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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Make Eggs Benedict with local tomatoes, smoke pot, crank Melvins.
  2. Wiz +3.5/O231 Fowler +350 Bucks -5/U244
  3. It’s not unusual for me to make a good first impression. And thanks! I did my first real “movement” since Tuesday this morning and got in a 2 mile walk, so I’m feeling pretty stoked about that!
  4. They hand you a simple kit via the drive-thru window and talk you through it right there in the car. I could see this being difficult if you were trying to, say...test your 8 year old triplets, but for an adult it’s easy. The 6-10 day deal feels like a CYA. The young lady who assisted me slipped an “urgent” card in my bag because she had a surplus of them and told me to expect my results much sooner.
  5. 50mph winds and 6 inches of rain is gonna suck. Hard.
  6. I hit 99.5 for a couple hours last night and had some chills. Other than that, no fever.
  7. Ok, here’s the full story... Was very busy Tuesday and Wednesday. A lot of personal contact but I was diligent with my masking and such. On Wed evening, I began to have a little lower digestive “distress”. Nothing too unusual, but it was there. But, since I had gotten so much done and I had my Thursday cleared, I decided to have a couple drinks and play some guitar anyway. Woke up Thursday morning with a “hangover” that was way more than a hangover. Severe cramping and fatigue and just a mess on the toilet round the clock. Masked up anyway and did a quick jaunt to the grocery for saltines, cheez-it’s and kaopectate. Friday was a disaster. Now, I didn’t have any coughing or fever or nausea. But, if this was food poisoning it’s the worst I can ever remember having. I was a mess...no appetite, no energy and nothing but “butt-water”. Horrible. That’s when I scheduled the test. Tide started to turn around midnight last night and was able to get a good 6-7 hours of sleep and woke up feeling...not too bad. Just got back from the CVS drive-thru test. Quick and easy and you do the swab yourself so it’s somewhat unpleasant but not as bad as you might think. Results in 8-10 working days. I don’t think I’m positive...but I kinda hope I am. If I was able to shrug this off and get some antibodies with 3-4 days of severe digestive distress, then I’d consider that a win. Gonna lay real low and wait for results.
  8. I caught about 5 minutes of the Gym Jordan stuff. Wish I hadn’t. Thought Fauci handled it well, tho.
  9. Been dealing with a stomach bug for the last 24 hours. Drive up test scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30. Wish me luck!
  10. This dude has thrown 30 pitches of trash without a single one being put in play.
  11. Nope. Was pretty obvious what was gonna happen as soon as the “Antifa flyer” went out on social media.
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