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Inigo Montoya

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Everything posted by Inigo Montoya

  1. Its deja vu all over again, except last year we thought our D Line was this great strength before we got gashed by air and ground and this year we felt good about our O line and its decimated and an embarrassing punch line now.
  2. A buddy of mine was insulting me Sunday, he said you’re team isn’t even bad or laughably bad. They’re irrelevant, no one cares about them. he’s right. I can’t even find positives to lean on after this one. I’m looking forward to watching Brian Robinson run, that’s it. I mean how the **** can we not get the ball to these 3 WRs???? Turners offense is so boring, so ****ing bad. I watch Andy Reid’s chiefs or Kyle’s 9ers last night, it’s amazing how they use their talent
  3. Rigged, ****ing refs making sure we don’t win this. The worst ever
  4. The lack of holding coals on their o line has pissed me off for years - unbelievable the terrible timing of ours penalties
  5. I watch a lot of football, bet on games, play fantasy football and every week I watch every pain staking minute of every game. If I would have won anything, maybe I would have been in a better mood yesterday... I actually couldn't watch anything after our game. Turned it off and ran errands. I've been pissy since then. Good Lord I hate this team.
  6. Quick sand, everything went wrong… starting with the BS catch that wasn’t and bad challenge. D was holding up fine, difference is Jalen has the lead and ability to throw 50/50 balls to his guys+ time to throw it.
  7. I didn't explain this well, I get how moving money around works with these. My thought is, with contracts today (QBs APR for higher end talent is crazy) and without guarantees does Carson play on those two unguaranteed years? I don't see it. So extend him, add the guarantees and move money out to pay for our lack of Defensive talent. Our lack of pursuing high end Defensive help and getting creative with contracts this year was so frustrating. Lack of confidence in Carson reaching previous form is the only explanation.
  8. No, restructuring... my understanding is that the back is non guaranteed and bloated like all the contracts these days. total of 3 years including this year would be my goal.
  9. I hope so, we have... lets just say a not great history with this. I wonder if a mid season deal shows some level of commitment and plan. I'm cool with waiting, just don't want to watch football knowing we have no chance. In 2 games with Wentz our offense is so much more fun to watch and we're never out of a game... now if only we could figure out when to go for 1 or 2 ... hmmm 🤔
  10. Honestly, they should convert some $ and extend him 1-2 years. I thought so before the season started, just so we could be more aggressive filling LBer and Secondary holes. I still think that was the right move. I think they planned on this being an experiment and the 2023 Draft class is loaded. But my preference is give Howell a few years to learn and build a plan for when Wentz demands a crazy deal and we can't afford it. Anyone know what range per year he should be in for 2 or 3 years?
  11. I also seem to remember that Goff has had his way with this team over the years for some reason
  12. Wentz is the only reason we’re in these last two games… he ain’t the problem watched a lot of Russ Wilson and the broncos WAAAY overpaid for what they’re getting we need impact players on defense. A stud at Lber and in the secondary
  13. It’s time to fire JDR, doesn’t get his players in position to win… wasting all of our high picks on the D Line. At least I hope it’s a scheme issue or we have bigger problems
  14. Its a bad attempt at a joke amazing to see B Rob on the bike, like a miracle amazing
  15. Washington wins in a blowout, we start dreaming it’s 91 42-10
  16. I've been to arrowhead 3 times since living in St Louis for the past 18 years. When they were bad against the broncos, stadium and parking lot were empty (07-2012 range). On MNF when we lost on a last second drop in the end zone, think Alex was their QB, place was packed and loud as hell and then this preseason. That was insane for a preseason game. Full blown tailgating, louder and more full than most regular season games just about anywhere. I'll stick to its the Mahomes factor, but KC is def a football town.
  17. Who gives a Flying ****? Someone in the PR dept needs to send Ovi a Customized version of each jersey... its just good business for a high profile fan during a name change. On actual attendance, it was such a nice change of pace to HEAR the crowd through my TV sunday. I took my boys to Arrowhead for a preseason game this year and was so depressed about their turnout for a preseason game... it was amazing. Superstars do that, we need a superstar soon.
  18. The Jags beat Carson and the best RB in the league last year in a gotta have game by 15! The colts are considered to be a better team than we are and the Jags just added the #1 pick in every round this offseason + spent a bunch of money in FA, including taking one of our best lineman and hired a heck of a coach in Pederson. They also got their second #1 pick from last year back and he looked awesome. That wasn't just beating the worst team in the league, demons had to be fought off, the stadium was rocking as loud as I've heard through the TV in forever it feels like. Yesterday was good, just enjoy it. Victory mondays are rare in these parts.
  19. That is horse****, that’s a ****ing fumble Ok , good
  20. Fuller holding was legit, PI was Bs little karma on that stop. Need to realize they are taking advantage of ettiene on our LBers
  21. Absolutely, my comment wasn't meant to capture every aspect of how to be a leader. But "gelling" and personality matches is the easiest path to some quick commonality. Funny enough, I thought Wentz was plenty charismatic as a young NFL QB. He doesn't have the pure stats and is on his 3rd team in 3 years. Seems his replacement in Indy is the overbearing professional aura... which can backfire. Ala BB without Brady and a Matt Ryan if he doesn't play well. the QB position is so unique and has so many different approaches, its fascinating.
  22. All this Wentz talk in locker rooms hasn’t taken into consideration how unique each locker room is. Locker rooms take on personalities, sometimes it’s the coaches personality, other times not. You are talking about huge variations in backgrounds. People bring up being aloof and religious, but it’s more than that. - Wentz values family time and hunting and being with the boys in the woods, that kind of stuff - what if his locker room is a bunch of young guys, with new money, going out and partying on the weekend. How do you connect then? he’s got all the talent you could need, but his confidence is shot. Our offense doesn’t seem to be easy to pick up and I have huge questions on whether or not our O coordinator is any good. I think Wentz had as good a shot as any to have a great NFL career, being too careless with his body early + terrible set of circumstances played out and he’s on his last starter role here. I hope like hell it works out, imo it’s on Scott turner to make this work.
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