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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Start to finish one of the best UFC events I've ever watched. What a finish.
  2. This is the kind of fight that gives ammunition to those who criticize MMA. Fight should have been stopped a long time ago.
  3. Franklin said after the fight that he knew it was broken right away because it was clicking. I couldn't figure out why he was holding his left arm in such a weird way. The audience found out after the fight and I have to say it was one of the most entertaining one round fights I've ever seen.
  4. Almost a whole round. Liddell broke Franklin's arm early with a brutal kick. Rushed Franklin with a hard elbow and got caught and KO'd with less than 10 seconds left in the first round.
  5. LMAO of course I ordered the last one. Glad to see Shogun didn't let the refs screw him this time.
  6. I thought Shogun won the first fight by a decent margin. However, I'm not liking what I'm hearing tonight so I'm assuming Machida will win. I don't think StillUnknown is ever wrong so I'd go with Machida.
  7. Any chance you can send the same to me? I usually order these but money is tight right now.
  8. I tried watching Raw last night. Good God what has happened to their product in the past 7-8 years?
  9. Who didn't see that coming? lol I haven't watched wrestling in almost 10 years but knew that was coming.
  10. Not sure Mayweather would walk away from that payday. Although his undefeated record would certainly be tested.
  11. No way. I like UFC a lot and have really enjoyed learning about the sports. I just think the decision was a highway robbery and really made me mad I ordered the fight - even though I enjoyed the hell out of the 3 hours before it.
  12. I enjoyed the hell out of the fight - it was awesome and I liked the styles. The decision was possibly a bigger robbery than anything I've ever seen in boxing.
  13. I mean **** . . . even ESPN had it on their page early before the bull**** decision. [ATTACH]42138[/ATTACH]
  14. I thought this is why I started watchin UFC instead of boxing - WTF was that all about?
  15. Thanks. Interesting. What was the deal with Mosely coming to the ring tonight then? They made it seem like Floyd had been ducking him for a while.
  16. I'd still like to see Mosely/Mayweather - don't understand why that fight has never happened.
  17. Thanks for the explaination. I haven't really watched since 2000 or 2001 and I'm not sure what changed but I think once they got to the point that they had different wrestlers on different shows I tuned it out. This all seems to have occured around the same time that Vince bought WCW and the Wildlife people made them become WWE. I'd probably consider watchin again if they ever got back to material aimed more towards adults - although we don't buy the merchandise like the kids so maybe that's their reasoning. Also, that storyline where Mae Young gave birth to a hand was horrible and that may have contributed to me tuning out. lol
  18. I always thought Cena was hugely popular or something because he was in all these movies or something - but I noticed that recently all I hear about is people saying how terrible he is. How did he become so big if that's the case?
  19. Those were the glory days of wrestling where I looked forward to Monday night and never missed. I don't know when it happened but one day I just stopped watching and only recently watched WM 25 for the sake of nostalgia . . . I still can't figure out why the WWE went away from the more young adult themed shows. I watch things now and they just seem aimed more towards younger kids - I'm guessing it has something to do with the lack of competition?
  20. If I remember correctly wasn't it Triple H (and Hall,Nash,HBK) that went out of character and hugged when Hall and Nash went to WCW - which ended up being the best thing to ever happen to WWF(E)? I'm pretty sure I remember he was buried for a few years as a undercarder and the bump that was intended to be for HHH ended up being given to Stone Cold - which ultimately lead to the Attitude Era - aka the best days in wrestling history. I feel like a nerd remembering that - I haven't watched wrestling regularly since the early 00's.
  21. LOL I haven't watched a wrestling PPV since Stone Cold and The Rock were still the biggest names. I'm completely lost as to the story lines but this is pretty entertaining.
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