detroit: Become Human and it's really good. Love to find a game with a good story.
  12. Biden names a COVID advisory council and WOW they already came up with a vaccine. What leadership, never seen before EVER!
  13. Janet Yellen rumored top pick for Treasury. Keep Powell at the Fed and we’re going to be printing some money folks.
  14. VA is where careers go to die. Pete deserves better. Want a China hawk at State or DoD who aren’t incompetent buffoons like Pompeo and Esper.
  15. This is a comical statement considering deep red states have passed Medicaid expansion during the Trump era. My 2nd suggestion for fixing the Democratic Party is for them to take funding for civics education much more seriously so people have more informed political opinions.
  16. Putting aside the race/gender stuff, my biggest gripe with the Democratic Party is that they govern as if they are afraid of wielding power and they are routinely on the initial losing end of policy debates, even though their preferred policies end up being wildly popular as time goes on. The Republican Party will fear monger over any policy action that aims to use government resources to make people’s lives better. Whether that’s expanding voting and civil rights, additions to the social safety net or building modern infrastructure. My barometer for Joe Biden is how quickly he moves on giving statehood to DC and Puerto Rico. There is not a single good reason to have American taxpayers who don’t receive congressional representation. It’s not even given that Puerto Rico will be a blue state. Its current governor endorsed Trump. Governing afraid of the GOP and its toxicity really needs to end, and I’m hoping the Trump era radicalized enough liberals out of the mistaken belief that compromise is possible.
  17. Anyone read the PA and NC rulings today? Alito openly writing in his dissent that he is open to tossing ballots in PA even thought they comply with the directions given to voters by the PA SoS. Democrats are absolute idiots if they are willing to sweat it out every four years in a game of “will the anti-democracy conservative justices change the rules to help Republicans”. It should be abhorrent to every single person who values democracy in this country what conservatives are doing in the courts this election.
  18. I'm not even sure that there is a strong orginalism argument for sustaining the EC. Jefferson was pretty clear in his views of the evolution of the constitution in a letter to Madison. https://oll.libertyfund.org/quotes/608 In this, Jefferson is basically arguing for the younger generation to toss out the constitution every 20 years, which is a remarkably more radical position than abolishing the EC. But the point is that even some of the founders were like "yeah this constitution might be useless to future people, radically amend as you wish".
  19. This itself is a primary reason why the EC should be abolished. There are more Trump voters in California than several small "red states" combined. And they are mostly disenfranchised because the electoral college is a garbage system with no rational logic behind it and no relevance to present-day conditions of this country.
  20. Fealty to bad governance systems that produce bad outcomes for the sake of "muh history" is pretty regressive. The most factually disastrous governments in the past twenty years have resulted from the archaic system of conducting national elections where the majority will of the public is disregarded for the interests of a small minority of the population. It disenfranchises people on both sides of the political spectrum. The rest of the democratic world is doing just fine with a popular vote system, much better than us in fact. Tossing the electoral college into the dustbin of history is probably the best government reform this country can undertake. If Texas continues its shift towards liberal politics, you can bet that Republicans will get on board with scrapping the EC. And at that point, it should be a bipartisan effort to abolish it.
  21. The Democrats only weapon against the raw exercise of Republican power in stacking federal courts is to expand the courts. There are two things in this country that will always remain true: 1. Most of the public is low information voters, majority of the people can't name more than one SC justice, let alone keep track of how many judges are on a lower court bench 2. You win elections by making people's lives better. People need healthcare access, small businesses need bailouts, our infrastructure sucks and needs to be modernized. If you win with a governing mandate, you expand the courts and you pass policies that are popular and that have immediate payoff. You do the Trumpian strategy of flooding the news waves with activity, where no one keep up with what happened the week before. But you do it on issues that are popular, not on garbage that is exhausting.
  22. Well Hillary and Obama still aren't at GITMO, so to reconcile this unfortunate development with Q-reality, the Hillary and Obama we see right now are obviously clones and the real ones are either dead or Trump already arrested them.
  23. Portland is treating today’s far right rally as an unauthorized paramilitary activity. Cool, normal country.
  24. New Gojira song after 4 years. Very good (both song and music video).
  25. The Republicans can dismiss any impeachment articles within 15 minutes and move on. There is no procedural moves that can delay a vote in any meaningful capacity. The only move that exists is letting the GOP know that nothing is off the books if they break the norms they hypocritically created themselves and actually following through with it. Biden already had expanding the lower courts as part of his campaign platform. The House has already passed statehood for DC. He doesn't have to explicitly talk about the Supreme Court and expanding congressional representation to disenfranchised US citizens, but there is absolutely zero reason to not do this anymore. The GOP has governed in bad faith for two decades at this point and it has had disastrous outcomes on a number of fronts: from pointless wars, to economic meltdowns to botched pandemic responses. The point of governance has never been adherence to arbitrary norms, especially when one side disregards them at will. This country has been an abject disaster this century both times the electoral college has allowed the loser of the popular vote to win elections. Balancing the institutions to ensure that the majority voice of the public is heard will produce better governance outcomes over the long term. A system of governance that overvalues the electoral voice of a minority of voters (who are largely disconnected from the real world consequences of their bad decisions) is a system in need of deep structural reforms, especially when the existing outcomes are already terrible.
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