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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. ^^^ lol @ the car chase one. That really needs some rage faces added to the cars, or some captions as it progresses.
  2. I did too. I was looking for the punch line and was sure I was missing something.
  3. I think she's attractive but a bit overrated as far as being the greatest thing to ever walk the earth like some guys seem to think of her. Then again, a lot of celebrities tend look for the most part like everyday girls when you see them without the benefit of armies of makeup artists, photoshopping etc. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing at all wrong with how she looks without makeup. But it strips away all of the ridiculous glamour and expectations of the otherworldly, unobtainable beauty that gets pushed: Etc, etc. To be honest, I prefer the first photo. Add: Kudos to her for being willing to be photographed like that in her completely natural state. Very very few celebrities are willing to do that in any way, shape, or form.
  4. Two of the favorite standbys to ignore the subjects at hand seem to be: "Whatever, this is just partisan nonsense so I will dismiss the actual points or facts brought up with either feigned indignation or mockery" and "Well the other side did x (x may or may not be related in any way shape or form to the original point), so both sides are equally guilty, hence I will ignore the actual arguments"
  5. Croatia Girl is not amused by your antics.
  6. Oh I'm sure he had a reason for what he did. But just because he had a reason doesn't mean it was a good one (for example, doing it because he was just pissed off and needed to vent, or something). Again, the old guy wasn't in the direct path of any of the cyclists. The cyclist who hit him went out of his way to do so and then went back inside. What would you think would be a good reason for doing that?
  7. The old guy wasn't even in the way of any particular cyclist. The cyclist moved over to intentionally hit him and then moved back in afterwards. It was completely unnecessary but I'm sure the cyclist felt good afterwards.
  8. It think it was far from intentional on the old man's part. Some jackasses jump out and do stupid stuff and they deserve to get knocked the **** over. That guy was trying to get a picture and was, I'm sure unintentionally, leaning a little bit over the line; it's not like he was standing in the path. The cyclist apparently felt that was provocation enough for a violent and possible serious injury causing response. My guess is he was just fed up with other idiots who were actually in the path and decided to take it out on an innocent old guy trying to get a picture. That doesn't make it ok.
  9. So that makes it ok for a cyclist to intentionally target some old guy who was just trying to take pictures and was a fraction over the line and violently knock him to the ground? And I can't imagine anyone watching that clip over a few times carefully and not seeing that the guy did it intentionally.
  10. Nah I call BS. He knew exactly what he was doing. Watch it again. He intentionally sticks his shoulder out towards the guy, stops pedaling to brace himself, and then goes back into the middle from the edge. Dick move.
  11. That was kind of a dick move by the cyclist. I can understand if there is some numbnuts running around on the street in front of them being a jackass (which does happen). But the guy was just taking pictures and was a tad out on the road. You can tell the dude obviously did it on purpose too.
  12. ^^ Holy crap. Is that a leopard? Talk about balls of steel. "Oh look, one of nature's most efficient murder machines. It looks tasty. Let's do this. Leeeeeroooyyyyy Jennnnkins" I love how casually it trotted off with it in it's mouth.
  13. The dude leaning on the rail and watching cracked me up. He had almost no reaction. Like "yup...called it".
  14. Why are you hating on the guy because he has a hot girl?
  15. Check out this dude's youtube channel. It's effing hilarious, but the guy truly is a talented musician. He takes random songs and composes different music over it but uses the same vocals; it's genius. Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People, Polka Version I lose my **** every time I see them start to rock out and head bang at 0:26
  16. Lol that kid took like 5 steps after catching the deflection. I also think that kind of stuff is just dumb. I bet he practiced that specific sequence for hours on end.
  17. I dunno. Southern VA is almost it's own state at this point.
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