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Fan since a Fetus

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Everything posted by Fan since a Fetus

  1. šŸ˜‚ no feelings hurt. I definitely donā€™t need to hear the same thing everyone else is saying, I just donā€™t understand the negativity of it all. i just feel like every person should be excited about this franchise right now. We havenā€™t even had a draft and talking about coaches being fired lol. Iā€™m not a huge fan of Danielā€™s, but Iā€™ll be happy as hell if he ends up being the guy though until proven otherwise, Iā€™m just not a fan of the weight and the age. As far as love, weā€™ll I only have so much love to give, but we can be friends šŸ¤Ŗ
  2. Are you a cure for optimism? Maybe you should give a call to Eli Lilly. i donā€™t mean to single you out, but Iā€™ve seen several posts already talking about the failures of a franchise, its coaches And young men that have yet to even step on the field. How do some of you guys get up on the morning? Do you put on your pants, think ā€œam I too happy? Letā€™s change that and bring other people with me.ā€ when going to bed at night ā€œgosh darn, I think I did it. I helped spread my negativity. This is great!ā€ i donā€™t know how anyone that OSS a fan of this franchise just couldnā€™t be over the moon with excitement. I know I am and I havenā€™t felt this way in a very long time.
  3. I was trying to be nice at someoneā€™s house and refill their paper towel dispenser. So, I went to the garage opened a pack and took one roll out. The person (family member) sees the open pack in the garage. ā€œ who did this?ā€ They asked angrily. ā€œI didā€ ā€œWE DO NOT OPEN PAPAER TOWELS IN THE GARAGE! YOURE GOING TO GET GASOLINE SMELL ALL OVER THEM. YOU PROBABLY RUINED THIS PACK.ā€ I laughed and still laugh about it today with my wife. She was there. So now, when I go to their house I donā€™t do **** to help.
  4. I thought that was Eddie Vedder at first. All you white people look the same to me. Anyways, I realized his song started ā€œMAH GERRD ERR.ā€ Easy mistake to make me thinks.
  5. At some point the meat was perfectly cooked. Why would anyone burn themselves over this guy? Heā€™s probably jumping for joy that this happened. Actually, no thatā€™s hyperboleā€¦heā€™s definitely not jumping. Heā€™s probably just joyful. one of those farts crept up on him and did a little fire in the hole.
  6. You forgot Bebeā€™s kids i really only remember this cartoon because my cousins and I would go down to the local park and play baseball with some black kids. We all got along. But one time, my cousins and I walked up and one said ā€œoh no, itā€™s the Brady Bunch!ā€ And they all laughed and I said ā€œoh no! Itā€™s Bebes kids.ā€ And everyone on the field were busting up.
  7. I was really hoping to be called the Washington Furries and Animal Planet bought the rights to put their name on our stadium. You could either howl or caw caw, all animal noises accepted. But, if thereā€™s already protests about thisā€¦I donā€™t know.
  8. Iā€™m curious how they are going to handle the reading and fighting. Does Henry lose his memory? Itā€™s been 6 years since the first one came out. If this one is close to the original, then Iā€™ll be playing this for like a year. Im also glad it is coming this year. Donā€™t have to wait 3 years like gta and Skyrim
  9. I said I was bored with games and then Henry comes walking back into my life. First game Iā€™ve been excited for since I donā€™t know when.
  10. This is all setting up for Rattler at 2. Ssssssssssssuuuuperrrrrr. im glad this is playing out like it is. I havenā€™t wanted any part of Jayden.
  11. It doesnā€™t matter if they vote for it directly. Weā€™ve seen several instances across the states where the public has voted for something like marijuana and the republicans refused to do as the voters wanted. Itā€™ll take a change in leadership.
  12. Yeah, Iā€™m off the path haha. I bought Demon Souls when it released. I saw the commercials and was so in. Then I proceeded to get my ass handed to me.
  13. Iā€™ve tried many games from many genres. Thatā€™s part of the great thing about plus. Iā€™ve never been caught up in sticking to certain genres. A good game to me is a good game. i say that, but i typically donā€™t like the souls games. I love their worlds though. Iā€™m about 10 hours into Elden Ring and havenā€™t played in the past week because I donā€™t have the motivation to keep going. My problem with Elden Ring right now is I donā€™t see a point in doing much anything. There are boss fights, but it seems like you can skip them for now. I also have weapons I donā€™t know how to equip. I have the proper dexterity and strength, etc, but it wonā€™t let me equip. whatā€™s the point except grinding for souls over and over? And I want a better weapon darn it! but with most games right now I feel Iā€™ve been there and done that.
  14. Iā€™ve been so bored with games lately. I must have started and stopped about 10 of them. I think itā€™s me and not the games. But I do feel I havenā€™t really gotten a next gen experience outside of Returnal and maybe R&C. Whereā€™s all the game using the controllers to the fullest? i feel like the PS5 is PS4.6. Itā€™s above PS4 pro, but I donā€™t feel games have changed much at all. Iā€™m hard to entertain, so maybe Iā€™m just being difficult about the whole situation. It might be game overload with ps+ and I own about 60. Iā€™m going to let ps+ lapse next month and just focus on the 12 games Iā€™ve purchased and havenā€™t played yet.
  15. I know you use lol in your posts all the time, but I have to admit, this is going over my head at the moment. Not sure what Iā€™m missing. oh well, if you must joke, then at my expense is just fine as long as everyoneā€™s laughing and having a good time, Iā€™ll even laugh with you.. lol
  16. Mineā€™s long enough that I donā€™t have to worry about splattering pee droplets everywhere. I just have to stand so I have more room. Back hurts though.
  17. I had a Movement Motion earlier and my dogs were there as counsel. Best advice Iā€™ve ever gotten.
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