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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. LOL!!! My wife's family is from Eastern Kentucky, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Seriously, she grew up and her father would always have a mug of bacon grease on the back of the stove to use instead of oil or butter. And they'd constantly add to the mug each time they cooked bacon. Imagine everything being cooked in bacon grease.
  2. Those wings look amazing!! Did deep frying them wash out any of the smoke?
  3. Can't wait to see the results. I love my Joule sous vide, the app makes it so easy to work with.
  4. That’s the thing I love about cooking, the constant experimentation and moments of, “Oh yes! That’s money!” And a few “Well...we won’t do that again!” Like when I was making my gumbo I added salt and then added my creole seasoning without tasting it before because I THOUGHT I remembered the flavor profile then...omigesus too much salt! But now I know enough how to fix that, so out comes the sugar. And within a couple minutes I had it balanced.
  5. This turned out better than expected. Pasta with white wine, red pepper, parsley and garlic steamed Prince Edward Island mussels. The wine, pepper and garlic gives the mussels a sweet flavor. Rolling the pasta in the steaming sauce gave it an excellent richness. It paired beautifully with the pan seared NY strip steak.
  6. I’ve come a long way in my journey but the most distressing this to me is this cognitive dissonance between what they say are their faith commitments, and what they are actively supporting and the lives they actually live. For me, it just got to the point where it was just getting worse, I haven’t been back in nearly five years so I have not been in the heart of this toxicity. That said, I’m surrounded by it in my daily life. This toxicity is a major concern to many of my clergy friends who were already struggling with generationally low attendance and participation, now to have their gray haired dominated churches to become so inwardly focused and married to racial nationalism is only serving to drive people away. Which, oddly enough becomes a self perpetuating problem where the church members are watching their life and culture die off and they are so desperate and scared that they are becoming the very thing that is destroying what they say they love.
  7. I’ve said this for years, the white Christian privildge will not go quitely into the night, they are threatened, and this is about the same type of struggle that South Africa faced.
  8. Oh I totally agree, and it’s why impeaching Trump solves nothing, because Pence is the energy behind ALL of that movement. These religious fascists want nothing more than to codify into law their religious beliefs and bigotry. It’s amazing to me that people who will preach passages about being free in Christ are the first to demand that everyone must follow their religious faith commitments. They are the same ones who will scream about the Constitution and their freedom to practice their religion but what these evil Pharisees really mean is that they should be free to practice their religion and they should be able to force everyone else to adhere to their religious commitments while not the other way around.
  9. I order “no tomato” on all of my take out samdwiches, and I HATE pulling them off when they forget so I have actually been forced to start telling them that I have a tomato allergy because they screw up so often and I HATE that nasty pale mealy mush with acidic slime. So gross!!!! I love the look of heirlooms, I’m going to have to try them raw, but the thought of biting into acidic slime...gag
  10. Same, it’s the slime and the acid that kills me. And with the current forced rippened tomatoes it makes for mealy nasty “fruit”.
  11. That looks excellent @steve09ru! I’ve done pork shoulder carnitas in the IP as well. Did you cut the shoulder up before cooking or cook whole?
  12. Why is it that the ONLY people in the room that are calling Trump a moral person are the “Christian” leaders who should be the ones holding him accountable? Oh that’s right, it’s because in order to maintain their proximity to power and influence they need to sell the lie of Trump’s morality to their cultists.
  13. The irony of the fact that Congressman Andy Barr shared a stage the other night with massive troll, and then his spokesman coming out against Bevin’s video is anazing to me, but at least that farce is being rejected. If only they’d have enough integrity to reject the stage with Trump...but Bevin is already on his way out and too many idiots here still think Trump is doing a fine job. BTW, every President henceforth can please stay away from whatever town I live in, what a mess with traffic!!! Roads shut down 30 minutes before AND after his passing, then repeat on the way out. It was a mess all afternoon and evening, and I dind’t even get an opportunity to ??him off!
  14. Let me know your thoughts on the liquid smoke, for some reason I’m skeptical, but I see it used a lot...so maybe I’m wrong
  15. That would be a great test comparison! You said you had them in the bath for 24 hours? How did you finishe them?
  16. Thank you! I was afraid of using basil because I didn’t want it tasting Italian. Gonna have to see about the white pepper and why it’s different than black.
  17. Only thing missing was the crawdads!! This was my first gumbo attempt, I love hiw the okra cooks down and then thickens everything. Purists will probably holler that I used tomatoes rather than letting the roux provide the color, but I like a tomato background in there. I do need recommendations for a new canjun seasoning, the one I have is WAY salty and nit nearly as spicy as I want, so I used a LOT more cayanne. All in all it blended very well with thick spicy stew and delicious seasoned shrimp. I just threw them in raw with about 30 minutes left on the cook. It turned out just like I like it, spicy and chunky with loads of shrimp...4 pounds!!!
  18. Home-made from scratch with shrimp and garden fresh okra gumbo with roasted crushed tomatoes. I even made my own roux!! The roux worked perfectly! Cooked on medium heat for 20 minutes then I took it off the heat, and it continued to brown in the measuring cup until it was chocolate brown!!
  19. See, this is the bull**** I have to put up with. What a joke. Just a couple notes, Bevin’s house that he bought after securing the governorship apparised for neary twice the value of what he bought it for, and his buddy now has a first right of refusal for when Bevin wants to sell. Not to mention that the appraisal was hired privately by Bevin. Bevin also is using his power to undercut struggling schools in Louisville so he can open the door to his corpratist buddies and their charter school fantasies. Bevin also gave a $200,000 raise to one of his cronies while at the same time belittling teachers who retire with a pension that THEY paid into for 20 years!! This is the bull**** that defines the GOP these days. Corruption, arrogance, greed, and bull**** ball swinging swagger.
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