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Everything posted by BleedBNG

  1. Looks like 4chan and 8chan is where the hate groups like to hang out https://globalnews.ca/news/5084158/new-zealand-mosque-shooting-video-8chan/
  2. There have been 4 times that the electoral college has won out the popular vote (with one time decided by the House of Representatives). All four winners were Republican. I would say that if you got rid of the EC, than the top 2 candidates of the Democratic party should run for Pres. Might as well scrap the Republican party from then on because California, New York and Texas will be electing future Presidents. Doesn't matter to me either way.
  3. Most of the people who were slaughtered by the extremists were Muslim. Same as about 98% of the people killed by Al Qaeda were Muslims. Sorry, don't know what you mean by "retaliation." Note: From https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nigeria-christians-muslims/ "Reports by Breitbart and the Christian Post website failed readers by presenting a woefully narrow viewpoint on the conflict, emphasizing only the religious affiliations of the participants while neglecting to mention what impartial experts have highlighted as being the primary driving force behind it: a dispute over natural resources and land usage. While Breitbart’s article provided details of several reported attacks by Fulani herders on farmers in Kaduna State in February and March 2019, it did not mention the attack on the mainly Muslim Fula ethnic group, which was the single largest reported atrocity during the time period in question."
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/09/boko-haram-deadliest-massacre-baga-nigeria https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/jan/23/boko-haram-nigeria-civilian-death-toll-highest-acled-african-war-zones And yeah... it's both
  5. I believe the header reads General Mass Shootings. Point? You mean there are now degrees or levels of outrage? I knew where this reporting came from, and I agree that the last 2 words in their heading was unnecessary. I posted the URL so that one could contrast their reporting of it as with that of the included link of The Gaurdian (https://guardian.ng/about-us/).
  6. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/icymi-120-christians-slaughtered-by-muslim-herders-in-nigeria-media-silent/
  7. https://twitter.com/nflthrow back/status/1098063288959553537
  8. Point taken for the rival aspect of what your saying, but the "spirit of the cap" crap happened after their 2 SB wins against the Pats. I'm sure if it was before, there would be zero in our fanbase that would be rooting against the Pats.
  9. The Pats dynasty has averaged a SB win every 3 years. Sick. Oh well, on the bright side, we're half way there.
  10. As much as I hate the Pats, I have to admire the way they stuck in there with their analysis of Brady when it all started. And thank goodness it didn't lead to the 49ers winning 10 SB trophies. Ugh!
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