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Everything posted by TheGoodBits

  1. I actually really like the idea of a smaller stadium. It creates an intimate environment that’s downright intimidating and difficult to play in. Especially with a dome. I envision it being really tough to hear the snap count on 3rd downs with all the Cowboys fans screaming at the top of their lungs.
  2. I just wanted point out that military style, semi automatic rifles were not widely available to the public until the last 20 years or so. Since then, sales of semi automatic rifles have skyrocketed. And there’s a direct correlation between the availability of this kind of gun, the usage of this kind of gun in mass shootings, and how deadly these mass shootings are. And as you can see in other countries who have experienced tragedies and reacted accordingly, we have a choice about whether we want these guns to be easily available to the public.
  3. -Nationwide buyback program for any semi-automatic weapon (rifle or pistol). Offer $2k per gun. No questions asked. Hand in the gun, get a $2k check immediately. That’s substantially more than most of these guns are worth, and we’d quickly see a massive wave of people lining up to take advantage. -Simultaneously, instantly implement universal background checks and a 10 day waiting period for ALL gun purchases. If it’s semi-automatic, make that 30 days. -Then phase in a highly restrictive near-ban for semi automatic rifles within a year. There’s no reason most people should have an AR-15 (or similar) rifle. Make it a yearlong application process in which people have to demonstrate a defined reason to need the gun. Reject most applications. -Make it a felony to sell guns private party. 5 years jail time. -Consider a phased-in outright ban on owning semi automatic rifles if the person has not gone through the application process described above. They’d have something like 5 years to do this application, all the while they can opt to take advantage of the buyback program. Note that of all these things, the only impact for people who want to own a hunting rifle or shotgun would be they need to do a background check and they need to wait 10 days.
  4. This site is hilariously bad. 95 between the beltway and Dumfries is possibly the single worst stretch of road in the entire region. Zero public transit options. Nothing at all interesting about the site (waterfront, etc). The stadium will forever be half full at most. It’s like they took everything bad about FedEx and made it 10x worse.
  5. His durability over the course of his career has been perhaps his top attribute. A serious injury at some point was probably inevitable and I’d been waiting for it the last few years. But still, it’s least a little jarring to see it happen to him after this long.
  6. You know if I’m the Lerners and I’m trying to sell the team, it’s pretty appealing to a prospective buyer to have a superstar like Soto signed longterm. But it might be *more* appealing to have a sub $100m payroll, next to nothing on the books after 2025, and a farm system that is flush with talent.
  7. If the Nats got 22 hits in a game but it was on Apple+ so nobody could see it, did it actually happen?
  8. Yep, Dbacks lost 110 games last year and look like they could push 130 losses this year. Nice outings for our younguns but that was a minor league lineup. ooof
  9. My take on the news yesterday was that the idea they would consider selling wouldn’t hit the press unless they were very serious about selling.
  10. Leonsis is… ok. Not sure he’d commit to to a top 5-8 payroll every year but I also think he’d support continuity in the front office and staff. He doesn’t seem like a guy who is overly involved in the operations side of the teams he owns, which is a good thing.
  11. Yeah this scares the hell out of me. New owners will inherit all the bad habits and unfortunate circumstances from the Lerners, with no guarantee they’ll be as willing to spend as much on payroll as the Lerners have. A quick snapshot of the circumstances: -several large, very bad contracts (Corbin, Strasburg, deferrals from Strasburg contract pt1 and Scherzer) -MASN money issue unresolved -megastar due for a megadeal. Will they execute a huge extension while trying to sell the team? Will they delay the decision and miss their trade window? -farm system ranked last in MLB and has been ravaged by years of being competitive -one of their consistent best ways to sign top prospects is about to be destroyed (international draft coming) As successful as we’ve been for a decade, new owners are going to inherit a bit of a mess. And we can all just sit here and hope they invest top dollar to fix it.
  12. Just hoping we can take one of the games this series… W/L record isn’t going to be super important this year but it would annoy me to start the season 0-4 against the Mets.
  13. That should come back as soon as they ban the shift. Good counter-balance.
  14. While Soto may be good enough to command top prospects with just a year remaining on his contract (or hell, even at the deadline during his walk year), more team control will always result in a higher trade return. In his case, possibly substantially more.
  15. Nats aren’t winning anything in the next three years, so why keep him? Your trade return is *substantially* greater if he comes with multiple years of team control. This year’s trade deadline = 2.5yr, this coming offseason = 2yr. Honestly this past offseason was the best time to do it but certainly don’t wait any later than next offseason.
  16. Stras and Corbin have negative trade value right now. We’re just stuck with their contracts for the next 4-5 years. Soto you can absolutely make a case for. You should try really hard and be really aggressive trying to sign him to a life contract, but if he doesn’t sign then absolutely trade him before next season.
  17. Alonso needed to work on his cardio a little more in spring training
  18. I kinda like our 2-5. Falls off very quickly though. Would like our 3 or 4 hitter to be a little more multi-dimensional though. Pure power guys.
  19. I don’t think Strasburg has been on track for opening day at all this spring training. He’s slowly ramping back up and has started throwing live bullpen, but the reports a couple weeks ago were that he was “weeks” behind and they’re trying to get like 20 starts out of him this year. Would put him on track to join the rotation mid May-June ish.
  20. This is an excellent basketball game.
  21. One of my favorite ES stories is when certain posters accidentally got put on ghost mode, where NOBODY could see their posts. You’d occasionally get a notification that they’d quoted your post in a reply, but nothing would be there. One guy, can’t remember his username but believe he posted in the Nats thread, went years posting here with zero engagement from anyone. No responses, no liked posts. Just talking to himself the whole time.
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