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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. Ugh...that's so pathetic. Seriously, week three and we've got a full blown flopping epidemic on our hands in the NFL because the rules are getting out of hand.
  2. LOL! Nah, just giving back what I'm getting LOL. I still like football. But, when someone disses soccer and means it that irritates me. We've got no small percentage of slopped foreheads around us who insist on calling them turf fairies. Now that does piss me off. Neymar would be proud.....
  3. Boring???? Oh you mean that American football is so exciting that it takes 3 hours for a game that is only actually played for 15 minutes? Maybe it’s the endless replays they show because NOTHING is happening that’s exciting, or maybe the red shirting of QB’s, or the endless atom splitting of “was it a catch”, or the US teams that travel to London for a 9am game, or the ties real sports don’t end in ties! LoL!!! Oh the irony.
  4. I’m sorry, don’t you mean Super Bowl champion Jared Lorenzen?
  5. By her testimony he was the only other one in the room. Everyone is saying this is “he-said-she-said” but that’s not true, it’s they say and she said. Except the only other person as a named witness is recusing to testify. But he wrote a letter that is NOT under oath.
  6. You shut the **** up! UK is ranked in the top 25 for the first time in a decade!! #17 ****es!!!
  7. Well the Right didn’t have any trouble rallying 65 women to come out in support of Kavanaugh, and since there was only 1 other person in the room at the time one would think BK could be helped considerably by an eye witness testimony.
  8. Oh there’s no doubt about that, unless it’s a Democrat. The GOP has shown itself and those who remain are showing themselves. Especially those who actively engage in the war against the accusers and the FBI. **** their “moral majority”.
  9. Oh no doubt. What we've learned about the GOP in the last couple years; They will vote for someone who literally is an affront to everything they say they believe They will ignore the history of pedophilia as they vote for a Senator They will ignore the sexual abusive history of the manchild they want to vote for. They will ignore every manchild tantrum their guy throws as if hissing at reporters is dignified. They will excuse multiple six figure hush money payouts to conceal affairs with porn stars. They will excuse and ignore multiple convictions, plea agreements, cooperating witnesses and indictments that surround the Trump campaign. They will go mute when their guy gets on bended knee in Helsinki and services an active enemy of the United States They will actively attack law enforcement agencies who don't cater to their political whims. If you are in the GOP and this is not who you are, then you have questions to answer for your own integrity. If you fully recognize these things about your party and you stay, then yeah, this is who you are, and even if you silently disapprove, what you allow will continue. This is your moment to make a choice. If you refuse to make that choice then you have already made it and the guilt will lay with you as well. And yet the bad guys are the rest of us. We see the problem...clearly. I think "tango down" means "target down"? *edit* After a quick google search that's exactly what it means.
  10. Ok, what is this about? SpicyFiles is definitely on the hunt, but for who or what and why I have no context for.
  11. Nah, one win doesn’t equal a Ryder spot. I’ve always ALWAYS liked Tiger, even through the mess, and now that he’s on the back side if all of that I like him even more. I don’t need him to be humble, competitors normally aren’t because they play with a confidence that they are the best on the field and I’m fine with that swagger, arrogance whatever you want to call it. Seeing him win yesterday was awesome, and it really reminded me of watching him pull a sea of people behind him when he was in his prime. Sure most of those following today were there because of the historical nature of what was happening, but we’ve simply NEVER seen the pull that Tiger has. Was this a one off? Who knows, we’re all asking can Tiger Deux win another major? I don’t kniw, but man I’d love to see him in the final pairing walking up the 18th fairway at Augusta with a 2 stroke lead....that would be epic.
  12. Registered Independent since 2004. I left the GOP because I woke up to the fact that the party co-opted Christianity and wore it like a 1970’s era child’s halloween mask, you know the cheesy thin plastic ones with the thin elastic string? I also left because of the Bush Administration’s push into Iraq. What I think is laughable is that the party that denied Obama legal appointment to SCOTUS would start claiming that there was only one legal authority to appoint to the Federal bench, and then scream that the Senate’s job in a SCOTUS nomination was simply to “advise and consent”. That’s ****ing hilarious.
  13. Ohhhhh now we're interested in the Federal appointment authority of a sitting US President??????? Since when was that a priority for the GOP?
  14. Thank you Tiger, this is what I remember. No golfer has EVER commanded a sea of people to follow in his wake like you.
  15. I’ve not worked much with soups. A couple stews but mostly crockpot type of freezer stew. I’ve flirted with doing broths etc but storage is an issue.
  16. Well, I'm almost certain that the responding tweet "happy to see this" was a joke....braille writing on uniforms seems bizarre. I guess it's just a head nod to the blind community...which also seems odd.
  17. Hipsters and dads with kids play frisbee golf. The latter is allowed...the former get eaten by alligators as a natural cosmic karma.
  18. Ok, Mods, we need to be able to choose multiple reactions to posts. I laughed and then I cried. LOL
  19. Ooops looks like the husband didn't think it was funny. http://sandrarose.com/2018/09/wanda-smiths-husband-pulls-gun-on-katt-williams/#.W572iY5PQHw.facebook
  20. Ahhhhhh...ok Want to know how commonplace this is now? None of these over the past couple months have even registered on my facebook feed. It is accepted practice now.
  21. Thank you! It is good and the skin is crunchy, but I want to get it more pork rind-ish (blistered). There is a salt prep recipe that is supposed to do it. So I’ll be trying that next time. For those who haven’t had this before, the pork belly is RICH! I like adding the pork loin because it is meatier and adds a balance to the belly and the fat it contians. What model are you using? I want a gas convection oven but we may be moving and I’m hesitant to invest in the gas conversion that I want.
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