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Everything posted by tshile

  1. I once tried to point that out to someone and they just kind of laughed at me. *shrug* we know the US is cataloging the internet, in more ways than we're aware of lol. And no, I don't understand the nature of showing off a gun collection. But I was raised not to do that, sort of like some people are raised to not gloat about (or be proud of) how they drank so much the night before I was raised that people who show off their gun collections are the people who wind up having guns stolen from them.
  2. my 2 cents: If I got to be King tshile, I'd revert us back to pump action shotguns and bolt action rifles. I could be swayed to consider revolvers, but I really don't see the point. IE: Guns that serve a hunting purpose (and yes, you can protect your family with these weapons.) I'd figure out how to improve the mental health issue in this country - both by increasing funding and importance to the mental health researchers and caregivers, and in fighting the stigma of mental health in our society. I'd end the war on drugs as the money available to the black market drug manufacturers, traffickers, and drug dealers on the streets seems to fuel a lot of senseless dying and violence. Make drugs legal, regulate them, adjust the healthcare system to accommodate, adjust the education system to accommodate, and stop fueling this system that drags our country down in every way imaginable (and has a very bad impact on our neighbors to the south.) I'd figure out how to get nonviolent criminals out of the prison system. I'd figure out how to fix these broken communities that high on poverty, high on crime, high on victimization rates, high on broken families; these are the breeding grounds for majority of our violence issues and it's impossible to ignore that it's a problem spanning generations at this point. And god dammit I'd fix this education system. People are resorting to shootings, both mass shootings and the street crime, because they don't feel like they have a better way. They're withdrawn from society; in two totally different ways, but they feel as though their actions are the only reasonable way forward. We have to find a way to stop people from getting to the point where shooting other people is their best path forward. For some of the mentally ill, that's not an option. We have to do more to understand them, to find out who they are, and to provide support to them AND their families. This is the richest country in the world. We have among the brightest people, working at some of the best institutions. There's no reason we can't figure out a way to fix these issues. But I don't get to be King tshile. I only get to be stupid forum whoring tshile. I've realized that the fundamental problem is the lack of ability to have an honest, intelligent debate about the issues. Everyone seems to have an agenda, everyone seems to have a bias, everyone seems to have a reason why they believe this one part of the equation is all that matters and all the others are irrelevant. And that problem exists for both sides.
  3. Also look at Amazon's AWS system. It's taking off https://aws.amazon.com/ There's actually a lot of companies looking for people that specialize in AWS. That's about all the help I can be on AWS, I haven't spent any time with it. I know a few people that have, they get job offers constantly. edit: I asked a group of people about this and here's the conversation that ensued... person1: it's a competition to see how fast you can throw money into AWS using their tools to draw wildly incorrect conclusions about data you don't understand person2: haha person1: what amazes me is the amount of people jumping into mongoDB and trying their hardest to use it like a regular db. or, in my world, the amount of inefficient waste putting data suited for mongoDB into regular DBs because Oracle person3: they should just use excell and a team of interns heh, it's the way things are right now. quite a divide over what it means to know/use some of this stuff
  4. My suggestion, and this may sound lame.... is to spend your time making sure you understand relational algebra since it's, for the most part, the foundation of databases. Once you have a firm grip, start learning about nosql and that little movement. The people that are bad at databases are bad at understanding relational algebra and the performance hits of doing things certain ways. Then spend time learning best practices about databases. For example, if you're going to develop software, how to use checkpoints so a failure of the system doesn't result in a completely corrupted database or one you can't roll back to except for the last full backup (i'm dealing with that right now...) I spend an inordinate amount of time looking at scripts/calls/code written for expensive software and shaking my head. It's clear these people barely understand what is going on. From there it's just a matter of understanding the differences in syntax and performance. Right now there's a big framework... movement (i guess i'd call it?) where everyone's constantly talking about, and trying to sound like experts, in the next big framework. From databases to coding to SaaS stuff. You can get lost and spend hours chasing that stuff. It's to the point where I genuinely wonder how some of these people ever actually get things doe, they spend so much time chasing the next big framework/database/method. If you're only concerned about administering the databases then just spend time reading the best practices written by the developers/maintainers of the systems. Because that's crucial. Understanding different backup methods, maintenance for performance, how to apply upgrades (and reading through enough reviews/notes/etc to understand how critical upgrades are.) But I suppose I'm old school... I think understanding the underlying methods, reasoning, etc is way more important that being specialized in any particular system/language/etc. I see too many people who act ****y because they think they've mastered a specific system/language, then you look at their work and it's clear they don't actually know what they're doing... and some of them are borderline dangerous in the way they do things, the only saving grace is they don't have an important job. edit: I realize I didn't really answer your question. hah! sorry about that. the stuff I constantly see popping up: Postgres, NoSQL, and MongoDB
  5. i know someone with a house on an island on the river. i imagine this will destroy the entire property if it happens. sucks, is an awesome spot. especially for crabbing and fishing.
  6. yeah and the area has flooding issues when it rains too much. a serious hurricane? I'm not that far from it, but i'm far enough that I think we'll be fine. down trees and siding/shingles being ripped off will be our main concern. guess i'll sleep in the basement
  7. NOVA offers some cert programs too... https://www.nvcc.edu/workforce/programs/index.html I went to NOVA and got my AS in IT and AS in CS there. I also went to GMU and got my BS CS there. I was not, in any way, impressed with either program at NOVA... I consider both degrees absolutely worthless. Edit: And yes, I'm factoring in that an AS in either field is worthless to start with. My BS from GMU is worth every penny. That department/program, and those teachers, were really, really good. They rank well too (~50 in the country in CS) so it's not just my bias, that's a really good ranking for what many consider a glorified community college and most of us consider (at best) 4th 'best' school in the state (in some order UVA, VT, JMU... then fight it out with CNU, radford, GMU, VCU, etc) The CS department is completely different than the IT department.... I have no experience with GMU's IT department... but I would be inclined to recommend GMU's program over NOVAs... Not to mention in the STEM fields at GMU, many of that faculty have ties to federal government/military work (many of the staff comes from that line of work too), which means if you are a quality student that gets recognized by staff you might wind up with some rather important connections and opportunities...
  8. ITT is expensive. They do a hell of a job marketing, but I'm skeptical of the payoff there. If you get lucky with a great job in a great environment, sure. If you have a clean record and can get a security clearance, you can make a lot of money doing low level stuff in the field (it's actually quite absurd.) But for the average person... it seems like a rip off to me. Notice the degrees they offer, and the ones they don't... They're really expensive, but like all schools you get out what you put in. A dedicated, smart, driven person could absolutely go to ITT and wind up with a career that justifies the cost. I, on the other hand, would suggest looking at a community college. If she's local, GMU has a great program for people just like her. http://techadvance.gmu.edu/programs.htm She can earn certs to get her in the door somewhere, while taking classes that might end up with her obtaining some sort of degree (if she works with a counselor and picks the appropriate classes/certs.) There's A TON of jobs in this area you can get if you're working towards something as a student. A family friend's son just got an internship at $20/hour working for a local government doing some pretty basic stuff, he's still in school for software development. These are all over the place around here. And if you're good, you'll wind up being asked to come on full time while you finish your schooling. The other option is to learn enough to get a basic helpdesk job and then work your way up. The problem with this approach is that your talent level is normally identified pretty quickly, and your path at the company is determined then. If you're coming in fresh with no experience and aren't quit really good at your job, you'll be stuck in helpdesk until you go somewhere else. This path is best for someone who's already really good at their job, as they'll be promoted within 6 months out of helpdesk. That's the general way I've seen it work, there are always exceptions for talented/smart people.
  9. edit: Helps if you look at the timeline correctly. Looks like more models have the storm peaking at a cat 4, but most are in the high cat 3 category still. As of 5 am they have it at 120 mph.
  10. watching the maps where this thing seems to make a hairpin turn is just nuts to me i think i'll add meteorologist to the list of degrees/careers i would pursue if given the chance to do it all over again.
  11. Yeah, that would definitely point to the OS... interesting.
  12. Sounds like your drive may be on its last leg. I can't imaging anything on your laptop, copying over USB, should take 26 days... I'd plug the drive into another computer and see how long it takes to copy large files. Makes sure it's not the usb drive that's trashed.
  13. ugh. i suppose i need to double check those too.... good call.
  14. in that case it would manage to go directly over all of my family and me. at least i'm far enough inland that rain and wind would be the only concern.
  15. Damn it. I just sent that to my tailgate crew, thanks for sharing. I've been to some pretty bad weather games. The ice storm in 2013 against KC was among the worst. I think I'll pass on a cat 1/2 hurricane. Guess we'll have to wait and see how it tracks. I imagine they'll cancel the game if it looks like it's going to happen, though part of me definitely wants to see a football game played in a cat 2 hurricane. Should be safe inside the stadium right? I lived in Newport News at the time. We evacuated. The place was borderline uninhabitable for weeks. It was destroyed for months. Water had to be trucked in by the national guard. Most of the place is at or below sea level. Just can't handle it.
  16. You're missing the point. We don't have to change anything we can just kill all the ants!
  17. I would love to hear what Zorn has to say. Not on game day, just a random day of the week. I be he has the most ridiculous stories to tell...
  18. I bet he becomes hopelessly in love with Gruden and SM if they work out well enough to stick around I honestly think his Shanahan obsession is born out of disdain for Snyder and Ceratto. When he watched (from his point of view) Griffin run Shanahan out of town and Allen take charge... and bring in Gruden... i think he saw the Ceratto 3.0 era beginning. And you're right, he's a huge fan of the redskins. It's really hard for me to blame him... Over time he's backed away. If this year continues the way its started (solid o/d line play, physical and powerful teams, culture of pushing others around, time of possession style tactics) he's going to move quickly off of it. I just think he sees Allen as a slightly smarter Ceratto, Griffin as the Owner's shiny toy he's putting priority on above the team, and Gruden as a big name splashy hire that hasn't really proven anything to anyone yet... and after the last 2 decades of what we've had, it's made him go crazy. He'll come around... Again, I don't blame him... I think he's more Anti-Griffin than he is Pro-Shanahan, but you'd have to listen regularly to get that. It's 106.7 the fan. They are trolling redskins fans. Don't feed the trolls.... If you don't think it works, just listen to how many hours of play they'll get today. From Grant and Danny up through Dukes, to their unofficial pregame show.. They're going to try to troll us ALL day. What more perfect way than to bring on Shanahan? Like I said, don't feed them. **** that radio station.
  19. I don't know how you took that away from what I posted. I've posted multiple times, in multiple threads, in both main subforums, about how ridiculous Sheehan is about Shanahan. I don't blame you for not having followed any of those posts, but I honestly just don't get how you got that from my post of explaining what Sheehan said during the show in question. *shrug* Everyone here does not like Sheehan, many hate him. It is what it is. You say anything remotely close to nice or objective about him and this is what you get.
  20. Good morning fellow redskins fans. Happy Thursday. Get your mind right.
  21. I didn't hear that when i listened to it the first time. I just went back and listened, and I didn't hear him blame it on Allen the second time either. So I have no idea where that's coming from. What he actually did was defend his defense of Shanahan's drafts. He starts with "a decent draft hits on 30%", then goes through things. He admits the 2013 was a bad draft, he specific says "i'm not going to deny that", but he pivots to "but it produced Jordan Reed" and then talks about Chris Thompson. Goes on to say it wasn't as bad as 2008 draft. He then goes over how 1/2 the people on the field on Sunday were acquired via shanahan, many through the draft. Basically he says the drafts were 'above average'. He says Shanahan's drafts were "C+s and B-s". He's backing off his defense a bit, but he's not going to call them complete busts. I don't think he's really wrong there... I didn't hear Allen's named mentioned once. I honestly have no idea where that's coming from... http://stationcaster.com/player_skinned.php?s=65&c=428&f=4857603 It starts around the 7 or 8 minute mark. Sheehan's been high on Shanahan since the moment they hired him. I don't know how much of it is because Shanahan told him things, I'm sure he did, but he was high on him from the minute that story broke. He was so sick of Snyder and Vinny he wanted a football guy in charge and that's what he viewed Shanahan to be (side note: just one example of how people saying ESPN 980 protects Snyder are full of garbage and obviously don't actually listen to the shows. the end of the zorn era Sheehan went nuts on vinny and snyder multiple times)
  22. Anyone else noticed how all the local media who picked the redskins to win between 3 and 6 games have seamlessly transitioned into how the division is wide open and 9-7 might win it? No one's explaining where these 3-6 extra wins would come from. Bunch of boobs.
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