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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. Yeah good point, and I wouldn't be all that surprised if we have to go that route. But it just sucks because whenever we get a marquee player (or at least a decent one at a marquee position) they almost never want to stay (for various reasons) so we end up tagging them and then eventually get either nothing or next to nothing in return. Trent, Kirk, Scherff (almost no chance he re-signs here), next up will probably be Terry.
  2. Ok, so we get to just throw out games at random when we feel like it? Should we throw out the Atlanta game as well because, while Heinicke had 3 TDs, he also had at least 3 dropped interceptions and was bailed out multiple times by Terry? Or do we only throw out the bad games? I think most of us realize by now that last season's apparently dominant defense (or more precisely the latter half of last season's defense) was mostly smoke and mirrors and also a product of playing a far softer schedule than this season. Either way, none of that changes the fact that our defense, while certainly not a top unit, did hold multiple high powered offenses to less than their average points scored all while our offense pretty consistently scored below what those teams' defenses had allowed thus far. The offense stunk and while we seemed ok at dinking and dunking and puttup up yards between the 20s, we rarely hit big plays and once in the red zone settle way too often for FGs. Now, not all of that is on Heinicke obviously, but IMO his limitations as a passer along with not having great red zone weapons greatly reduced our offense's effectiveness. I'm sure he could put on muscle, but putting on muscle doesn't necessarily translate into greater arm strength. It seems that most guys with big arms just have the genetics for it. A lot of it comes down to natural torque a QB can deliver in a short amount of time and I really think that's just way a guy is put together. Yes, you can maximize your genetic potential, but you aren't going to suddenly have a rocket launcher...otherwise if it were that easy to jack up arm strength evey NFL QB would have a cannon. It's sort of like a vertical leap. You can work on technique and improve your leap by a couple of inches maybe, but a guy with a 30 inch vertical is never going to be a guy with a 40 inch vertical. I can't really think of any NFL QB who was known to have a mediocre or weak arm in college and who suddenly developed a cannon. Some say Brady or Brees, but neither of those guys had weak arms. Neither has a howitzer, but they could both put it anywhere on the field at pretty much any time.
  3. I never said TH was the only reason we suck. But you seem absolutely insistent on blaming everything else under the sun when Heinicke and/or the offense plays poorly. I'm certainly not going to say that our defense was good overall but there were plenty of losses where they did enough but the offense **** the bed and just couldn't put points up. Chargers (27.6 average, held to 20) KC (33.7 average, held to 31) GB (30.7 average, held to 24) Denver (19.4 average, held to 17) Dallas (33 average, held to 27) Philly (27 average, held to 20) In 8 of our losses we put up 20 points or less. The only way a defense can make up for that sort of abysmal offensive performance is to be dominant and pretty much never allow more than 20 points, which in this day and age is super rare. But of couse that's also when you'll pivot to blaming Turner or the OL or the rest of the supporting cast, or god, or the flying spagetti monster, or whoever.
  4. In the runup to this game Philly had been averaging 27 points scored and 21 points allowed. They scored 20 on us and we scored 17 on them. So which unit exactly was the weak link again? Your endless proclamations that it's almost always the defense's fault when we lose games keeps running into the buzzsaw of facts, but that never seems to stop or even slow you down.
  5. Right, this is the stuff I'm talking about. Because it was our defense that kept scoring under 20 points per game? Our offense was anemic and crappy in our losses before the bye. The defense wasn't good but considering that for most of those early losses, our defense kept opposing offenses to at or under what they were averaging up to that point. Contrary to that, our offense was regularly scoring less (sometimes far less) than what the opposing teams' defenses had been giving up until that point. I'm assuming this is where you'd also throw out Turner sucking (despite repeated empirical evidence that he was scheming guys open and Heinicke was missing them or couldn't get the ball there) or blaming the OL (despite the fact that our OL has been one of the more highly rated units in the NFL for much of the season. It's always someone else's fault.
  6. This sort of stuff is basically par for the course when it comes to a handful of TH supporters here. Things went well? It was clearly Heinicke's doing for the most part. Sure, some other stuff went ok but at the end of the day we won because of Heinicke. Things went poorly? It was clearly everyone's fault but Heinicke and if the rest of the team was up to par with TH we would have won (regardless of how bad TH looked). Rinse. Repeat. I think at this point Heinicke has shown himself to be a low level starter and/or high level backup who can help you win games when everything else is clicking exactly as it should. Pure game manager who will make a couple splash plays but who, due to his limitations, will never be a QB who can put a team on his back and get them a win with his arm. I think the sooner we all just accept that the better and then we can move on towards an upgrade at the position while keeping Heinicke as a quality bacup
  7. Which is a price that would get them laughed out of the building. He's a UDFA who's started a grand total of 3 games with 3 TDs and 2 INTs. His value at this point is almost solely to the Ravens because they're already a running QB team with Jackson. Unless another team wants to completely retool their whole offense around a running QB then there's no point in spending much of anything for Huntley. I'd be truly shocked if they got offered any more than a 6th for him. Which again wouldn't be worth it for them since he actually fits their offensive philsophy.
  8. I think the only way Terry stays here is if we nail the QB position this offseason and whichever QB we draft or end up with looks really good in 2022. It's got to be incredibly frustrating for Terry to be so good but never really near his potential production due to having crap QBs throwing to him for years. If he had a top 10 QB he'd be an All Pro IMO. I think plenty of teams will be willing to pay Terry penty of money, and plenty of those teams will have way better QB situations than we do. Sure, we drafted him and gave him his big shot to playin the NFL. But that doesn't suddenly change the business end of things. Do you really think if after next sweason the Chargers, KC, the Bills, or the Cards (just to name a few) came calling and all offered Terry big money he'd really stick around with the WFT dumpster fire? Not a chance. I have a feeling he'll end up gone.
  9. What I said about him investing in it via a Facebook group was only partially in jest. I honestly do think the main reason most of them do it is the main reason most pols in the GQP do whatever they do: to make money and grift. The leader of their party has made it abundantly clear that not only is self dealing and profiting off of your publicly held office not bad, it's actually expected and a sign that you're doing it right. So it's no wonder that that sort of behavior is the norm now in the party. But I also do find it hilarious to see people who are so utterly inept and ignorant when it comes to cutting edge technology trying to push things they have no earthly understanding of.
  10. Translated tweet: I've probably never actually read the bible or the US constitution I fear and hate gay people I blindly invested in bitcoin because someone in my Facebook group told me to, and now I'm going to try and use my platform to make it worth more
  11. I think Howell played decently considering the circumstances. His OL is pretty much trash (he's been sacked 44 times this season) and NC's defense was getting completely manhandled pretty much all day long.
  12. Those same numbers were pushed by a few people in here too. "Get him locked up now! $10-15 million per year will be a steal!"
  13. Ok, after 8 days of drying, the buds are now curing. Ended up with just about 7 ounces dry, which is more than I expected so I'm pretty happy. Smoked a little last night to sample and it was really good but still a tiny bit harsh, which is where I'm sure the curing will come in.
  14. Yeah if I went from sleeping on my sisters couch one day to literally being a millionaire a few weeks later I probably wouldn't walk around ****ing about my unfortunate lot in life (or football).
  15. What I hear in my head when reading this: *Sound of adults talking in Peanuts* *Sound of adults talking in Peanuts* "Nothing is Taylor Heinicke's fault!" *Sound of adults talking in Peanuts* *Sound of adults talking in Peanuts* He still has a couple of games to go, but I'm pretty certain thus far Heinicke has shown himself to be a quality backup and/or a mid-low tier starter. And of course here comes the same old dead horse being beaten within an inch of its life. Heinicke did not beat Brady. He beat the TB defense. Otherwise, by that logic, Taysom Hill beat Tom Brady and we should immediatley sign him.
  16. I'm fine with this as long as you bring up some posts where you voiced your worry about Donald Trump's declining cognitive abilities. *doesn't hold breath*
  17. Rodgers likely comes at no cost? Huh? He's still got 2 more seasons left on his contract. If he refuses to play for the Packers and they decide to deal him they'll proably get two 1sts for him. Not only would he cost a lot but he's also super mercurial and a drama queen. There's probably a 50/50 chance he'd randomly decide after being traded that he wants to host game shows full time. Or open up some dumbass new age shop where he sells healing crystals and homeopathic bull****. Amazing QB, 1at ballot HoFer....but total flake and on the wrong side of 35. Doesn't mean he can't still play at a high level, but for how long? What if we signed him to a 4 year deal and he goes downhill fast after he hits 39 next year? At least with Brady Tampa didn't have any draft picks invested. If he flamed out worst case they're out some money.
  18. Yeah that was Matt Flynn 2011. Came in for one game with the Packers and tossed 6 TDs and everyone went wild assuming he was the next elite QB. Seattle bit and tossed a huge contract his way for the 2012 season...and then he got beaten out at camp by Russell Wilson and then spent a few years bouncing around from one team to another and did basically nothing.
  19. We're not getting Wilson or Watson. Both have no-trade clauses and there's basically 0 chance that we're on their short list of acceptable teams. Rodgers doesn't have a no-trade clause but he's the kind of dude who woud **** and moan and then refuse to play if he got traded to a team he didn't want to go to. Carr is possible but I still think it's pretty unlikely that LV trades him. Mayfield I also doubt will get traded.
  20. The right wing obsession with the "Let's go Brandon" thing reminds me of conservative media going ape**** over Obama wearing a tan suit because they couldn't really find anything substantive to go after him about.
  21. It's also possible that it was just as much a bottom up problem as it was a top down one. We all know Heinicke's limitations, and obviously Dallas did as well. If you're an OC and don't have a QB who has the arm to reliably stretch the field and at least keep defenses honest, then that's going to be a relatively major handicap when calling plays. I'm not saying Turner bears no blame. Just saying that there are probably lots of elements involved.
  22. Eh, to me it's either Carr or a 1st round QB, but not both. If you get Carr he's who you bring in to be your guy for the next 5 years or so, not a guy you bring in as a bridge ala Fitz. No point in spending a 1st round pick on a QB if he's unikely to play for several years.
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