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Fan since a Fetus

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Everything posted by Fan since a Fetus

  1. Old Testment New Testament Newer Super Duper Testament : God bless the USA Bible - there are 5,725 treasons to buy this version, oooops typo, reasons to buy the book.
  2. When I was a teenager, I had a travel size Grey poupon in my glovebox. I always wished someone would pull up beside me and say “Pardon me sir. Do you happen to have any Grey Poupon?” And I would answer “But, of course.” I never got to live that dream 😢
  3. She puts her CPAP on way too tight. It continues to suck out what little soul she has left. It’s like the CPAP is a dementor. It’s a face only an inanimate object could love.
  4. I still say we trade our #2 for Herbert since Harbaugh loves JJ so much. It seems like a win win. Plus I’m sure Herbert would like some weapons to throw to. All jokes though. Harbaugh knows he wouldn’t make that trade.
  5. So, yes, he’ll eat your ass. Just sautéed in butter. Lots and lots of butter for his fat gay frog ass.
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