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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. On the issue of the healthcare debacle I'd certainly have to disagree. The difference between this and how the ACA was passed is night and day. I'm sure you wouldn't have been up in arms if Dems had attempted to pass UHC or something like it in similar fashion. Whatever makes you feel better, I guess.
  2. You can probably substitute the name of anyone you want with Russell and that statement would be true - Dukes is beyond awful and I'm continually baffled how he's stayed on the air so long. Hell, the same might apply to Russell but at least he seems like a good guy and is actually a fan. Dukes would rather be playing video games or watching Raw.
  3. Lol please explain exactly what happened. This sounds amazing and I'm sure Pollin shut up quickly.
  4. I'm actually a fan of the look but burgundy on burgundy will always bring back nightmares of the 2008 Steelers game that ended up being the game where it was obvious Zorn and his "hip hip hooray" mentality was way out of his element in the NFL.
  5. Jurassic World was amazing! Finally, a proper sequel to one of my favorite movies of all time. I felt it had just the right amount of fan service without being overdone and thought it was good they realized they could never match the magic created by the first movie so they never attempted to. The end result was the most fun I've had at the theater in a long time. Only complaint I have is I could have done without one particular subplot, and the way the subplot wrapped up does have me worried about the direction they'll take with the inevitable sequel (I think I read JW is already past $200 million worldwide).
  6. Damn, so Chelsea is going to have only Torres and 36 y/o Drogba to back up Costa? This sucks.
  7. I'm jealous. I really wanted to go check this out but couldn't justify the pretty steep prices after a rough month with unexpected expenses. Anyone going to the DC United game tomorrow? I saw you can get a ticket, beer, and hot dog for $15.
  8. Nobody on the planet knows how to derail a thread quite like twa.
  9. Can you please explain? Congress isn't exempt from the law so I'm not really sure why this line of thought is so pervasive (actually that's a lie, I know exactly why it's so pervasive) "the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)."
  10. He's breathing - good news. Hope he makes it through.
  11. No commentary after Cole's announcement = me thinking this is very very bad.
  12. Same here - thought for sure he was going to close out the show and come in and stun Punk.
  13. He looked high as a kite. ---------- Post added July-23rd-2012 at 08:51 PM ---------- :ols: @ Mae Young's "son".
  14. Show is a failure if Austin doesn't show up. Nobody played a bigger role in Raw being successful than SCSA.
  15. I don't understand this so maybe I'm missing something - did this law somehow eliminate/reduce competition in the marketplace? Most people don't have a choice in what insurance company they get to use anyway - they just go with whatever insurance company their place of employment worked a deal with.
  16. I was just posting what Sarah Palin had to say about it. I definitely don't endorse the message.
  17. Thank you, SCOTUS. This Obamacare ruling fires up the troops as America’s eyes are opened! Thank God. This proves to be such an unsettling time in America as we undergo the fundamental transformation that Barack Obama promised he would do to us if elected. Obamacare was dealt in deception and confusion by flooding the public with an overwhelming amount of conflicting “rationale” via thousands of pages of unread legislative detail, which is the radical left’s M.O. Obama promised the American people this wasn’t a tax and that he’d never raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. We now see that this is the largest tax increase in history. It will slam every business owner and every one of the 50% of Americans who currently pay their taxes. The other 50% are being deceived if they think they’re going to get a free ride – because Medicaid is broke. Recipients of Obama’s “free health care” will have fewer choices and less accessibility. Trust me – this much more expensive health care WILL be rationed; to claim otherwise defies all economic and common sense. We will not retreat on this. A newly elected legislative branch is key to defending our Republic and fundamentally restoring all that is good in America. SCOTUS now rules this is a tax? Well, Congress has the ability to create taxes – and also has the ability to rescind them. Upon their return from the July recess, Congress should act immediately to repeal this terrible new tax on the American people, and indeed they must repeal all of Obamacare. This is the most brazen and sweeping new tax and government overreach imposed on us. We the People did not ask for this tax, we do not want this tax, and we can’t afford this tax. This is not an answer to America’s health care challenges. It’s time, again, for patriotic Americans to rise up to protest this obvious infringement on our economic and personal freedom. November is just around the corner. Today, the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. In November, We the People will issue ours. - Sarah Palin
  18. You post so much yet contribute so little to discussions.
  19. Seems like you are one of the people this would really help out - it's just baffling to me how you are so completely dead set against this. Whatever, as someone that has a pretty serious pre-existing condition it's good to know that I might actually be able to receive health coverage if I ever go unemployed again.
  20. I guess it's the least 106.7 could do for making DC commuters put up with having to listen to Dukes & Lavar. Congrats man, sounds awesome. Be sure to post how it goes.
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