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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. Just got my Tarantula on Wed! As promised here she is. I'm not handling her right now because its too stressful for her while she's getting acclimated to her new enclosure. She's still quite small...about 1.5 - 1.75 inches leg span. But she'll end up close to 6 inches eventually. Her color is pretty dark right now so she might be getting ready to molt soon.
  2. Nah...B. smithi are very docile. Its my first tarantula so I didn't want a really defensive one. You can hold them (correctly) all day long and they won't bite. Now...OBTs (Orange Baboon Tarantulas, also colloquially known as "Orange Bitey Things") are a rather different story. They do not roll that way:
  3. I'm getting my B. smithi tarantula on Tuesday. I'll be sure to post pics of me holding her for all of you.
  4. How did he change the dog into a stuffed animal so fast? WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?
  5. Did they REALLY think that flimsy of a rationale for not allowing the video would work?
  6. I have both. Android is my personal device and I have an iPhone 6 through my company as a work device. They're both nice so I agree...it really just comes down to personal preference. Though I like that with the Android all my google stuff (contacts, cloud stuff, etc) is immediately available once I sign in on my phone. Some of it is actually ideological. I like that Android is open and anyone can build apps and share or sell them. Apple is pretty nuts when it comes to protecting all that stuff on their side.
  7. Good call. Thought I took it out. oops
  8. I think knowing that would be akin to knowing how hot dogs are made. Just be happy with the fact that they taste good because knowing would mean you'd never want to eat another one.
  9. lol. That one with the kid and the guy in the bath tub. wtf? I love the expressions on their faces, too. The kid looks incensed at the bubbles and the guy just looks perplexed. Reminds me of this:
  10. Yeah, nothing says "Hello, I would like to engage you in conversation and have a cordial discussion" like stalking after someone with a gun in your hand.
  11. So again, if he was afraid for his safety and that's why he drew his gun why did he act pretty much the opposite of how cops usually act when they truly fear for their safety and they need to draw their guns? Everything from the way he acted after drawing his gun to his facial expression and body language screamed "bull****" to his apparent assertion that he drew on the guy because he believed he was in danger. He knew damn well he wasn't in any danger but the hand in the pocket thing gave him a catch all excuse to try to intimidate the guy and act on his irritation or frustration.
  12. He had moved towards the car to record the license plate and then had baked off some. The cop then got out of his car and walked towards him...the guy wasn't really moving at that point and had moved back when the cop drew his weapon. Also, that cop didn't act or look like he was the least bit worried about his safety. Usually when a cop draws his gun because he feels that he is in danger he will move back to get some space between himself and the suspect and get in to a defensive position, even if the weapon is still at the low ready. This guy just looked annoyed, drew his gun and then proceeded to stalk towards the guy over and over with his gun hanging down by his side.. That's an incredibly stupid tactic if you think the person has a weapon. That whole thing had "I'm pissed and now I'm going to show you that I am by trying to intimidated you with my gun" written all over it. I don't buy for a second that the cop was actually worried about the guy having a weapon. It was just an excuse, IMO.
  13. I have no problem with cops being careful and erring on the side of caution in many circumstances; I think they should since usually you're right...they don't know who they're up against or what their intentions are. But IMO this situation is different. The cop was the one that instigated it. The guy was standing there recording him. The cop got out, the cop approached him, the cop continued to aggressively follow him around with his weapon in his hand. Erring on the side of caution to me would mean staying closer to his car and being ready to draw if necessary while trying to ascertain the man's intentions, demeanor, and attitude. The cop's body language during the entire exchange screamed "intimidation" to me and he never truly seemed to be in fear for his safety.
  14. Sovereign Citizens aren't a threat because they like the constitution (even if they fundamentally misunderstand it). They are a threat because they have shown that some of them are unhinged zealots who ****ing shoot people they don't agree with. Sovereign Citizens are a completely different situation, and you know that.
  15. Now it makes sense. The cop was afraid that he had a constitution in his pocket. The gun brandishing makes sense now. I wasn't saying the cop should necessarily go to jail for that, as I know there are differences. I was just pointing out that nobody should brandish a gun unless the situation reasonably calls for it. And that situation did not call for it; brandishing a gun is a serious thing, no matter who does it.
  16. I think it was a pure intimidation tactic. He didn't like that the guy was recording him, but the guy wasn't acting aggressive or doing anything threatening. He had his hand in his pocket...so what? He wasn't being detained or even under the suspicion of a crime, and again he wasn't doing anything threatening. A gun should never ever be brandished by anyone...cop or civilian...unless there is a justifiable threat. A concealed carry civilian would probably be in jail right now for that (as well they should be).
  17. Sweet. Good to see a fellow router jockey in here.
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