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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. Porchetta Pork belly wrapped pork loin. I’m still not getting the blistering on the skin that I want. I’m going to try a different prep process that may help.
  2. Yeah, I'm not even going to read that article. I don't have the stomach this morning. I'm just going to post this directly under the article I'm not reading...I'm guessing the latter won't look well under the former.
  3. That quote of him saying, "What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep" is going to come back and bite him. Seriously, why do all of these junior masters of the universe feel the perverse need to join one of these secret societies with other junior masters of the universe? It's like they are living out some pubescent cartoon of what it means to be a man.
  4. I've been saying he's illegitimate from the start, so don't ask me. I think the trail of breadcrumbs that is the list of indictments, convictions, guilty pleas, and cooperating witnesses has a general direction at this point, and all roads lead to Rome as they say. Unless, Trump decides to sacrifice his son, but then Trump had better have some serious plausible deniability. Do I think Trump should be allowed to make nominations? Hell no, I think once he's out we should do an entire reset to where things were the day before he first lied under oath...ummm I mean took the oath.
  5. I just don't know. On the one hand am I comfortable voting for a potential sex offender? no But on the other hand am I comfortable with the possibility that anyone could bring a similar accusation against anyone in the future and have that 50-50 automatically disqualify the nominee.
  6. I don't even know.... You're not going to get it. The only thing you're going to get are the trail of indictments, convictions, and cooperating witnesses. We won't know his direction until he's done. This is the guy who took down John Gotti, he's not about to start playing loose with his cards now.
  7. Nah, the Dems are doing the only thing they can to slow this down. He'll be confirmed if he doesn't remove himself first, but we'll be talking about this 20 years from now.
  8. She was completely flustered, and the fact that he was banging on her hair, her cooking, her jewelry, her weight, her exercise. She just kept coming back to jail time. On the street that man better have his track shoes on 'cause she'd have unleashed on him!
  9. Damn....that was live and on the air....oh my. Left her all but speechless. I about died when he asked if the hair came with the headphones!!!
  10. And when they embraced a candidate who literally ripped off an old KKK slogan. "America First" I am so glad I left that disgrace of a party when I did. I still hold several actual conservative values, but not the **** they're selling. They jumped the shark when the decided to embrace the Tea Party. Now they have surrendered the only thing that might have maintained their moral compass.
  11. I mean really people, are there really hitmen for hire? Aren't they all just undercover police?
  12. LOL! New Port Richey, I used to live there. But props to him, I've always said, if you want to counterfeit then you print small bills, nothing over a $10. When even nature thinks you're a douche. You're 35 years old....stop playing disc golf.
  13. We’ve done that too. We’ll write fund raising letters for donations for teams. That actually works. Although, my daughter had a killer sales line for her soccer team cookie dough fund raiser, “Good afternoon Ma’am, would your like to make a donation to our soccer team? For a $20 you get a box of cookie dough.”
  14. Exactly! When we get the fundraising junk, we call the teacher/coach (whatever) and ask, “how much do I need to wrote the check for so we don’t have to do this?” Usually it equals about $200. In my book, that is well worth my time and sanity.
  15. Halle-freaking-lujah!!! Everyone wants to **** about taxes, and then they want to **** about ineffective schools with no textbooks, and supplies. So yeah, lets all go out and buy stuff to stock our schools with supplies, and then lets do fund raisers so people can buy soap and wrapping paper for 2000% mark up so our schools can get 25 cents of every dollar sold, but our children get an eraser, and if they sell another $500 worth they get the matching keychain!!! And then it always comes down to a handful of kids doing the selling, while the rest don't do a damn thing. We have to do the same thing with our sports these days, every year we have to do a big fund raiser so the boosters can buy equipment and uniforms etc. Just fund the damned schools already and keep your damned cookie dough!
  16. People who video in portrait just want to see the world burn...through a keyhole!
  17. 100% inviting her in there is the lions den. Kavanaugh is adept as are ALL of the Senators sitting there, they will ALL be pushing their agendas, and unless she’s just superior then they will run her over. Not me, seriously. I have no idea if she’s telling the truth or not. And my feelings on Kavanaugh Inthink have been made pretty clear. What I see though are the accusations agaibst her from the Right who have already tried to malign her character. And then there are those on the Left who don’t need a hearing to determine guilt. Both are stupid.
  18. This line of stupidity doesn’t help either. Mathhew Dowd in his quest has now advocated that because of the sins of our past we should make new sins, just in the opposite direction. That isn’t justice, that’s malice.
  19. To quote Ari: “If every one of us on the Right were barred from public office because of the sexual assaults we committed when we were 18, who would be left yo lead the party?” That’s not a direct quote BTW.
  20. Oh certainly not, I’m not nearly THAT naive, but it has brought to bear a significantly greater awareness and influence over public action than was ever imagined 25 years ago. I still have no doubt that Kavanaugh’s shills will make every attempt to assassinate her character, and it will come as no surprise when they paint her as a slut.
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