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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Every time I think the WWE might be getting it's act together they go and take another nosedive off a cliff and get even worse. Raw has been absolutely terrible since WM.
  2. Most diehard Caps fans I know are not huge fans of Ted. Fan interaction isn't always a great thing.
  3. Some may disagree but I highly doubt the Wizards will be as successful as fans are hoping for simply building through the draft. They really need to land a good free agent signing (or good trade) - most likely they need this to happen before Wall's rookie deal is up.
  4. Not a diehard soccer fan or anything, but that game was amazing. EDIT: Why is Drogba leaving Chelsea? Contract up? Where's he going?
  5. I'm sure you make a very good living LKB, but I really wish WWE would give you a good gig running the wrestling side of things for them. The ideas you post on here are better and make more sense than anything I've seen out of WWE since the early 2000's. It's crazy that they've fallen so far.
  6. If you are a person that can completely suspend your disbelief and think you would enjoy mindless action then you'd probably enjoy it. I was pretty "meh" on the latest movie, it definitely had some great visuals and cool stunts - which was definitely enough to make it worthy of a $1 rental from the Redbox.
  7. Last night was pretty lame. Also, watching the "Three Stooges" skits was borderline embarassing - even though I was by myself. Incredibly cringeworthy . . .
  8. Skinz you should probably just read the book for yourself. It's less than $9.00 now in a lot of places. Even if you've seen the movie(s) there is enough plot expanded upon and extra details that make it a worthy read.
  9. NINJA The ending of the book was much more similar to the American version of the movie. I don't recall Martin using a "gas chamber" but everything else was pretty much the same. He definitely didn't inject him with anything. As far as the song, I don't recall that and I would have to rewatch the movie to try to catch the relevance of the song. I'm sure Fincher put that song there for a reason but I missed it the first time.
  10. NINJA Answers The American version is correct on both of these. I'm curious as to why the Swedish version left out the ending with her buying the gift and throwing it away. This plot point was crucial to understanding her characters actions in both sequels - I haven't watched the Swedish version of those yet. Also, I'm not sure why the Swedish version had Lisbeth cracking the Bible code. It didn't really make sense to me that she would have been the one to make that connection.
  11. I thought Rooney Mara fit the character as described in the books a lot better. Rapace seemed a bit too muscular which conflicted with how she was described and also didn't seem awkward enough to me. They also left out a lot of details like the cat being killed and changed how certain characters met, etc. that didn't really make sense to me. Fincher's version was a much better interpretation of the book (IMHO). His biggest change - the ending where you find out about Harriet - he actually improved on from the book I thought.
  12. Agree in a lot of cases but the American version of Dragon Tattoo was superior and far more faithful to the book than the Swedish version.
  13. Yeah, I saw that a few weeks ago and had to go read the books after. I just started the third book last night and will probably be finished in a few days.
  14. Maybe 2-3 years ago you would be correct. Did you see Rondo against the Knicks on Sunday? Pierce was out with an injury and Ray Allen was pretty much the only outside thread. Rondo has come a long way the past year or two. OT: I'm sure Wall will be fine, but the complete lack of an outside shot is concerning. You would think he would have been working with shooting coaches during the extended time off.
  15. Really? IGN gave it a 9.0/10 and said it was the best wrestling game since the N64. I'll have to see what differs in the Gamespot review. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/121/1212852p1.html
  16. That heel turn you mention would make too much sense. Therefore it will never happen.
  17. I read good things about that game today, but I'm not sure how you say that it looks "tight" based on that video. The entrance looks exactly the same as the ones in SvR 2011.
  18. Who doesn't miss that? I'd say the worst thing that happened to the quality of the WWE was the company going public.
  19. LMAO at the first part of that video. Great times - wrestling was great back then. Entertaining every single week.
  20. This might have already been known so forgive me - but as someone who is somewhat new to the sport it seems like Anderson Silva has a pretty good chin. I've seen a lot of his fights and obviously I've never seen him take many punches before but I was pretty impressed that he didn't get KO'd by a few of those shots.
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