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Fan since a Fetus

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Everything posted by Fan since a Fetus

  1. Yeah, I am familiar with the phrase but wasn’t sure how you were using it. Thanks for the clarification.
  2. it’s more than propaganda now. They are working to change the course of this country currently as we speak. There are plenty of examples I listed that aren’t just propaganda. For example, abortion is not just propaganda anymore. They are actively working to eliminate it. Taxing wealthy people less is not just propaganda. Trump said he’s going to lessen the taxes again once in for the wealthy. There are more examples but I don’t really have the time to lay them all out. sincerely, Stupid
  3. im with you except for the last sentence. I think Trumps years in office were very effective for the Republicans that want to pretend like they’re good Christians. They’ve gotten an untold amount of people questioning our elections. They’ve started abortion bans. They’re dismantling schools. We will not come back from Trumps tax breaks. They rolled back regulations on companies (not sure what Biden has done. To rectify this). They’ve stacked the Supreme Court. He put a judge in Florida that fights for him every chance she gets. The Republicans were very successful throughout the Trump years. Unfortunately, they weren’t successful for the American people. They were successful for themselves and helping wealthy people obtain even more assets. They were successful in dividing everyone. They divided families. They’re attacking the LGBTQ crowd and trying to push them backwards and it’s working. They’ve divided the world even. The fact that the Republicans have cozied up to some of the slimiest and cruelest politicians around the world is a feature. They actually have a very good shot at taking over this country this election. We the people as a whole aren’t motivated enough to get to the polls and make a change. It sucks, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a year from now we are sliding right into a dictatorship. I wouldn’t be surprised that if Trump wins this is our last free and fair election. They e been very effective and it is scary.
  4. Maybe Lara is hearing inside voices and not inside sources. Easy mistake to make when you’re stupid.
  5. I just did that and realized I do not have a six pack. It is more like raw cookie dough that has been dropped on a shag carpet. But, it’s all mine!!!
  6. My wife is out of town, so I had to flex my big boy skills. I ate a whole package of raw cookie dough. Hell yah, I deserved it!
  7. Deadline - David Simon -MTG David Simon of The Wire fame has been giving it to these numbnuts conspiracy theorists. This is my favorite quote from the article:
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