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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. I have a VA CCW and I am not an every day carry person. The only time I carry is if I feel like I might potentially run into a bad situation; if I'll be in a shady area or something like that. I'm definitely not the paranoid type who feels the need to carry when I'm going to Chipotle to get a burrito.
  2. Extremely paranoid Every Day Carry types will sometimes wear a backup gun in an ankle holster, etc.
  3. And the 2nd amendment has far more deadly potential consequences than others. I see no reason why that shouldn't be well vetted and regulated.
  4. So there can be no limits on any constitutional rights, no matter what? Its already there for other rights, why not the 2nd amendment? And your fear is exactly what's wrong with this whole thing, just like Bang was talking about earlier. You've had the whole "they're coming to take your guns!" meme pretty much programmed into you. Won't happen, but that doesn't matter. As long as the fear can be manipulated they win, and cha-ching goes the cash register.
  5. I think the whole "mental health" thing is pure deflection by the right. Note that I'm talking about right wing pundits, talking heads, etc. I'm sure there are conservatives who genuinely do believe there is a mental health issue that really needs to be addressed. Be that as it may, your post is on point as far as conservatives saying one thing but then turning around and opposing measures that actually ADDRESS what they are talking about.
  6. Sure, I suppose it is possible...but that is possible with pretty much any law or regulation, if you take the most slippery slope thinking path possible. The question is more "is that likely?". My answer to that would be "unlikely in the extreme". Sorry, I wasn't trying to sound like a dick...I just think that the "well it could erode our freedoms and eventually everything is banned and our guns are taken" is a red herring. It is just so incredibly unlikely.
  7. It absolutely is an unreasonable concern. There isn't anything even close to that being proposed or discussed seriously. Nobody is banning guns, nobody is coming to take your guns. Only in the mind of a conspiracy theorist could you paint any kind of direct link between the sort of modest gun regulation proposals that have been put out there and any sort of ban or gun grab. Please just stop with this nonsense.
  8. Good post. As for your second paragraph...I think a GOP presidential candidate would be safer if they came out as gay than if they came out with a gun control proposal. It would be instant political suicide.
  9. I think both need to happen. Underlying causes and possible ways to address them AND gun control. Gotta go at the issue on multiple fronts. Unfortunately, most of the talking heads on the right only seem to use mental health as a diversionary tactic to steer the conversation away from gun control as opposed to being serious about getting more people access to mental health services. As far as the gun control debate goes...it is over. Its done. Sandy Hook was the end. The NRA (aka gun manufacturers) won. They will not allow a debate and will not tolerate any new laws other than those that further ease gun restrictions and make it easier for people to own them. And the lawmakers they own will follow their lead.
  10. He obviously missed soccer as his true calling.
  11. Hahaha. They grounded a plane because of one baboon tarantula spiderling (it was tiny in the video)? The passengers are in more danger from choking on the ice in their in-flight drinks.
  12. Ohh this thread is back, eh? Obviously that means you all want to see more pictures of my tarantula. Here's one of her with a bottom up view (she was chilling on the side of the enclosure). You can see her fangs and everything.
  13. And people thought the internet would bring about some great enlightenment.
  14. Yeah I would have bet on the pro arm wrestler too. There's a lot of technique involved in it and specific types of training.
  15. To be fair, if a human did that to their murderer we would have movies about what a badass they were. Love or hate spiders, that one wasn't going out like no punk.
  16. Fake. Those shots don't even leave craters on the wall OR the table. Stop falling for this stuff, you idiots.
  17. Funnel web spiders are some scary mofos. Super duper aggressive. Not defensive like some spiders...AGGRESSIVE. They will go after your ass and follow you and they don't give two ****s how big you are. They're essentially the Honey Badgers of the invertebrate world.
  18. I'd think the primitive brain would be far more sensitive to snakes than spiders. There really aren't many spiders that are deadly to an adult human. There are plenty of snakes that are, though.
  19. Maybe Kim Davis saw **** that would turn people gay.
  20. That is patently absurd. Anyway, on a more realistic note, anyone want to come over for some beers?
  21. Actually tarantulas aren't often the kinds of spiders that wander into houses. They're ambush predators and tend to find a hide/burrow/tree (depending on the nature of the tarantula type in question) and just stay there. They're big but they're also very fragile and most tend to be rather timid and non-aggressive.
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