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Fan since a Fetus

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Everything posted by Fan since a Fetus

  1. I’m just here to say **** texas!!!! Move here if you don’t like freedom. Move here if you like to be taxed to death move here if your a company (truly, they are the only ones that truly have freedom here) they can step on anyone they want. Move here if you hate yourself. because you’ll believe you are the biggest dumb ass for making that decision.
  2. Sorry, but y’all are wrong on Caleb’s size. He is 7’ tall and shoots lightning bolts from his eyes and fireballs from his arse!!!
  3. With the poor coaching last year, it is smart of Peter’s to sit back this year and see exactly what we have with the few players we have on the team. See who steps up and who doesn’t this year and attack stronger next year. No wasted money and it rolls over.
  4. This is a reply based on a convo in the free agent thread. I didn’t think it belonged there so I’m posting it here: I’m going against the grain here. I think Howell and Maye would be great together. In fact, I’d like to see it. Let the best one be the starter. I don’t care about QB feelings. It’s the same as every other position. The best person wins. Howell has shown that he can play in this league and he can stay healthy. one thing that I think might work to their advantage is the fact that they are friends. They’ll root each other on during practice. If they’re anything like other good to great QBs they will sleep and breathe football. When they’re together, what will they talk about. I bet a lot of it will be about football and improving. I like the situation QB wise with these two. Haven’t they done this already at UNC or am I wrong on that? I know you guys are going to tell me I’m wrong for wanting to keep him, I expect it. I just don’t think you chuck a young healthy QB with a pretty great arm and some running ability because you draft a guy in the first round. You let them duke it out and may the best man win. Especially since Howell is so cheap. you can never have enough good QBs and I’ll take Howell over the retreads that were listed earlier. Not all good QBs have a veteran there to help and a lot of times those veterans say it isn’t their jobs to help another guy take their job. whatever happens happens I guess.
  5. Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) just got done recording flute on 6 songs from Opeth’s upcoming album: Saw these guys last night, unfortunately there were only about 50 people in the crowd.
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