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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. I think it was a pure intimidation tactic. He didn't like that the guy was recording him, but the guy wasn't acting aggressive or doing anything threatening. He had his hand in his pocket...so what? He wasn't being detained or even under the suspicion of a crime, and again he wasn't doing anything threatening. A gun should never ever be brandished by anyone...cop or civilian...unless there is a justifiable threat. A concealed carry civilian would probably be in jail right now for that (as well they should be).
  2. Sweet. Good to see a fellow router jockey in here.
  3. Yeah I definitely know guys like that. Personally I've never been able to do it besides in small amounts. I'm way too absent minded and I have a hard time concentrating on that level of minutiae for long periods of time. I generally spend half my day juggling tasks and problems at my desk and the other half at various white boards (or playing ping pong).
  4. I haven't really noticed it much myself, but I'm a network engineer, not a coder (though I've done a little Python and Perl before just for my needs). Coders tend to go much longer durations with heavy typing. A lot of my time is spend designing networks and configuration is rarely more than a couple hours worth of typing.
  5. No. I would suggest a Juniper MX2020 At 80 Terabits per second fully loaded it should be able to handle your Netflix needs.
  6. Wow that fart must have killed a bunch of animals or something. That's harsh.
  7. I don't really see him being made out to be an angel, at least not on here. What people ARE saying is that he didn't deserve to essentially be summarily executed. I just don't get (well I sorta do, but I don't want to go too far down that rabbit hole at this particular moment) why people keep feeling the need to throw out qualifiers in these sort of situations. "Yeah, maybe the cop was wrong...but the guy had done <x> in the past and was a <thug/POS/etc>". It really is roundabout victim blaming. The guy was shot in the head by a cop and was no threat to the officer at the time. That really should be the only relevant fact thrown out here.
  8. He's TALL. Could be a great RZ target. Needs to fill out his frame a bit more. Tends to drop the tiger when losing concentration sometimes.
  9. Lucky you. For some reason I get lions showing up and trying to eat me every time I join a pickup soccer game. No idea what they mean by it.
  10. I hope those guys who rescued him brought an extra pair of swim trunks. I know I certainly would have needed them after that.
  11. Salmonella Surprise. The fact that someone thought that cooking shrimp by letting it slowly cook on their sidewalk was a GOOD idea is a bit scary. Then again, this is humans we're talking about here.
  12. HAHA. May that be a lesson to you. Never get between a hockey player and his hug mate.
  13. Huh? What do you mean, Photoshop? That's the plan IRL.
  14. In the spirit of funny soccer gifs...gotta love Fifa game glitches. Hard to pick just one, but this one was just too good to pass up.
  15. I'm actually getting a pet tarantula soon. I'll make sure I post pics of me holding it in this thread.
  16. Actually heard some good things about that; definitely want to see it before its gone from the theaters.
  17. Just watched Pan's Labyrinth again tonight. Such a good movie. One of my favorite movie monsters ever, even though he was only in it for a few minutes.
  18. Holy ****. That divorce one is an instant classic. Talk about getting owned.
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