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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. NATO article 5 probably wouldn't apply, because if you read article 6, it defines attacks against aircraft while within the national territories of the signature nations and certain other regions - namely the North Atlantic and the Mediterrean Sea. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_17120.htm
  2. Nice work to have one shot in the entire third period and allow the late goal before OT. Now lets lose on Monday to the Islanders and screw over the Penguins.
  3. Final line 5 IP, 4 H, 1 2B, 2 R (2 ER) 1 BB, 5 K, 85 pitches thrown I think thats not terrible for a first start.
  4. Officially eliminated from playoff contention today. The Red Wings just pulled even with us in the standings. We now a 5% chance of the #1 overall pick. Potentially the Flyers and Canucks can surpass us as well Time to be Crappy for Connor
  5. That sucked … in other news Os on place to steal over 800 bases this year which would more than double the old record of 347 set in 1911 by the New York Giants
  6. Those poor baserunning decisions and that gawd-awful slide Adley had were the only downsides in this game besides the bullpen and some defensive miscues Oh height of ironies, I caught this in the comments section and it appears to be true ...
  7. Poor pitching and an error on DP ball turs into a nailbiter, but Bautista gets out of the jam, 10-9 Os win
  8. Baker just worked the bullpen into an save opportunity, 10-7 Os in the bottom of the 9th
  9. Really pouring it on now, 8-2 Os, top of the 5th. The boo birds are out in Beantown
  10. "I've been stuck waiting for Zelensky for over three hours! To avoid becoming dehydrated, my survival strategy is to drink my own piss."
  11. Not just the 04 lockout which cancelled the whole season, and 2020-2022 shortened seasons, but also the 2012 lockout which cut the season in half. I say he lost about 150 games between all of those. At his career average pace of 0.6 goals/game thats roughly 90 goals, so yeah he could have very well broken it this year. But to be fair, Gretzky did also lose a year in the WHA, and also a half year to the lockout (but by that point he was only scoring ~20-30 goals/year) So it somewhat cancels out.
  12. And I might start dating Gidsele Bundchen or MacKenzie Scott
  13. Ovechkin with the pizza goal! That was like old school Ovechkin, winning a footrace on a breakaway, then forehand to backhand ...
  14. And we let in a late goal with the netminder pulled then blow it in OT I think thats the dagger for our playoff chances, if it wasn't there already
  15. I'm still amazed much of a chameleon Anthony Edwards was - two years after Revenge of the Nerds he was playing Goose in Top Gun.
  16. Danny Briere was drafted in the first round o the NHL draft (24th overall). In hockey that is certainly no guarantee you’ll even make the league, however there is a pretty good chance. It looks like his first wife, Sylvia, went to the same high school. (Gatineau). So maybe it’s something like they were in love, he gets drafted pretty high in the NHL draft so should have a good career ahead of him, they get married. If you’re the wife, you don’t have a career, but do have a soon to be well off husband, I bet you would think hey, why not have a kid or two to keep the husband anchored and maybe dissuade him from straying?
  17. He's 45 so its not really that much of a stretch although most tend to have kids later. But yeah what made me feel old when I found out some of my classmates had kids who already graduated college at my 25th HS reunion (although its not exactly typical). Some people just start young. And apparently he's not even the oldest - has another son whose 24, plays for Alabama https://www.alabamahockeyclub.com/caelen-briere So it looks he popped out three in quick succession and then wised up 🙂 And I'm sorry, but Caelan, Carson, Cameron, Calden? How much more douchy can you get.
  18. Before we were formally at war? This does have shades of the Atlantic in 1941. There was effectively an undeclared naval war between the US and Germany, many months before Pearl Harbor.
  19. BTW the MQ-9 Reaper fly-away cost is something like $30 million. This isn't a DJI quadcopter drone you buy off Amazon.
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