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Inigo Montoya

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Everything posted by Inigo Montoya

  1. I'm personally all for getting a top back, grab ekeler and keep it to a 2-3 year deal. Draft one of the top backs. A strong running game has been elusive since the zone and RPO Alfred morris... but really since CP
  2. Seriously, I just want to be excited about the direction of this team I care way too much about. And I really tried to quit caring during the name change
  3. I’ve been thinking about this, Dan is a spiteful dickbag right? He knows we hate him, what if he leaves us the biggest **** you ever by selling to the worst possible potential owner? The question for me now is, do I bail if this frittata guy is the buyer? He sounds awful
  4. I was on the verge of leaving during all of this + the name change, I haven’t lived in the DMV since he bought the team. I couldn’t, literally couldn’t… but if this doesn’t happen… I would likely fly in for a “ding dong the witch is dead parade “
  5. I’m definitely in the camp that Dan is the worst professional sports team owner in the world. It can only be better than this, but what a stupid move. Can he just ****ing sell and leave us with this 20+ years of **** memories, enough damage has been done. Just go away
  6. The athletic is legit sports news, **** ****ing Dan is such a dick
  7. I’m wondering how close we are to an ownership announcement in conjunction with this. Seems like a strange hire with the turmoil here- if he’s taking this job to set himself up as a head coach, then the man has some serious balls. Would be amazing for our offense, so much untapped potential.
  8. Owner of World Wide Technology? (I worked there and live in STL) interesting, St Louis guy. He’s had Jason Wright on calls before. I’ve heard he wanted to get into this space, and wanted an all Black ownership group. With JayZ and others?
  9. Wasn't there a report that Brady and payton were coming here? I bet one of these groups poked around on that. Would be a splashy way to re boot
  10. And you have to draft that player, Brady and Stafford can get you an "all in" 1 year win. But sustained success is homegrown
  11. I sat in the 200s I think and had 0 leg room
  12. I did this exact drive this year, watched NewCastle soccer in santa monica and went to a seahawks, chargers game. I think the drive felt longer than 30 mins, but wasnt bad and no traffic as we pulled up to the stadium a few hours early. Not sure if the rams will bring more traffic than the chargers did.
  13. that Patterson score seems wonky... I thought he found a ton of extra yards yesterday and to my eye I didnt see missed cuts/reads. I have no idea why we would spend anything near $10mil for a backup. Cheap vet (not opposed to TH), draft a wild card, and Howell. Spend the money on LBers, O Line and get a new O Coordinator. I prefer a whole staff with new owners, but assuming that won't happen.
  14. I was at the game the week before, flew in and went with my old college buddy, tailgated with ES, burned a Romo jersey… or something similar. I almost turned around the next weekend and came back, instead hosted a huge party with a ton of friends. RG3 was a national sensation, my buddies were literally wearing his jersey to the party (all non skins fans) One of the most exciting and heartbreaking years of Fanhood
  15. The only light I was able to find after today as well. This is now the focus of all my Fanhood energy, all of it. I wouldn’t hate a lame duck year in 23 honestly. Tank and hit the draft hard with lots of cap space and hopefully the next best coach since Gibbs in 24. Plans for a new stadium to open in 25
  16. Planning on bringing a small grill, dogs , buns , snacks , soda and beer. If I have time I’ll grab a bottle to donate to the bar as well. What’s most popular/needed?
  17. It’s been years for me and I considered never going to FedEx again, but here I am! Still need to confirm plans, but I should have secured a RedZone lot parking pass and will be bringing 3 family members. I’ll monitor this thread during the week and plan to bring food/ non and alcoholic drinks.
  18. I’ve only ever been to 2 games at FedEx where the result was a trip to the playoffs… currently 6 hours into my 12 hour drive east. Not sure why I’m excited after the last 3 games but I am
  19. As a WR you are taught to check with the ref every time you get to the LOS. Absolutely no reason to throw that flag, such a BS call, I truly don’t think there’s a conspiracy anywhere on some grand scheme… but Tim Donaughy (sp) was technically a highly graded ref that was betting and cheating. Some of these guys have to be doing it, too much money out there. I can’t think of any reason other than that for that call. Probably could have called that for every play in the game. Just like when the line bends off the LOS as you get away from the center
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