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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. Is Youngkin really the best that VCU could get as a speaker?
  2. In recent history, you could pick the date Israel targeted the aid convoy. Or the assault of Raffa. Or the future date when Netanyahu dies. Finding a solution to fix the cluster**** that is this particular part of the Middle East does not have to be seen solely as rewarding Hamas.
  3. Who is stating that October 7 would be Palestinian Independence Day?
  4. For game days opposing schools should rename themselves Philip Sheridan High School as a reminder of what happens to traitorous scum.
  5. The HS in Shenandoah County was named in 1959 as a response in opposition to Brown vs Board of Education and attempts to end segregation. It was opened as a high school for whites only. Minorities were bussed to other schools. There is no doubt that it was created to implement racial hierarchy. You may have different associations with Stonewall Jackson but the people choosing to name the school after him were very clear on their one specific reason.
  6. Interesting choice of phrase. POINT: Enslaving black people is bad and the white people who fought their countrymen to continue this abomination should not be honored on our publically funded buildings. COUNTERPOINT: The argument is NOT black and white but so nuanced only a local person could understand it.
  7. Weren't Stonewall Jackson and Lee heros for the Union cause? Their wasteful loss of troops and military resources helped ensure a Union victory. Someone who had a basic understanding of military strategy would understand that it was a war of attrition and the Union had more to waste. Maybe if we portrayed history more accurately the losers would be less inclined to put Jackson and Lee's names on all the buildings.
  8. In the linked article ... A Tesla engineer testified in 2022 in a lawsuit over a fatal crash involving Autopilot that one of the videos, posted in October 2016, intended to show the technology’s potential and did not accurately portray its capabilities at the time. Musk nevertheless posted the video on social media, writing: “Tesla drives itself (no human input at all) thru urban streets to highway streets, then finds a parking spot.” That's pretty clear that Musk was misrepresenting to the public what the car could do at that time. Whether it's labeled FSD is irrelevant.
  9. There is a strong case for securities fraud based on these claims in 2016. One key reason for Tesla’s high valuation was the idea that with Full Self Driving they would make ride sharing and autonomous taxis dominant, and personal car ownership a much smaller market. Following Tesla’s claims there were numerous predictions made by analysts in 2017 forecasting that 95% of trips by the end of this decade would be taken by autonomous taxi. Many investors believed that the first manufacturer with fully autonomous vehicles would own the whole road transportation market. It was hard not to keep looking at it … it was such a design abomination.
  10. Saw a cyber truck for the first time in the wild today on a interstate. My first impression was that someone had customized a large kitchen fridge to travel down the road. It looks so clunky and ****ing ridiculous.
  11. You know, there are professional market research firms who actually survey customers about what products they would consider buying. These show that 'Tesla consideration' has dropped from 70% to close to 30% since Musk took over Twitter. That's gotta hurt your sales if more than half your potential customers won't even consider your product anymore. https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/3/24119918/elon-musk-reputation-impact-tesla-falling-sales And who the **** is paying 10% interest rates on a 90k car? Tesla's own rates are at or under 6% with decent credit.
  12. Possibly for pets, but only useful if the pets are near someone with an iPhone. We have Whistle GPS for ours for when our dogs decide to walk themselves, but keeping them charged is a bit of a chore. An AirTag could be useful if you tend to forget where you’ve parked, but activating the car alarm with your remote can help for that. 😎 To avoid stalking, I think you will get notified on your iPhone if an AirTag is traveling with you that belongs to someone else. I don’t know how annoying this is if you use them as a family.
  13. True, but there is a lot of data that is highly sensitive in enterprise software for example, and is often only known by specific roles … Sales pipeline and pricing strategies. Biggest at risk customers Showstopper issues for when the product is oversold.
  14. Yeah, the idea that by accepting a job offer that you are essentially locking yourself out of the industry as a consequence is a ridiculous ask of a talented potential employee.
  15. California does not permit non-competes and it’s hard to argue that business operation in that state has suffered as a consequence. Too often non-competes are used to reduce the risk of former employees disclosing commercially sensitive information or IP. The threat of legal action on this against the former employee and the new employer should be enough. And non-competes are often not worth anything because they are often are signed some time after employment starts, and if you are going to change employment conditions you’re gonna need some consideration of value. As no new ‘consideration’ is typically provided, it makes them unenforceable anyway.
  16. Dawkins does come across a bit as an annoying stuffy English academic - which he is of course. Sam Harris and The End of Faith might be an easier read. Sam Harris is proudly intolerant of the bull**** and dangers of certain elements of faith.
  17. Just finished … The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century i enjoyed it.
  18. That’s the kind of thing someone would say when their third chakra is blocked.
  19. I would like to see the work of a talented court artist capturing the emotions of this scene.
  20. The poor teachers having to deal with this ****. if I was in middle school again I would identify as my true self, a turd sandwich, and go by the name Cyrano de Bergerac. There’s a compromise to be reached here that should satisfy all parties … Furry magic underwear
  21. I moved here in ‘96. I was aware of the trial but thought it was a lot of fuss about a minor actor in The Naked Gun.
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