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Everything posted by stoshuaj

  1. Wait a minute, was that a “Bigfoot” You g sighting on the sideline doing his best equipment manger impression helping Thomas with his shoulder pads? He better go easy with that shoulder.
  2. States step in to pay for school meals for all kids Minnesota is one of nine states that are picking up the tab for students’ breakfast and lunch in many of their schools. California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico and Vermont have also approved permanent universal free meals programs, while Nevada launched a two-year effort last year.…. more at link: https://www.yahoo.com/news/states-step-pay-school-meals-140127099.html
  3. At this point the biggest concern may be if he will ever be able to wave his pompoms again and continue being a contributor to the cheerleaders. I read somewhere that a stinger could really compromise his budding spirit squad career
  4. heck ya it works It was this or or a pic of a pink banana hammock…..
  5. Oh no, you’re not getting me to go down that rabbit trail again. The ol appendage is still sore from the last Jumbo whacking. but you’re not wrong …… 😏 on topic sort of: brother and I were at a restaurant couple weeks ago. Server asked us where we met and how long we’ve been together….. meh, whatever. I’m used to it. Him notsomuch
  6. I’m mostly just venting/verbalizing semi out loud. Ex and adult son just spent enough $$ that could have provided spay/neuter service and/or adoption fees to help literally >100 of animals. not really my lane or money but damn…..instead a vet’s winter vacation to the Bahamas is paid for 🤦‍♂️
  7. What’s the most you have or would pay a vet to save your pet? Specifically if it matters, a cat. yes, there is a back story but just wondering in advance if I’m an asshole or a pragmatist **edit** acknowledging that financial situations can dictate a $$ amount. Maybe: what % of annual income would be a better question(?)
  8. DMV Cowboys “fans” that can’t find Dallas on a ****ing map are on another level. A game in Dallas, with actual Dallas fans, isn’t too shabby.
  9. no, this year. He’s raising money for this election cycle. And I’m sure his own future endeavors.
  10. “Youngkin’s approval rating hit a record 57% in a July poll, as he has enacted policies to lower taxes, create jobs, improve public safety, and give parents more control over their children’s education. Youngkin is also breaking fundraising records in Virginia, raising more in a single quarter than any previous governor raised in a single year. The $3.3 million Youngkin raised in the month of August is more than double what any previous governor raised in an entire quarter.” Curious as to how this fundraising prowess translates to votes in November. Also saw a poll stating that abortion was the 2nd highest concern amongst voters in the Commonwealth. I didn’t look at the poll but I’m a little skeptical about that.
  11. not sure it would be easy to determine if she was pregnant from that vantage point. short answer: no. Longer answer: even if they aren’t trained to do that, it doesn’t give you immunity to flatten them. don’t disagree that it’s best practice either, but I’m not much in making my well being dependent on another’s decisions.
  12. 🤷‍♂️ I did a quick search and didn’t find a site (granted I only glanced at a handful) predicting this team to have to worst offense in football. Maybe you did? 25-28 seemed to be the sweet spot. Rage on my brethren. Rage on
  13. To the first question: yes. Media predictions tend to be more of a tail wagging the dog thing moreso actual predictions. It has to be proven before it can be “predicted”. A questionable, in places other than here where he’s going to magically scheme away any deficiency, OC and an unproven QB, in other places besides here, equals shaky predictions. It’s an annual rite of passage this time of year for a railing against the dire predictions of the pundits. Unfortunately, by late Oct they are usually proven to be fairly accurate. Hopefully, as always, this year will be different.
  14. There’s no such thing as a massive reach in the hindsight thread where yes, everyone has 20-20 after the fact vision.
  15. well hell, if he can play SS on a travel baseball team just go ahead and move Sean Taylor’s mannequin and replace it with Sam’s baseball jersey.
  16. I’m thinking it’s more of the athlete v putz vibe
  17. Question for the resident grease monkeys: 09 Grand Cherokee 4.7 V8 100k miles Have to top off coolant with ~1-1.5 pints every so often. Hardly use it so not sure how to quantify time/mileage. It isn’t a static thing though. It’s after use. Maybe after 1k miles, maybe. Probably less. Not making/milky oil or tranny fluid not blowing white smoke out of the tailpipe holds 11.5 psi on the pressure checker for an extended period. thoughts? Should I bump the pressure checker psi up?
  18. Not at all. You are always(usually) concise and relatively on script. Including ref Bagent
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