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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. Ehh. While Order to Disperse is a valid law, does this really pass muster in terms of the necessity for such an order? The key word there is "reasonably". Did the officer have a good reason to believe that a group of teenagers in bathing suits was a physical threat to himself or the public (though I do love that they threw "annoyance" in there as a catch all...pretty stupid)? This isn't some mob or riot; its a group of kids at a pool party and there was a fight. The other officers clearly didn't think it was necessary as they were just standing around talking to people calmly. I think the only reason he was yelling at people to get out of there is he was pissed and frustrated and he let his emotions go (as evidenced by him standing around and cursing at kids...top notch professionalism there) and wanted to lash out.
  2. He cannot legally detain her based on a "hunch" or his "instincts". In order to lawfully detain someone a police officer has to have "specific and articulable facts" that show the person in question has or is committing a crime. I don't see her committing a crime there. It is NOT a crime to stand around and watch what police officers are doing, as long as you're not right up in their face and actively interfering with them. It also isn't illegal to say mean things to cops either. That's just straight up first amendment there. If he can't handle some kid jawing at him without letting his emotions and frustrations get the better of him and then getting violent then he doesn't belong in that uniform. Notice that he gave absolutely no reason for detaining her. Fact of the matter is he was unhinged and emotional and pissed off and he lashed out at a bunch of kids...going so far as to throw a 14 year old girl in a bathing suit to the ground and then put his whole weight on her back for 5 minutes. There really is no excuse for his actions. I hope her parents file a lawsuit, I hope they win, and I hope every single penny of the settlement comes out of his paychecks.
  3. My experience was the cops would come to the door and tell everyone the party is over and to go home. Yeah some people ran if they were sitting outside smoking a joint when the cops rolled up but other than that it was mostly "goddamit, the cops. sigh". The cops mostly didn't want to have to deal with it, but if they get a call they show up and break things up then sit around for a little bit to make sure people are leaving and then move on.
  4. Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with how you handle yourself and your attitude towards them. You see all these dip****s on youtube who intentionally do things to antagonize cops just so they can get themselves on video telling the cops off or whatever. Its plain stupid and its no wonder the cops get irritated with it. And they also have attitudes from the get go and act anywhere from plain immature to full on aggressive. You can assert your rights and let the officer know you understand your rights without being a jackass about it.
  5. The "you're interfering with my investigation" schtick is a pretty well used catch-all that some police use when they're pissed that someone isn't being as cooperative as they'd like. Its also a way they will sometimes get people to stop (completely legally) video recording them when they're at a stop, etc. Its sort of like "disturbing the peace". If the officer can't get you on one thing or another they will fall back on those catch-alls. Fortunately, if you're smart and are video recording they tend to not do it nearly as much since anyone watching can plainly see that you're doing nothing of the sort.
  6. Detain you for what? Refusing to provide ID when you're not being lawfully detained or arrested isn't a crime. They'd need another reason to detain you besides "it annoys me that he won't give me his ID and knows his rights".
  7. Actually he is right. You have to be either detained or placed under arrest before the cop can start giving you orders; you don't even have to show your ID unless you're being lawfully detained. And to be detained or placed under arrest (lawfully) the officer has to have a specific and articulable reason to believe you are committing a crime or you have committed a crime, and they have to give you that reason. Of course, much of the time they will just make **** up. That's why its never a bad idea to be ready to video record with your phone if you're stopped and you don't think there is a reason for it.
  8. You can't be too careful with that sort of stuff nowadays when you're talking about schools and children. Yeah there's a 95% chance that its just some dumbass trying to be funny and he's harmless, but that 5% chance that its a lunatic who could harm the kids means they have to take it seriously. The fact that some of the people didn't know what a storm trooper is (wut?) makes it even more understandable. They just look out and see some nutter in what appears to be a weird white battle suit carrying what appears to be some sort of gun. Its a sad commentary on our society but this is where we're at now because of all these shootings.
  9. That cracked me up too. He's acting all tough guy holier than thou "your laws don't apply to me" Sovereign Citizen and his mommy gave him a ride there. Some of the youtube comments are funny as hell. "What's the big deal? They didn't taser him, they only tasered his person." Bahahaha
  10. What a ****ing tool. Its one thing to be aware of your rights, to video record your interactions with police, and to assert yourself with them if you believe you are being treated unlawfully. In fact, I think those things are essential and not enough people are aware of their rights and the ways that police can use intimidation and other tactics to get what they want from you. But this is just stupid. He wasn't being stopped unlawfully. He was given a clear reason why he was stopped then he tried to say that speeding wasn't illegal (is that some sovereign citizen stuff or something?) and got what he deserved. So many of these "cop blocker" toolbags have no common sense. You were caught speeding, the cop wasn't treating you unfairly or unlawfully. Give him your ID, get your ticket, and if you want to then go fight it in court. But no. Now you're going to jail, will get a misdemeanor charge and have to probably pay 4 times what you would have for the ticket. You sure showed them!
  11. Bahaha. Awesome. Dude deserved every bit of it. Asshole. Lol @ the second time she hit him with the menu. She hit him so hard his feet flew in the air.
  12. Yeah that was a nasty hit. I snowboard and I got taken out a bit like that but not nearly as bad and I ended up with a concussion and that was considered by the Dr as getting off lightly.
  13. Saw this in the theater last night and LOVED it. Absolutely awesome movie. Excellent combination of all elements. Some cool (but not super in depth) science, fascinating philosophy as far as consciousness and AI and its implications, excellent character development and acting (Oscar Isaac was especially top notch), terrific direction and cinematography, cool and realistic effects but not the focal point of the movie, which is good. Pretty dark and very thought provoking film. An instant favorite for me. Had a choice between this and Age of Ultron. So glad I made the right decision.
  14. Bahaha that's great. Makes it look like she's freaking about the dog trying to hump her and then suddenly decided "you know, this isn't so bad..."
  15. That play still causes steam to come out my ears when I watch it. It was so amazingly obvious that his elbow was down before he crossed the plane and unless he managed to grow an extra hand on the top of his arm, there was no physically possible way the ball could have crossed before his elbow hit. ****ing amazing.
  16. That time that one ref shot one of our players before he was about to get into the end zone for a game winning TD was messed up. Then he call HIM for illegal formation after he fell, thus giving the opposing team the ball since it was a 4th down play at the end of the game. I was heated. I thought it was suspect at best but I'm not sure I'd say "conspiracy".
  17. I think its just the massive and faceless juggernaut of the ant hive behavior that makes them so terrifying sometimes. They're like 10 million little terminators. They won't stop, they don't understand mercy, they don't get tired, they don't care what they kill on their way to their goal. On the other hand, from a purely scientific perspective, some of their hive mind behavior really is fascinating. Hive and swarm intelligence is something I've been interested in for a long time.
  18. I found a pretty big spider in my basement last night. Just let it be. Wasn't hurting anyone. ...Though I did wake up with a huge scar and missing a kidney. Hmm
  19. Dunno if anyone has posted these before but some of them are funny as hell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pr5Ibb-Ki8
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