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Everything posted by pjfootballer

  1. Wow. I haven't been in this thread in months. **** the Cowpukes! See you in a few months.
  2. We've won 2 of 3 against Rutgers: L 38-41 W 46-41 W 31-13 I wouldn't say dominating, unless you talk about the 2014 game where we led by a mile and blew it. Overall series is 7-5 MD.
  3. ^^ Comic Strip Nancy. Were they afraid of copyright infringement if they mentioned her name?
  4. It truly boggles your mind that one city could have so much sports success in a 17 year period. I think it's unprecedented. I was looking back through the years and I couldn't find anything where the 4 major sports teams have won a title within a 10 year period . Of course, the Patriots are carry the flag for most of that time, but it truly is an amazing run. If I were a Boston fan, I'd enjoy it while I could, because as good as the teams have been, it might preclude a HUGE drop-off with the bottom falling out all at once.
  5. ^^ We've been asking that same question for 25 years. It's because we're the Browns of the NFC.
  6. You may be right. You may be wrong. No one knows. I would love for us to be a top 10 power. I'm not trying to poo-poo on it, but it is what it is. The problem is, we have too much competition with other sports on TV here that are more popular. Other countries have other sports, but we have a lot more- NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, College football/basketball/baseball, NASCAR/Indy, etc., in addition to international sports that Americans follow like Golf, Tennis, Formula 1, etc. Hell, I record Austrailian Rules Football on FS2 every weekend and watch their version of "footy." Soccer popularity (not played- watched on TV or in attendance) really goes through VERY high times and then goes back down to VERY low times. When the World Cup is on and the US is in it, everyone is glued. Other then that, I'm not sure many people know too much about the National Team and I don't hear anyone outside of this forum talking about qualifying and friendlies. I don't think MLS is getting high viewership numbers (I wouldn't have a clue, just a guess). Maybe this generation will take to soccer more as football and other "contact" sports wane. Twenty years is an ambitious goal, but I'm not sure it can be obtained. Again, I'd love it to, but I'm not sure that is enough time. I think pulling the ultimate upset and actually winning the WC would be the only thing to "really" springboard soccer popularity here.
  7. I've just resigned myself to the fact that the US will never be a soccer power. Occasionally, we'll field a top 20 team in the world and push towards a top 10, but we cannot compete with other countries who make soccer their #1 priority and have about 100 years head start with their leagues and talent. Think about it. The NASL was the first major soccer league in this country and it only lasted from 1968 to 1984, even with bringing top stars in. MLS has been the steadiest league since then and now, I think they are getting too big. Already up to, what, 24 teams and they want to get to 28? They should have stayed at 20 and built it up slower. I root for us every chance I get, but there are really no big expectations from me other then an occasional upset.
  8. Same here. Lived there from 98-05. Way too hot and muggy and got tired of the inevitable.
  9. I see what you are saying. But 20 years of "more" negative then positive from the team has just beaten us down. Think about just a few thing that have already happened negatively since the offseason began (fired McG, Hired another "glory days" guy, our QB is still hanging in the wind, the only true NT we had is out for the year, lost both starting WRs, still can't run the ball on short yardage, players quitting, etc.). Nothing since 1992 that this team has done in hindsight, makes any fan believe "this is the year they turn it around and make a run." We'll be mediocre to suck most likely. It's par for the course, so naturally there is nothing to be excited about.
  10. Those fans have given up already. Not a good sign. Dan T. does the look-a-like thread.
  11. ^^ Trump just signed an executive order to build a wall around Florida to keep Tropical Storm Jose out. Says Cuba will pay for it.
  12. Not in porn anymore. Boobs are fake. She's alright. Not beautiful, but not too bad.
  13. Great win. Had my doubts the first 2 series. Got nervous at 37-34. Only negative is we suffered a ton of injuries. I came in to this game thinking we'd lose, but I was ok with that as long as we played well and the final was something like 38-28. But hell, I'll take it. My friend at work is a huge Longhorns fan. Him and I are going to the game at FedEx next year. I have bragging rights for a year. Way to go Terps! You exceeded my expectations #FeartheTurtle Sad showing of Texas fans throwing crap on the field.
  14. No reason to go for 2. Your have momentum. You have them on their heels. I too hope it doesn't come back to haunt us or we chase that point.
  15. Yes. Tomorrow morning at 5:00 AM. Set your DVR.
  16. I disagree. He brings nothing to the table as a part-time player. If I were WWE, I'd want the belt out there every Monday, whether the champ is fighting or not. All he does is come out, bounce on his toes, clench his fists and put that stupid smirk on his face, while his fat, bald advocate spews the same lines over and over. He's BORING (at least to me).
  17. Going to be a tough year for my Spurs playing at Wembley this year with no real home. Gave the game away yesterday. Out played Chelsea and should have at least had the point.
  18. Ugh. Brock "The dullest man in WWE" Lesnar is staying. Makes me want to vomit on his cauliflower ear.
  19. It's not worth it. When you win, you get to go to a restaurant of the Mods choosing (most have picked Olive Garden and Golden Corral in seedy neighborhoods). And you have to provide your own way to get there and drinks aren't included.
  20. Sure, hockey is so easy. Such a soft sport. Why do they even bother padding themselves head to toe? (Sarcasm) Like I said, play it and get back to me. I'm done with this conversation because like I said, you guys won't change your mind about the "all mighty NBA" which I compare to the WWE as far as the fix being in. Peace
  21. Yeah, if you are in an ice skating competition. So, False. I'm almost 50 and I can still run and jump. I however cannot stop on a dime in skates from a full sprint with 240lb Alex Ovechkin about to truck me. The hitting is just as hard as football. Every see someone rocked up against the boards in the corner? They are probably skating faster then someone running towards a ball carrier. But hey, you guys are basketball guys and I get that. So at this point, if you've never played hockey, you won't know and I'll never convince you.
  22. True, per player/individual, but hockey is a lot more demanding on the body then basketball. Not saying basketball isn't physical, but hockey is like football on skates, with no stop in play. But the top guys play 25+ minutes on the ice. Like I said, I'm glad they did away with the 4 in 5. Back to back spread out is not that bad. Cal Ripken is laughing at every NBA player who needs a rest. Playing hockey requires short bursts of energy. The pressure they exert on their lower bodies is akin to running and jumping. I agree, not sure why rest is so important now. My guess is that benches have shortened over the years and teams play their superstars more during a game then they probably should. The creation of the super-teams requires a less expensive and shorter bench to pay all those stars. Maybe instead of going "balls to the wall" to achieve 70 wins, sacrifice some minutes during games knowing you might lose a few more and end up with 60 wins instead.
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