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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. That’s fine. He’s not running for POTUS, as much as I hate what they all did to Anita, it was pretty much the attitude of the entire country. There was no #MeToo movement, the country was very harsh toward sexual harassment accusers then. Thankfully, we’ve moved past that sad time.
  2. Oh I agree, the fact that the positive character letter, from those women who all knew him at the time of the alleged incident, appeared seemingly instantaneously the moment the accusation showed up leads me to believe that they were prepared for the accusation. And now we have a new letter from people who all support the accuser saying that the alleged incident is in keeping with what they understood about Kavanaugh at that time. Ooppsidaisey.... In the end it’ll be a he-said-she-said with the Right trying to destroy her and digging up everything she’s ever done as a way to malign her character. Hell, one of my acquaintences already was talking about her low rating from her students, apparently a low student rating is a sign that she’s lying. Oh and then there was the foreclosure case that didn’t happen the way the Right said it did. And that was just yesterday.
  3. It’s anachronism. They want to retro-actively convict Joe for doing exactly what they ALL did during the Clarence Thomas hearings. Thry want to apply the level of woke today upon him back then. It’s the same BS that they try when someone points out that someone once held anti-LGBTQ attitudes 30 years ago when EVERYONE pretty much felt the same way. Sure it wasn’t great, but we got better, unlike the Right which hasn’t changed a bit.
  4. Trump is still the current occupant of the White House so....it’ll be awhile yet.
  5. Oh just your dismissal of her statement because her story wasn’t released as soon as you wanted. THAT is seriously offensive, that somehow the accusations are to be ignored or that you care less about them, or that it should be ignored because of timing. Exactly, might as well come from Faux News.
  6. Just not your oh so predictable attack on someone claiming to be sexually assaulted by a young Republican.
  7. Who have all but disappeared....and yet a new list has arisen, one that supports HER.
  8. You could line up 1,000,000 women and it will STILL not prove that he DIDN’T sexually assault 1....that’s simply NOT how proof works.
  9. Hey @twa this is just for you.... I NEVER accused those other women of lying...not once. You don’t get to put those words in my mouth. ...and you are 100% correct, you continue on as usual.
  10. Awwww...a possible assault victim didn’t operate on @twa‘s schedule to make it convenient for him and his agenda. Here’s the thing, the GOP knew about this accusation, otherwise they wouldn’t have had all of those female character witnesses, from that EXACT time period, ready for immediate release. But yeah, so sorry that someone doesn’t work to make your life easier.
  11. I’m reminded of @Kilmer17‘scstatement earlier about how interesting it is to see the responses of people based on which side of the isle they sit.
  12. IMO no need for a slow cooker. I used the “ready to bake” noodles. 50 min covered on 375 10 min uncovered on broil. And it was done to perfection.
  13. Inspired by the Italian dishes a couple weeks ago, I decided to make my first lasagna. Four meat, three cheese, one veggie Def not vegan!! meats: ground beef, Italian sausage, pepperoni slices, shredded chicken cheeses: fresh mozzarella slices, ricotta, shredded parmesan Veg: Spinach
  14. Somewhere a google analytics chart on male g-spot just got a significant bump.
  15. Ok, everyone who believes anything that Rudy Giuliani says please raise your hand......
  16. Oh now, that can't be good news for Trump. Now Mueller is unsealing Nixon grand jury reports to Congress to lay out his plan as he goes forward....
  17. Ugh....I wish Mueller would hurry this up and bring this all to a close, he's just fishing and wasting everyone's time and money. What has he accomplished in this partisan witch hunt. ***channeling @twa***
  18. I can imagine a contract saying prohibiting racist language and associations that are detrimental to the team's public image.
  19. I don't know that they are. One is a blatantly racist and historically offensive action, the other is a silent protest against perceived police brutality. I believe that the owners would be far more empowered to prevent the former as compared to the latter. I'm a veteran and I 100% agree with this. There is a local mom-n-pop gas station near me and on his reader board out front he always has "100% Veteran Owned". Every time I pass it I just think, "Who gives a ****? Do you come to me to sell your house because I'm a veteran or because I know what the **** I'm doing and I'm damn good at my job?" Well, to be honest I usually just think the first question, the second one is implied.
  20. Agreed, but let's be clear that this isn't an equivalent.
  21. There are many who would disagree. I think that's one of the questions, and I don't know that the business owners have the right to force them to stand. Believe it or not just because you pay someone doesn't mean that you get to dictate their every move, even when they're on the clock and ESPECIALLY if they have a specifically negotiated contract. If they have a contract then as the business owner you only have the right to demand adherence to the contract, and if they don't then you have a choice to make.
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