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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Is the MLB doing no kind of “contact tracing” here? Players can just just go anywhere they want, anytime they want?
  2. Make Eggs Benedict with local tomatoes, smoke pot, crank Melvins.
  3. Wiz +3.5/O231 Fowler +350 Bucks -5/U244
  4. It’s not unusual for me to make a good first impression. And thanks! I did my first real “movement” since Tuesday this morning and got in a 2 mile walk, so I’m feeling pretty stoked about that!
  5. They hand you a simple kit via the drive-thru window and talk you through it right there in the car. I could see this being difficult if you were trying to, say...test your 8 year old triplets, but for an adult it’s easy. The 6-10 day deal feels like a CYA. The young lady who assisted me slipped an “urgent” card in my bag because she had a surplus of them and told me to expect my results much sooner.
  6. 50mph winds and 6 inches of rain is gonna suck. Hard.
  7. I hit 99.5 for a couple hours last night and had some chills. Other than that, no fever.
  8. Ok, here’s the full story... Was very busy Tuesday and Wednesday. A lot of personal contact but I was diligent with my masking and such. On Wed evening, I began to have a little lower digestive “distress”. Nothing too unusual, but it was there. But, since I had gotten so much done and I had my Thursday cleared, I decided to have a couple drinks and play some guitar anyway. Woke up Thursday morning with a “hangover” that was way more than a hangover. Severe cramping and fatigue and just a mess on the toilet round the clock. Masked up anyway and did a quick jaunt to the grocery for saltines, cheez-it’s and kaopectate. Friday was a disaster. Now, I didn’t have any coughing or fever or nausea. But, if this was food poisoning it’s the worst I can ever remember having. I was a mess...no appetite, no energy and nothing but “butt-water”. Horrible. That’s when I scheduled the test. Tide started to turn around midnight last night and was able to get a good 6-7 hours of sleep and woke up feeling...not too bad. Just got back from the CVS drive-thru test. Quick and easy and you do the swab yourself so it’s somewhat unpleasant but not as bad as you might think. Results in 8-10 working days. I don’t think I’m positive...but I kinda hope I am. If I was able to shrug this off and get some antibodies with 3-4 days of severe digestive distress, then I’d consider that a win. Gonna lay real low and wait for results.
  9. I caught about 5 minutes of the Gym Jordan stuff. Wish I hadn’t. Thought Fauci handled it well, tho.
  10. Been dealing with a stomach bug for the last 24 hours. Drive up test scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30. Wish me luck!
  11. This dude has thrown 30 pitches of trash without a single one being put in play.
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