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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. And we let in a late goal with the netminder pulled then blow it in OT I think thats the dagger for our playoff chances, if it wasn't there already
  2. I'm still amazed much of a chameleon Anthony Edwards was - two years after Revenge of the Nerds he was playing Goose in Top Gun.
  3. Danny Briere was drafted in the first round o the NHL draft (24th overall). In hockey that is certainly no guarantee you’ll even make the league, however there is a pretty good chance. It looks like his first wife, Sylvia, went to the same high school. (Gatineau). So maybe it’s something like they were in love, he gets drafted pretty high in the NHL draft so should have a good career ahead of him, they get married. If you’re the wife, you don’t have a career, but do have a soon to be well off husband, I bet you would think hey, why not have a kid or two to keep the husband anchored and maybe dissuade him from straying?
  4. He's 45 so its not really that much of a stretch although most tend to have kids later. But yeah what made me feel old when I found out some of my classmates had kids who already graduated college at my 25th HS reunion (although its not exactly typical). Some people just start young. And apparently he's not even the oldest - has another son whose 24, plays for Alabama https://www.alabamahockeyclub.com/caelen-briere So it looks he popped out three in quick succession and then wised up 🙂 And I'm sorry, but Caelan, Carson, Cameron, Calden? How much more douchy can you get.
  5. Before we were formally at war? This does have shades of the Atlantic in 1941. There was effectively an undeclared naval war between the US and Germany, many months before Pearl Harbor.
  6. BTW the MQ-9 Reaper fly-away cost is something like $30 million. This isn't a DJI quadcopter drone you buy off Amazon.
  7. I don't think there'll be a military response by the US. But I wouldn't be surprised if Biden announces he's reconsidering giving Ukraine the F-16, and/or increasing the number of Abrams/Bradley's they're getting.
  8. From what I can remember of organic chem, platinum catalysts are the **** when it comes to gases. Though I can't remember why - perhaps its because they are largely inert themselves.
  9. The US military isn't prepared to fight a land war with China. We're prepared to fight an air and naval war.
  10. If China invades Taiwan, there will not be time to send the Taiwanese air/missile defense. China is going to hit them hard and fast, and possible US assets in Guam and Japan as well.
  11. There was a shock effect for sure, but I think they have mostly been worked around. Its really hard to stop third party purchases and the West isn't the only game in town when it comes to alot of goods. It appeared not to effect their oil revenues at all, and indeed may have backfired https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/business/russia-oil-embargo.html?auth=login-google1tap&login=google1tap So Biden was right in that the sanctions on Russia oil would not do much ... Gee I wondered who pressured him to apply them
  12. A bomb with a delayed fuse could have been planted in the pipeline while it was still above ground (say around St. Petersburg). I thought there was evidence the explosion was internal (came from inside)
  13. Whoever thought left exits were a good idea should be horsewhipped. This was a huge part of the reason the Springfield interchange was such a mess for years
  14. I watched and played ice and roller hockey for years and didn’t realize how a slapahot actually worked. When I tried shooting one they had zero power
  15. I suppose the most cost effective way to take out the high altitude balloons is probably another balloon with offensive weaponry. Smaller, purpose built missiles might be best.
  16. They serve no functional purpose anymore. Supposedly at one point they became fashionable because some elite cavalry unit in a Europe would tie their cloaks around their necks in this manner. I think we also need to do away with the full suit in warm weather at least.
  17. The A-10 isn't much better than the SU-24 which they already fly. The problem is that they can't gain air superiority (neither side can ATM). The A-10s would be worthless in an environment where they can be shot down by SAMs or enemy jets.
  18. No, some of them actually work … And it’s a side effect of certain other popular prescription drugs as well … Did you mean male physical enhancement products ?
  19. That’s starting from absolutely nothing. I’m wondering how much of that is topics like tactics, which experienced tankers don’t really need and probably doesn’t even apply
  20. It did run over a few Iraqis in Desert Storm https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-09-12-mn-2959-story.html Pretty gruesome tale that didn't get alot of media play
  21. Because Marcus Johansson will be key to the cup run this year
  22. That wouldn't pass the BS meter for the Germans. However I don't understand why we can't just send say, a company (about 14 tanks) as a trial run, to see if they can be useful. And yeah I think its a bit nonsense to **** at the Germans for not sending the Leopard, while also claiming the Abrams won't work for them.
  23. I guess this another way of saying that our defensive kinda sucks. Which I would agree with. Kuemper bailed us out big time vs. the Isles when they easily could have put us away with 6 goals. Sadly I don't think that will be enough for a Cup run, but I suppose anything is possible.
  24. Huh? Vanechek, Samsonov and Copley play for other teams now. Last year they were pretty forgettable on the Caps, so who's to say its the not the system they're playing in. Right now the choice is between Kuemper and Lindgren. Lindgren is 2.62 GAA with a 91% SP. Kuemper is the better option.
  25. Darcy Darcy Darcy Kuemper He makes a our team A whole lot better Inspired by KITH sketch
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